Oh Happy (Plugin) Days


HCAF crusher
Jul 2, 2006
Just ordered the Waves API Bundle...

so my goto-plugins will be MH channelstrip, Aptrigga, Waves API, VTAPE, and The Cubase 4's EQ (great thing)

can't wait to compare the API to the MH.

yipieeiyeah Schweinebacke!
I've never tried MH but I can say that the API bundle is really good with preserving transients. They will remain my goto drum eq's/comp for ITB mixes for the next while I'm sure. This is a great purchase regardless of WUP and all that jazz. :headbang:
i was playing on cubase 4 a while back and the EQ has improoved. i cant remember, but i think it still is a 4band. although the way you can shape it is a lot better! its one think i'v always love about Logics EQ
and the best hting about logics EQ is the analyzer!


i'm looking for a realy good EQ analyzer but cant find one.. any one know of one?
ha, just did a mix with nothing but the API plugs (exept the snare-verb (wich is cubase's) and the vox-delay (VTAPE-Delay)

I'd post it, but unfortunately it was on of my very first recordings, so I didn't have guitar-DI and the recorded guitar was far from being great, plus I tracked the drums through DM2000 and I hate those preamps ;)

that's why this is OT and not rate my mix ;)

just wanted to share my feelings about those plugins::headbang::worship:
Sonalksis EQ has an analyzer built-in...really nice EQ actually. For a while I was using the Sonalksis Gate/EQ/Comp in place of Waves SSL ChannelStrip but the Sonalksis Gate/EQ/Comp just didn't sound the same with hi-end boosts or transient response to me (neither did the API EQ/Comp) so I didn't like them as much.