You were seated where?Still think their set was kinda boring though. No one should throw stuff at In Flames. Theyr legends. I was dissapointed with the audience at the NEC when they played Only for the Weak. No one seemed 2 b jumpin in my area. lol apart from me. Was it the same everywhere else?
I was in block 4 and only 7 of us on the entire seating area on the left of the stage were headbanging etc. I saw people adjacent to me who joined in with us and I repeatedly gave them the metal fingers.Still think their set was kinda boring though. No one should throw stuff at In Flames. Theyr legends. I was dissapointed with the audience at the NEC when they played Only for the Weak. No one seemed 2 b jumpin in my area. lol apart from me. Was it the same everywhere else?
Toilet roll at lamb of god! Their frontman sure showed them who's boss.... And there were glass bottles and extremist groupies on slayers performance.i think that's allways different....even a Band like In Flames or Bodom have a bad day.....thats life.....
I liked angel of death. However the other parts slayer were a bit boring. I left at the end though cos i wanted to see them play Angel of Death. They played that really well
Last night i went to the Unholy (Paris) and it was awesome! great show, great sound!
Alexi only fucked up In your face's solo (as usual) but the general performance of the band was awesome!
In Flames also kicked my ass! And for the Fourth time in three years i saw Slayer, still great
I Took photos with Jaska, Henkka and Janne. Laiho was surrounded by hundreds of 12 years-old bitches who kept screaming and Roope had about 3 grammes of alcohol in his blood so i couldn't ..![]()
Was Paris sold out ?? Would surprise me because Bercy is a fuckin huge venue. About 15000 or something. How much people where there ?? I hope it wasn't half empty
Roope is the man
I was near the front, right under the speakers to the left of the stage. Quite near to the bit where there werent many people headbangin n all when CoB were on.I was in block 4 and only 7 of us on the entire seating area on the left of the stage were headbanging etc. I saw people adjacent to me who joined in with us and I repeatedly gave them the metal fingers.