oh. my. god. look at these shows.

I can imagine those gigs being pretty fucking epic! The big 3 together! wish I could afford the London gig.
I'm not going to the fucking gig. I don't even like Paradise Lost, lol.

Other two bands own though.
This thread makes me feel old. I see "big three" and I go "METALLICA, ANTHRAX, AND MEGADETH?!?!?! OMG!"
I might try n get some friends to go but they aren't really into doom metal.

Well in truth, MDB are the only doom metal band on that bill. Paradise Lost, even with their "return" to a somewhat heavier sound, don't really sound like doom metal these days. And Anathema aren't doom metal at all anymore. Hell, they're not really "metal" anymore. Which isn't a putdown at all, I think their newer stuff is far better than the early stuff, frankly.
Well in truth, MDB are the only doom metal band on that bill. Paradise Lost, even with their "return" to a somewhat heavier sound, don't really sound like doom metal these days. And Anathema aren't doom metal at all anymore. Hell, they're not really "metal" anymore. Which isn't a putdown at all, I think their newer stuff is far better than the early stuff, frankly.

You've got a point there.

Yeh Anathemas new stuff is superb, I'm looking forward their new cd, especially their acoustic one.
Well in truth, MDB are the only doom metal band on that bill. Paradise Lost, even with their "return" to a somewhat heavier sound, don't really sound like doom metal these days. And Anathema aren't doom metal at all anymore. Hell, they're not really "metal" anymore. Which isn't a putdown at all, I think their newer stuff is far better than the early stuff, frankly.

^ exactly. the fact that MDB and Anathema are playing together gets me all kindsa worked up in ways you don't want to imagine! sadly, I don't have a passport, nor the funds to go to these gigs. one day, dammit!
I actually didn't even hear Anathema's doom stuff until years after getting into the new. Just got my hands on the rest of the new era sound and traded off the old to Max.