Official Set List 6-30-03

dude read....i said it b4, he threw it i pointed it out the security gave it to me...simple....i got like shit load of picks i got from fav one by far is Karl Sanders' (NILE) he uses this super thick jazz pick...its awesome...but i use the same picks as guys from slipknot do, Tortex SHARP....if you play any kind of metal that is the way to go....
Oh sorry, must've missed it. Heh...I'm kinda tired...

I have a whole bunch of Tortex picks. I prefer using my 2mm pick though.
dude its alright...its like 2 am here...2mm dont you think that a little too thick, the exact pick that Karl uses is....a Dunlop STUBBY 3mm<---- shit thats one thick pick .....
I prefer the thicker ones for some reason. I find picks like the 0.46mm too weak, like they slap around no matter how firm you grip it. I have that same pick as Bjorn but don't really use it that often.
as you can see that is the pick i use...its fuking awesome for downpicking and soloing....(its .88mm)

Ah, nice collection of picks. I don't have any sharps. But hey, I'll be going pick shopping soon so I'll get one. :grin:

I find the stubby is the easiest to grip.
oh hell yea...but its too small for me, i havent seen any sharps for sale at guitar stores like Sam Ash and shit....the one i play with is the one corey played with at one of stone sour shows...
Yeah, funny you mention that, because I haven't seen any sharps whenever I would go to the music shop anyway, so it's not like I really have a choice. You're lucky you get to go to these concerts anyway. Edmonton doesn't get anything.

i dunno my friend lives in Vancouver and she goes to quite a few shows like Strapping Young Lad and i dunno SYL is the shit though...
Yeah, Vancouver gets alot of good stuff. I was gonna go see In Flames in Vancouver on July 21st but I can't now. They're not even bothering to come to Alberta.

SYL is indeed awesome. How many concerts have you been to on average?
well if you mean GOOD concerts then probly like somewhere around 50-70, if you mean concerts overall maybe over 150, ive been going to shows for like 3 years now... damn man, this reminds me i started out by going to like disturbed my taste has involve into something beyond the comprehention of the standards set by todays society...hostile is a good word to describe it...
lol LUCK - thats a word i havent heard in a sentence that is reffered to me...btw dude you broke 13 hundred
Yeah, I know. And just for you to know, I'm a chic. :grin:

Of course it's luck. What else can it possibly be...
youre a chick, never guess if you offence, but anyway im gonna go sleep if you wanna talk more later...g'night
metal17 said:
I'm an indian and was wearing a nevermore - dreaming Neon black jersey

I saw you. During most of the show you were near the first set of doors. I was over there most of the time too, but I was on the opposite side of them. I only really noticed you cuz I have the same shirt and it's really rare to see someone with it.
pay close attantion to the forums...ill be posting pics soon from the NY show 6-30