Official RC Snobby Beer Purchases Thread

I think I'm going to buy that this weekend (if the store still has it). Probably another Peche Mortel as well.

Big Eye IPA is pretty tasty.
Tonight's beers include the standard rochefort 8's, and this (featuring swizzle circa 2018) :


Quite a beast. Great local double IPA (which is something the utah breweries have never been able to hit too well before). Hops out the ass.
So I'm puttin' down a bomber of Dragon's Milk this eve, and decide to edumacte myself a bit more about this tasty brew I'm pouring down my gullet. A quick search brings me to Beer Advocate, where I see that the latest review of Dragon's Milk has been posted today, 12/26, by one "swizzlenuts". Hey, I know that dood!


Sorry for the lame post, but, the Internet!!

bought the below at Trader Joe's tonight ... $3.99 a sixer ... anyone try them shitz yet? big stack display, thought it was Cream Soda at first.

It's pretty okay. I've been meaning to try their strong dark ale, but I have yet to pick it up.

I wish going into Trader Joes didn't piss me off so much.
Not really a purchase, but one of the sales people at worked signed me up for a beer of the month club as a gift. 3 bottles of 4 different beers each month. I'm currently drinking Cellis Grand Cru, an authentic Belgian-style ale brewed with herbs and spices. It's like liquid bread.

Edit: followed by a Moerlein Emancipator doppel bock and just opened a Heavy Seas pale ale. These two are better than the bread.

Edit II: The Electric Boog-A-Loo: no idea if these come anywhere being snobby, I just couldn't think of a better thread to post them in. First time in years I got a buzz from 3 beers. Not bad.
This Saturday da clique is heading down south for a brewery tour of the ages. We'll be hitting up Stone, Port, Green Flash, Lost Abbey, and Alesmith.

Specific brew recommendations of the aforementioned appreciated. Growlers of Speedway Stout FTW!!! :kickass: