Official RC Snobby Beer Purchases Thread

Doomcifer said:

This beer kicks ALL sorts of ass! :rock:
I haven't been drinking much beer lately (I know, shocking), but I did go to my first wine tasting event a few weeks ago. I'm just about ready to head down that snobby road, had some pretty tasty stuff that I quite enjoyed. The complexity of the multiple flavoUrs was quite enjoyable and I'm finally able to not just be a "red or white" type of dude. Plus, I mean, shit gets you drunk.

Oh and the last beer I purchased was some Red Seal Ale and Dead Guy Ale, tis the season for two of my favorite summer brews.
NADatar said:
Plus, I mean, shit gets you drunk.
haha i love how everyone tiptoes around activities they think everyone else might find objectionable. "i really like the color pink FUCK YOU I'M NOT A PANSY I BEAT UP 7 ANGRY PIRATES LAST NIGHT I AM MANLY"..."i went out for drinks with a gay coworker I'M NOT GAY WE JUST WENT TO A BAR WE GOT DRUNK I'M NOT GAY" :lol:

i don't care, go to a wine yuppie fuck :goggly:
hahaha, yeah. Wine is awesome. So is beer. As well as whisky. I do hate pink and blue stupid shit though, not because I feel the need to prove my manhood, but rather the fact that alcohol was meant to bring pain to the chest, face, and crotch regions, not be some god forsaken Koolaid For Grownups load of crap.

Oh yeah and pink = color of the pussy, therefore infinitely NOT gay.

Got a bottle of this from my bro who gets married today, I'm a groomsdude or something. Gonna put some in my new flask and get drunk in front of unfamiliar people. Perfect timing because I just enjoyed the first bourbon on the rocks of the season last night, Woodford Reserve and god damn. [/not beer]