Official RC Snobby Beer Purchases Thread


Reign in Acai said:
Speedway stout was on the shelves of whole foods market. I passed up on it due to it being 10 bucks. Though I did keep it in mind Sensai.

aventinus is one of the best beers ive ever had as well.

get the sppedway stout when it gets colder in the winter. If it does get cold in Cali. they have any other ale smith>
Doomcifer said:
Its okay I guess...too winey.

Agreed, I rather go with a less potent brew that packs a more palette pleasing taste. Take this Hoegaarden that sits to my right for example. I just consumed this citrusy cascade of witbier-biere blanche delight after a nice wholesome meal of teriyaki drenched negar colored fowl. Twas quite the experience.

Drinking just 1 beer= Ultimate Snobbery.

Flying Dog Gonzo Imperial Porter....Every other Flying Dog brew I have tried has been meh, merely introductory brew to real craft beer imho but this shit fucking OWNS. Very bitter chocolately, and coffeeish undertones. Black as midnight. Cant complain about it being named after the good man Hunter S. Thompson either.


My favorite Russian Imperial Stout. Magnificent.

Looking forawrd to another great beer tasting party manana. :kickass: Gonna bring a bomber of Yulesmith (summer release) with me for a couple guys who have yet to try it and they are bringing other sorts.
Reign in Acai said:
Attending a big beer tasting party next friday. Theme= Holiday brews.

As in what, Oktoberfest brews or Winter Ales?

The tatsing Im attending tomorrow is gonna have 25-30 different Oktoberfests. Im not a big fan of the style, but a bunch of good blokes are gonna be there and we are all gonna bring something special anyway. So :kickass:

If it's Winer Ales, it should be a good time as the alcohol is higher for the warming affect and a touch of spiciness. But those fuckers arent released yet...its only October.
all new at the MONOPOLY so i had to try them, they're looking pretty sweet especially bedarö (swedish quality beer rules)

the one to the right isn't snobby at all in fact its pretty ghetto but its a new amber lager so i wanted to try it because i tend to enjoy that sort of beer!
MFJ said:
"the end of the world" (8% from quebec)
aka La Fin Du Monde which is quite good, but try their Maudite. Shit is GAYMAZING.
Doomcifer said:

Flying Dog Gonzo Imperial Porter....Every other Flying Dog brew I have tried has been meh, merely introductory brew to real craft beer imho but this shit fucking OWNS. Very bitter chocolately, and coffeeish undertones. Black as midnight. Cant complain about it being named after the good man Hunter S. Thompson either.
Well, I'm a big fan of Flying Dog as a whole but I do agree the Gonzo porter is their best. Shit gets you twisted after about 3/4 of the bottle, added bonus. On the topic of insanely strong beers, have you tried this one:


Their regular Big Daddy IPA is one of my favorites, just a great relaxing, crisp, and honestly refreshing hot weather brew. This one however, knocks me on my ass quicker than a roundhouse to ye olde balls, just with better flavor.

Rasputin is of course magnificent. :kickass:


This is AWESOME, from the dudes that make Fat Tire. Imagine a Sam Adams White Ale, but instead of being mediocre at best, it is pretty unruly. Shit goes down like dessert, you just want to drink more of it every sip. Oddly enough after one I'm done, but it goes awfully fast.

Currently buzzed on whisky. Whee!