MFJ said:
"the end of the world" (8% from quebec)
aka La Fin Du Monde which is quite good, but try their Maudite. Shit is GAYMAZING.
Doomcifer said:
Flying Dog Gonzo Imperial Porter....Every other Flying Dog brew I have tried has been meh, merely introductory brew to real craft beer imho but this shit fucking OWNS. Very bitter chocolately, and coffeeish undertones. Black as midnight. Cant complain about it being named after the good man Hunter S. Thompson either.
Well, I'm a big fan of Flying Dog as a whole but I do agree the Gonzo porter is their best. Shit gets you twisted after about 3/4 of the bottle, added bonus. On the topic of insanely strong beers, have you tried this one:
Their regular Big Daddy IPA is one of my favorites, just a great relaxing, crisp, and honestly refreshing hot weather brew. This one however, knocks me on my ass quicker than a roundhouse to ye olde balls, just with better flavor.
Rasputin is of course magnificent.
This is AWESOME, from the dudes that make Fat Tire. Imagine a Sam Adams White Ale, but instead of being mediocre at best, it is pretty unruly. Shit goes down like dessert, you just want to drink more of it every sip. Oddly enough after one I'm done, but it goes awfully fast.
Currently buzzed on whisky. Whee!