
If I could put it into a sound byte, it would be the radio station narrative from Fallout 3 where the king of the underworld goes, "YOU IDIOTS!!!! YOU LED THEM RIGHT TO US!!!" I just like how he says's got this sort of Sean Connery slur to it. It would sound great just going around with a megaphone and that voice.

"I'm voting for Sarah Palin!"

It just boggles the mind.

The concepts they blab on about barely even exist. They're figments of their imagination, really. Plus, to anyone with a smattering of intelligence, it's clear to see Sarah Palin is just not all that smart - in actual fact, I'd go as far to say that she's borderlines retarded. I'm not exaggerating either. I saw a lot of varied news sources covering her during the election, and she's absolutely incoherent.

Voting for her to perhaps be the President of the United States!? Frankly you don't deserve the right to vote.

America would become THE joke of the international community.
You can be fair and say that the liberal agenda is just as stupid, and you'd be wrong.
oh yeh, bending over for terrorists and spending trillions to hand every bum in america free health care (when we're already trillions in debt) while simultaneously crippling business with high taxes and insane environmental policy is SO MUCH better than hooking up your rich friends, bombing all the brown people of the world, and praying in public schools.

actually, they're BOTH awesome.

ready for the chinamen to take us over, ive been practicing my chopsticking
oh yeh, bending over for terrorists and spending trillions to hand every bum in america free health care (when we're already trillions in debt) while simultaneously crippling business with high taxes and insane environmental policy is SO MUCH better than hooking up your rich friends, bombing all the brown people of the world, and praying in public schools.

actually, they're BOTH awesome.

ready for the chinamen to take us over, ive been practicing my chopsticking

How are they bending over for turrrrists? I guess telling the Iraqi government to pull their heads out of their asses and take care of their own shit is bending over? When did getting out of a country that doesn't want us there become "bending over"?

And since when did they say that every single American is gonna get free health care? Do you even know what's going on in your own country? You can either buy insurance from a federal plan or you can buy insurance from a private insurer, but you MUST have health insurance, either way. Everyone's losing their mind over nothing. But maybe you're right; maybe it would be better to keep killing off more Americans due to the private companies fucking them. That means less retards who would vote for people like Sarah Palin. It could be a good thing. Less stupid people...hmmmm, something to think about.

I lol at people who say, "BUT DUHMERICA'S GOT THE BEST HEALTH CARE IN THE WORLD!!!" No, you fucking mental midgets...America has great health SERVICES in hospitals. America's health care, however, is complete and utter shite. What good is having the best doctors and equipment if you can't afford the insurance to use them? It's like saying, "We all have Ferraris...they're the best cars in the world, why would you buy anything different?!?!?" Sure, they're great but only if you have $200,000 to buy one.

And don't be fooled; China is more capitalist than the US right now. The only thing left to go is the government. Your fear is quite real and warranted. It won't be a communist invasion, oh no. It will be a capitalist invasion of the US by China on your economy.
Interviewer: "So, why do you support Sarah Palin?"

Randomly-chosen clueless conservative douchebag: "Dahhherrrrr, well, she sticks up for America!"

Interviewer: "How so?"

RCCCD: "DERRRRRR (inserts finger in ear and then sniffs it), well she's on the front lines of war with those damn Russkies, and she kills polar bears with her bare hands! And Obowma is for polar bears and marxicommunasocialism...and he's not even an Amerken, he's a HAWAIIA ISLEM, for chrise sakes!"

And so many Americans wonder why this country is the laughing stock it has become...
Haha I was watching a clip of Glen Beck the other day going off on some caller on his stupid radio show and he said, "What about all the countries' leaders coming to America's hospitals, using America's doctors?!?!?! We have the best health care in the world!!!" If I could've reached through the tv and punched him in the throat, I would have. I then would've said, "Yes, of course! They come there to use your best hospitals, best doctors, best treatments, etc., and guess who pays for it? THEIR OWN COUNTRY'S HEALTH CARE SYSTEM, WHICH ANYONE CAN GET!!!"

So in essence, foreign people can come to the US and get the best health care when American citizens can't. Yeah, let's just keep doing what we're's worked so great for the American people so far.
Interviewer: "So, why do you support Sarah Palin?"

Randomly-chosen clueless conservative douchebag: "Dahhherrrrr, well, she sticks up for America!"

Interviewer: "How so?"

RCCCD: "DERRRRRR (inserts finger in ear and then sniffs it), well she's on the front lines of war with those damn Russkies, and she kills polar bears with her bare hands! And Obowma is for polar bears and marxicommunasocialism...and he's not even an Amerken, he's a HAWAIIA ISLEM, for chrise sakes!"

And so many Americans wonder why this country is the laughing stock it has become...

It used to not be this way, and not too long ago. I remember growing up in the states and our health care plan was great and not very expensive. For a family of 5, I think my parents paid something like $200 dollars per month and EVERYTHING was covered. This was like 15 years ago, more or less. It seems like the insurance companies have gotten away with murder (quite literally) and Americans, quite typically, are more interested in perception than reality. "I DON'T WANT ANYTHING FROM THE GOVERNMENT, EVEN IF IT MAKES ME HEALTHIER, MORE INTELLIGENT, AND INCREASES MY QUALITY OF LIFE BECAUSE THAT WOULD BE SOCIALISM!!!! I'D RATHER KEEP BEING A FUCKING MORON!!!"

Americans don't want a leader, nor do they want change. They just want someone to pat them on the back, tell them everything is going to be alright, tell them they're perfect just the way they are and make them feel good about themselves.

In simpler terms, the US government is the fat kid's mother...and guess who we Americans are.
If I could've reached through the tv and punched him in the throat, I would have.

That's exactly what I thought when I heard that Ann Coulter bitch speaking on Larry King. I mean, technically, I couldn't care less about the American health care system and so on, but as a thinking human being, you can't help but feel heavily insulted by the existence of these people.

Every time an American conservative takes the word "socialism" in his or her mouth, I feel the strong urge to curb stomp that being.
Yeah, Ann Coulter is a cunt. However, I can resist the temptation to leg sweep her based on the fact that she's well-educated (she's a lawyer) and that much of her ranting and raving is just posturing to sell more books. She's still a cunt and I'd love to piss in her mouth, but Glen Beck takes the cake.

This guy is not a journalist (he's a radio personality), he was admitted to Yale University with help from Senator Liebermann where he took a single class and then dropped out, and he has ADHD. Yet, he has millions of viewers on Fox News every day because he spews complete bullshit that makes the retarded neocons feel good about themselves, and has been caught FLAT OUT LYING on several occasions. This is the caliber of people Fox News employs, and this is the type of person with whom many, many Americans identify.

It's like I said, Americans don't want to be intelligent; they want to be popular. There is no reverence or respect for learned individuals in America. On the contrary, being intelligent and learned will only bring you derision in the US, which by now is obvious. This is what Americans identify with these days:


The communist guy, while being a little idealistic at worst, seems like Carl Sagan in comparison to Glen Beck.
This is the least amount of arguing I've seen in a political thread. That's why I need to voice my (yet again reconsidered) opininion! Sarah Palin seems to be an upstanding citizen who wants to do what's right for this country. It's plainly evident. Wolves? Eh. Fuck em! Taxes? No one needs em (anyone remember the REVOLUTION, people?) I mean geez. I was such a retard to mock her obvious mental handicap. It shouldn't be an impediment to public office, I say.

.edit Just watched the Glenn Beck video. I want my own show where I can lie and interrupt people and be evasive about my salary.
He's also a Mormon...and that 20% that he said he gives to charity? the Mormon church. As a Mormon, you're obliged to give that...not really charity now, is it? What an ass.

Also, 20% out of several million dollars is a BIG difference than 20% out of $26,000.
My dad would very strongly disagree with this statement and probably argue you to the death about it. :erk:

Oh don't worry...don't feel like the Lone Ranger, Kev. Several people in my family would not only argue you to death about it, but they'd find a way to throw some religion in there too. I get my argumentative and tell-it-like-it-is nature from my grandmother, who although is as sweet as can be and would help anyone whether she agreed with them or not, just_doesn't_give_up.

When I was a teenager I used to stay at her house a lot because it was close to my parents', and she and I being complete night owls would stay up until 3 in the morning arguing and debating about mundane shit.

On a side note, although we rarely saw eye to eye, I was probably closer and more open with her than any of my other family.
stuff and things
i was just listing a few points of the far left and far right agendas, not saying whats actually happening/going to happen after the eventual and necessary compromises on both sides. fact is, a lot of Dems in congress are pissed at Obama for 'giving in' too much on health care. i agree that the system is fucked and needs reform, however, can anybody name one thing that's government-run (in america) that is cheaper, better, and more efficient than the private version (as they claim this will be)?
FDA water regulations apply in cases where people who sell bottled water have no such regulations, or at least fewer. In some cases they just use municipal sources which already fall under these guidelines, so essentially you're paying a premium for city water that comes with a label in a bottle.