Official RC Snobby Beer Purchases Thread

So I bought a Stone 10th Anniversary IPA many moon ago, and I'm just now getting to it.

KAPOW is all I can say. This shit is knocking me on my ass, and I'm only about 1/3 of the way through. Back to watching Poltergeist while touching my khrum to that wee dead girl.
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Stone is one of the best brewers in the land, and by land I mean universe. At least in my beerxperience, which is quite vast.

I finished it btw. I drank a Mendocino White Hawk IPA earlier and I can honestly say I'm pretty god damn hosed right now. That's what happens when you only drink twice a month BBBBBBBBZZZZZSSSSSSTTTTTT

Stone is one of the best brewers in the land, and by land I mean universe. At least in my beerxperience, which is quite vast.

I finished it btw. I drank a Mendocino White Hawk IPA earlier and I can honestly say I'm pretty god damn hosed right now. That's what happens when you only drink twice a month BBBBBBBBZZZZZSSSSSSTTTTTT

Stone is one of the most overrated breweries in the world as well. LOL

Anyways, Im gonna go on a beeya shopping spree again tonight. Some for the gut, some for the cellar.
I had a Bell's Batch 7,000 Double Stout the other night and it was PHENOMENAL. I fucking WISH I could buy Bell's round these parts. The day will come. You should send me some Expedition Stout if you really love me.

quality, quality, quality

also enjoyed my first delicious arrogant bastard on xmas eve
My friend homebrewed some very awesome Butterscotch ale and a tasty winter lager w/ orange, cinnamon, clove, and ginger. Much was consumed last night.