Forest: Sold Out
Doomcifer said:Two of my favorite styles buttsecksing it out, with the ever fabulous Belgian yeast strain. *drool*
Be careful! I've heard of people getting yeast infections from that "ever fabulous" strain.
Doomcifer said:Two of my favorite styles buttsecksing it out, with the ever fabulous Belgian yeast strain. *drool*
spaffe said:By no means the most snobby beer, but this one is one of the best I've ever tasted
Pretty unoffensive, but not that special at the same time. Poured an amber color with a thin white head that dissipated quickly and laced only ok. The aroma was hard to pick up, somewhat off and metallic. The flavor was based on light pale and caramel malts with honey, oranges, and light floral (heather if they say so) aspects. Somewhat dry in the aftertaste and touched with some metallic tones. Again, like their other ales, neat to try, but nothing to drink regularly
cthulufhtagn said:it is something like 5 or 6% though so at least it's twice as strong as american piss beer, and half the price
MFJ said:there's some great local shit here called Long Trail.
Reign in Acai said:There is this beer in Los Angeles by Craftsman Brewery called Poppyfield's. I believe it's a hefeweizen of 9%, and damn tasty/
MFJ said:man when you're surrounded by keystone light and milwaukee's best and you live in the middle of fucking nowhere, it's pretty great.
'nuff said about that
Doomcifer said:Its an ENglish Pale Ale and I doubt it's 9% ABV.