OH my god, I am in aural ecstasy...


Feb 20, 2005
My parents just brought out my birthday/christmas present (sucks having them so close :mad: ), a pair of Tannoy Reveal 5A's! I asked for them telling my folks that I'd go halfsies, but they said they were gonna cover it all for me, so that makes it all the sweeter - but I would have GLADLY paid every cent I have to my name for these, good god. Listening to Watershed right now, the stereo imaging is just beyond belief (I've never heard such an incredible phantom center), and the detail and especially the MIDS on are just to die for (and I'm sure everyone here knows how much I loves mah midz ;)) - honestly, I really can't recommend this pair enough to anyone looking for monitors; they don't have as much bass as my housemate's BX8a Deluxes, but the mids on these are so much clearer, and these are a bit less fatiguing in the highs, GOD DAMN do they sound good! (and I wouldn't want a bassier pair anyway, cuz I find it makes things sound too awesome when trying to mix, and anyway the wall my desk is against is shared with the head of my neighbor's bed :erk: )

Here's a pic of them set-up:


Since I'm home from school, I couldn't bring back my desk, but at least I had these monitor stands lying around! (they don't fit with my main desk, and it has an upper shelf anyway, so they work for this improvised setup! My Mom insisted on the tablecloth, the table under it is this hideous metal thing from the 50s :lol: ).
And I soldered my own cables for 'em, btw, which was my first experience soldering TRS connectors, WHICH WAS HELL - talk about painstaking, at least on an XLR plug they're all separate, rather than stacked on top of each other :erk:
When I'm soldering something like that I usually pass each wire through the small hole on the lug and then tie it around itself, and then slightly tug the whole cable so that they stay mostly still. Might help next time...

Well the thing with the Neutrik connectors I got is that only the Ring terminal (the top one) had a lug, the tip was just a semi-circular "basin" and the sleeve a really big semi-circular basin - I got it done though, and am reaping the results of my handiwork as I type! Listening to the delicious mids of the Orange amps on Swallow the Sun's "Hope," oh yes...
Congratz man, it is interesting how mixes come out when getting new gear, especially monitors/headphones. Also, going back and listening to early work you have done is always entertaining...
Thanks dude! Honestly, though, since I don't get to mix full-band stuff that often and I'm always learning, after a few months I always wanna go back and remix stuff :lol: Also, I knew my old $100 multimedia speakers SO well that there really weren't ever any surprises, but I'll certainly never go back after these! God, listening to Scar Symmetry, I'm seriously living inside Per Nilsson's solos...

Nice monitors dude.

Also, for soldering the Neutrik type connectors, buy one of those "helping-hand" devices or make one. It's basically a base with a few gator clips that you can pivot and move around as you want. It helps a lot for jobs like this.

Glad to hear they're working out for you. Nothing quite like a purchase that was worth every dime :)

On my end here I heard a pair of Event Opals today. Was quite astounded how they sounded for 2-way boxes. There was this clarity, but almost hi-fiesque non-fatiguing nature to them. Would love to get them in against some O300s.

Nice monitors dude.

Also, for soldering the Neutrik type connectors, buy one of those "helping-hand" devices or make one. It's basically a base with a few gator clips that you can pivot and move around as you want. It helps a lot for jobs like this.


Thanks man! And I actually had the plug plugged into my Onyx Satellite module so holding it still wasn't the issue - just that all the connections are so fucking close to one another, oy...

And Ermin, you're probably the most critical guy of monitors I've ever encountered (I mean that as a compliment ;)), have you had a chance to listen to these? Cuz I find them entirely UNfatiguing compared to others I've listened to; I kept turning them louder and louder as the music enveloped me, and my ears did that "WHOOMP" sensation when I suddenly stopped the music, implying they were louder than I realized!
Damn Marcus
You lucky bastard.

How are the acoustics in that room by the way?
There are right in the price range I'm looking at, and I'd rather buy something a fellow sneap forumite thinks is good.
The acoustics in my room are less than amazing, lets put it that way. :mad:
Well that's my room at my parents' house (which is also my living room of sorts, I have my TV in there), so there's no room to put up any treatment, but at my apartment up at school I've got my desk in a great spot and will be investing in OC703 and frames to make some DIY basstraps when I go back mid-January (right now I just have a pair of these up in the tri-corner spots that already made a noticeable difference with my old multimedia speakers). But yeah, I would TOTALLY recommend these, especially if your room acoustics aren't too great (cuz any other option in that price range is gonna be bassier, which in an untreated room is a poor idea, and either way, as I mentioned with these it's quality over quantity of frequencies, so to speak :))
Thanks man! And psshh, MoPads - I got these babies! :heh: I left 'em at school, though, cuz I was already bringing home SO MUCH CRAP I really didn't wanna add to it! :ill: (and the stands have those neoprene strips on the top, so I figured that'd do)
Haha, well I figured I so rarely use my laptop outside my room it'd be better to place 'em so they'd be legible with it closed :D
Damn, I don't doubt it, that place looks great! I would want a LOT more distance between the backs of the monitors and the wall though, even if that absorptive stuff is there...

When you say "one of our basic studios," do you mean at school dude?
Awesome dude, congrats.. I'm thinking of investing in a pair sometime next year, but might get a decent interface soundcard first for the new macbook. My teacher keeps telling me to get an mbox mini, but apparently the interface isn't that great on it because they throw in the pro tools version with it.
M audio fast track ultra paired up with Tannoy?