Ok guys, final call... give me your last minute tips..

Ola Englund

Only gay in the village
Dec 1, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
So we have a deadline now for our cd, so I'm in a timecrisis right now. So I'm posting a clip from it here and hopefully some of you guys have some pointers and what not. I'd really appreciate tips regarding my lowend since I don't have a subwoofer to monitor it with.

So give me the lowdowns, cause this is the last time before the cd is printed.

Sounds good on my headphones. Low-end sounds fine. If you were to add anything to it, maybe slighty boost in the 110-125k range but not too much. Maybe only +1db or so. That would bring out the bass more without overemphasing the kick or the low end of the guitars. It sounds cool as it is though. I like the bass tone a lot. Other than that, the kick sounds a bit "clicky" for my taste, but I suspect that may be what your going for anyway.

Great work.
Goddamn Guitar said:
So we have a deadline now for our cd, so I'm in a timecrisis right now. So I'm posting a clip from it here and hopefully some of you guys have some pointers and what not. I'd really appreciate tips regarding my lowend since I don't have a subwoofer to monitor it with.

So give me the lowdowns, cause this is the last time before the cd is printed.

What amp are you using
:worship: :headbang:
Sounds great! Vocals are perfectly ok here. Only thing is I think the kick can't be heard very distinctly...maybe a little (and narrow) cut on the bass guitar would help?
Dont' kick me in the nuts, but I think it sounds a bit radio. heavy as hell tho, but thin and it lacks clarity. The cymbals are choked.
Not that i'm a pro or anything, but that's my opinion.
sounds great sub-bro!
only thing i could imagine: the guitars are a bit loud so i'd either bring drums vox and bass up a little or (better) make the guitars like 2-3 dB quieter.

like the music!! grooves!
The lack of a sub isn't a problem (there are too many thin mixes being caused by mixing with a sub in a bad room). The mix needs more definition between the instruments but if there is no time to re-mix then thats the way it has to be.
its so hard it makes my dog weep.
vocals, bass and guitars sound superb, with the drums
you're almost there. kick lacks some definition,
although i like it w/o overthetop clickness.
other than that its a really fine mix i think, where
can i buy your album when its done ??
oh and how do you get rid of the savages feedback
in a live situation ?
Ola this time sounds amazing, the low end rumble on guitar is gone, it's much tighter.
maybe you played with the compression till you got it right, am I wrong?
Make the kick a little bit clearer, making some room for it (example: boosting the top end) and you're done.
Anyway I like it very much!!!
Great job!
Sounds superb! Great guitarwork. I agree with the other people on the kick issue. Just some more top end and you'll be done.

Haha, I just *love* the Annihilator style riff in the fade-out. If your whole CD is that good, I'll surely order it!
hehe, this was embarrassing... It seems that my audio card on the motherboard have gone "cp-stört"... So just ignore what I said before. It sounds really good!
haha that's funny cause I was just wondering what you meant with your comments... Nice though, to hear that it sounds like a radio is like the worst comment you can get...

Men sånt händer.. :lol:

Polpotkin said:
hehe, this was embarrassing... It seems that my audio card on the motherboard have gone "cp-stört"... So just ignore what I said before. It sounds really good!
Goddamn Guitar said:
haha that's funny cause I was just wondering what you meant with your comments... Nice though, to hear that it sounds like a radio is like the worst comment you can get...

Men sånt händer.. :lol:

lol.. I think i'll keep quiet for some weeks now. Maybe register a new user. haha... I'm really embarrased :erk:
But seriously, it sounds great :headbang: