Oh God! Did anyone see the new guitar world?

Apr 2, 2003
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Best metal guitarists... here are some highlights:

91 - Michael Romeo!
96 - Alexi "Wildchild" Laiho

Man, there's an insane amount of unpopular guitarists in there. Becker was way up front, Kai Hansen's there, 84 is Timo Tolkki!

I'm starting to like this magazine. A bit. Good thing my friend brought it up.
Yeah... you should see the top guys... some of them aren't even metal. But still, Romeo and Alexi in a guitar mag? Bodom's had a few short segments, but man, some good players are getting a bit of recognition. It's weird.
I'm not any major time vet of prog metal, but from what I know, top 1 and 2 should have been Romeo and Petrucci in no particular order (I'll let you guys debate who's better... way too much tension over that subject).

Hehe, what was hilarious was Rolling Stone's top 100 guitar players of the millenium. They had like Cobain at 12 or something, Jack White from the White Stripes at like 17 or so, and of course Hendrix at 1 (ass kissers... give your brown nose some sunshine and look around at NEW good acts for once). The funny part was that like, Pink Floyd guitarist, Eddie Van Halen, Iron Maiden guitarist, all WAY up there. More of a popularity contest IMO.

But yeah, that's nice. Guitar world is mentioning lesser known names =) You just can't expect them to GIVE away number 1, now do you? Popularity is still a major factor. A lot of it is about money. What guitarist who listens to american rock is going to pay any consideration to the top 20 spots if it's filled with people they've never heard of?

Gilmour's amazing... Floyd in general is amazing. They're ahead of OUR time. And Eddie deserves his spot - him, Hendrix, and Yngwie were the 3 guys to turn the world of guitar upside down.

Still, the lists are mostly a joke. Vai should've been way up there for sheer versatility and expression, along with monster chops and endless creativity. Meh. We got a lot of good players on this one, I couldn't have been more surprised.
Its about time Laiho and Romeo start getting the attention they deserve. You can bet that a few people will be like... Michael Romeo, google search it, discover SX, and we'll have a few more in the forum... Same with Laiho, just replace the name, and SX to Bodom.
Prismatic Sphere said:
Any Top 100 list of guitar players that doesn't have Randy Rhoads or Alex Lifeson should be discredited and discontinued instantly. Let alone not having Romeo.

Totally agree with you man!! What kind of people had answered to this poll? Grunge and punk rock fans i fear......

Actually, for metal players, Romeo is the best for me, without any doubt.
This guy is a genius. Keep rocking... :cool:
who was the top 10? If Vai wasnt in at least the top 3 to 5 people there has to be some complete fucking retards out there making this Mag. im sick of all those lists with Clapton, hendrix and Page usually at the top..Hendrix I can kinda see, but come on.the 70's is over, wake up people...this is why I dont usually buy those mags cause theve all been bought out by giant corperations that make shit pop bands Blink 182 :puke: and The Darkness :puke: so popular, so of course the Mag has to write about these bands,and not real guitar players who can actually play more than 3 power chords.
If only Young Guitar was still around and was able to get in the US..that was the last good guitar mag...
I don't get the reason for these lists anyways. Seriously, someone tell me WHY. A list of the top 100 guitarists has no relevence to life. And if people buy a mag because it has this list in it, then what the hell is wrong with humanity? Now, it is KICK ASS that Romeo and Laiho made it to the list, but there should be no list to begin with. Everyone has their own idea of the best guitarists, and it should just be left at that.
Yngvai X said:
Um, as far as Im aware Young Guitar still exists...

And I like The Darkness, so nyah :p

as far as I know its only available in Japan if anywhere..I could get back issues off Ebay...I dunno man, I saw that video by them and I almost :puke:. The singer is about as annoying as they come. Are they trying to be "Retro" or something? Retro to me is usually a sign of no creativity or origonality.

just checked for availability on Young Guitar, Amazon.com sells subscriptions for $170/year so fuck that..$15 a issue is a bit much..there prolly imported from Japan..
RobbM said:
I dunno man, I saw that video by them and I almost :puke:. The singer is about as annoying as they come. Are they trying to be "Retro" or something? Retro to me is usually a sign of no creativity or origonality.

I just think they're hysterical. I love how "Spinal Tap" they are.
Hmm - why isn't our own Matt Moliti on this list? and someone have a link to it? I'd like to see this list.

Honestly, how does Jimmy Page get into anytop guitarist polls? He's so sloppy. I bought How the West Was Won, and couldnt get past the first disc, it was so bad.

Hendrix is a 10-20 , not 3-5, same with Clapton, and Kurt Cobain and that dude from White Stripes should not only be LESS than Eddie Van Halen and Steve Vai, but completely discluded from any greats list. Anyone who nominates them, shall be rounded up and kicked repeatedly..
The bad part about these lists - most are made up of popular votes from teenagers who listen to what is "popular" in their schools. They swarm the polls with their votes, and we are left with the magazines responding to the "popular" vote by changing their magazine formats to fit what is considered popular. The '80's were absolutely great because guitars ruled - GFTPM and Guitar World were able to peek inside the woodshed consistently because that's what the popular vote (read: teenagers) wanted back then. Now we are left with what the teenagers of today want - crap with tuned-down guitars and angry vocals. If we want to see more Romeo, Petrucci, etc. in these magazines, we have no other recourse but to flood the magazines with our votes. Or kill off the teenagers, but that would be rather extreme.

My Top 5 list (like anybody cares): Malmsteen (I've been a devoted fan since his GP cover in 1986), Petrucci (Kevin Moore-era Dream Theater cannot be touched by anybody), Romeo (finally got to see him live in December - I do hope they return to Albuquerque to play for all five of us that were at the show), Vai, and Rhoads (for their respective innovations).
I was at a store looking at a magazine rack the other day. I saw a Guitar One Magazine (I think it was that one....whatever) and on the cover it said something about guitarists who use "such and such" guitars. I think it was a Gibson guitar or something, I don't know I am not a guitar guru/techie. Anyway one of the guitarists was Yngwie Malmsteen (so whatever he uses was the guitar brand). They had a ton of guitar players so most of them were short comments about each guitarista, but in Yngwie's it talked about how he like the fret for its versatility and so on, and went on to talk about a Yngwie signature version of the guitar that was released in the 80's. Anyway just thought some of you would like to know this. BTW the only reason I looked inside the mag was because after the cover title it name a few guitarist to I guess give people an example of what guitarist would be talked about, one was Ynwie.
Any Top 100 list of guitar players that doesn't have Randy Rhoads or Alex Lifeson should be discredited and discontinued instantly. Let alone not having Romeo.
They were on there. Rhoads was like 7. I don't think Page and Hendrix should be on there for one reason - they're rock guitarists, not metal. They influenced metal guys (Page is like Vai's main influence) but they didn't play metal. Page is the man in his own right - his riff writing was unstoppable, he was a great producer, and a great leader for the band. Not to mention he's the reason I picked up the guitar, so I'll defend him to my grave.

Vai was on there, but like in the 50s. I almost cried.

I might also add that Tony Iommi won. Sure, he was the FIRST great metal guitarist (arguably), but that doesn't make him the best. Same with Hendrix. He was the first absolute God of rock guitar that made people freak out with his theatrics and skill (or at least they thought it was skill). He's won every damn poll since. Just because he's the first guitar hero doesn't make him the best! That's what bothers me about the lists.