Official RC Snobby Beer Purchases Thread

For the record, currently drinking Magic Hat #9.

Really all that good?
Aquired a taste for pretty average/expensive beer because you go to a hippie school and you drink growlers of it all day?


Don't know if either are good, but I said what the hell.

these look fucking tasty.
SUMMONING - Dol Guldur
SUMMONING - Let Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame
SATYRICON - Nemesis Divina
DIMMU BORGIR - Enthrone Darkness Triumphant
DYING FETUS - War Of Attrition

im a moron!
Well, I finally have something to contribute to this thread.

Today I tried a Fuller's 2006 bottle-conditioned vintage ale, and it was pretty goddamn good! :kickass:
Demilich ----->

Just wondering, because Ill be heading to the liquor store maybe tomorrow, but def by Thursday...

I know Ive asked this before but what is your favorite beers so far? Favorite style? I remember it being porters or stouts? Correct? Ever try any IPA's? Double IPA's? Barley Wines? Belgians? Dopplebocks? Talk to me.
Lately I've partaken of these brands in various quantities:

Miller Lite
Newcastle Brown Ale
Sam Adams Black Lager
Sam Adams Light
Samuel Smith Oatmeal Stout
Sammy Smith's Oatmeal Stout is TITS

tonight's lineup:

gin and tonic (3), 3/4 extra dry gin martini (1), thomas hooker IPA (1), bourbon on the rocks (1)

enough for tonight (been practicing my bartending skills.... the martini was excellent if i do say so myself)