Oh NO!! Ozzy recorded CHANGES with his daughter!!


Sep 25, 2002
Novo Hamburgo, Brasil
The new version of the classical Black Sabbath song, featuring now the duet of Ozzy and his infamous daughter which I keep forgeting the name will be released in the next album of the madman.
Maybe Aimee has something up her sleeve and will redeem the family name.

Either that or Jack will get arrested for pissing on some other US landmark in a green evening dress.

erp. :eek:
Hey, whats the problem, Ozzy can do whatever he wants with the old Sabbath legacy, its also his own.

If he did a version of Changes with Kelly, whats wrong with that, its his daugther, most likely to happen than with Kylie Minogue, don´t you think.
Mark said:
TP, if you want a 100% Maiden-only forum, why don't you go stick with the IMBB?

Excuse the fuck out of me, but I though THIS was supposed to be a Maiden forum. It's called Iron Maiden and since there is a general music and a chat forum here it seemed clear. I think I will stick to IMBB. I don't like your new attitude.
TP said:
Excuse the fuck out of me, but I though THIS was supposed to be a Maiden forum. It's called Iron Maiden and since there is a general music and a chat forum here it seemed clear. I think I will stick to IMBB. I don't like your new attitude.

If they couldn't follow those simple rules on the IM GC why would they do it here? ;)

TP said:
Excuse the fuck out of me, but I though THIS was supposed to be a Maiden forum. It's called Iron Maiden and since there is a general music and a chat forum here it seemed clear. I think I will stick to IMBB. I don't like your new attitude.

Stop spoiling everyone's fun, like the Blaze fan you are!
TP said:
Excuse the fuck out of me, but I though THIS was supposed to be a Maiden forum. It's called Iron Maiden and since there is a general music and a chat forum here it seemed clear. I think I will stick to IMBB. I don't like your new attitude.

What about your attitude? Waltzing into a thread and being all smartass?