Oh wow.

My Italian chef/ friend taught me recently how to make the perfect red sauce using sardine paste!
I am thankful for his tip every time I make it. I mean... holy smokes, what a difference in the flavor! Who knew!

Send 'em ovah, Chris! :)

BTW: are you on Facebook ?
Yeah I've heard of that...I'm not a huge fan of it, however. It's a big difference in flavor if you like your pomodoro a little gamy. We've recently started making our own pasta, and now I never want to go back to Barilla or Voiello.

And yes, I am on FB...though I'm not sure you'd like my fanboy-isms when I become so enthralled in a band that I post everything continually about them, extolling all my friends to check them out. Not to mention my rants (although they're much tamer and less incendiary than here). Still, send me an invite if you want.

And don't mind the drunken/food gorging/doofus pics. For some reason my friends LOVE to post the most unbecoming pictures of me at the most inopportune times for all the world to see. :lol:

I'll PM you.
As for fresh pasta: It is divine... I agree with you 100%! But......... I seriously have no time in my schedule to making it from scratch.. I buy fresh pasta from Whole Foods or other boutique stores, but I never attempted to make it!

*coughs* FedEx Me *coughs*
It's actually really, really easy. I'll have Annalisa write up the way to do it since we do it all the time. The great part is you can just make a ton of it and save it for later. All you need is a hand-cranked pasta maker...in 20 minutes you've got enough pasta for 5 people. You don't need an expensive machine or anything, just get one of those hand-cranked pasta makers that you have to vice to the table and there you go. Of course, an expensive machine is easier and faster, but you don't need it.

Haha, yeah, I'm not apologizing for my FB page, just other people's FB pages that may post on my wall :lol:. My FB page is dull and boring, heh.
As far as the store-bought stuff goes, I HIGHLY recommend Voiello pasta. Barilla is meh. Voiello is the best store-bought. It's a little more expensive but it's completely worth it. Remember: Voiello. Sounds like Voy yellow. Most people in the south use Voiello, and you can see why.

If you can't find it in your supermarket, order it from Amazon or something.

That said, I can't guarantee this will happen to you: :lol:

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I don't eat enough pasta to make it, honestly... It sounds amazing though, so I will still take you up for the offer to give me the recipe for it. I can always make it the next time I host a dinner party :)

I know Voiello, it's awesome, but hard to find around here. I have an Italian store near my house that carries it, but nothing in the regular grocery store...

Fresh pasta is definitely so much better, you guys are making me so hungry now!!