OK here is a song structure I've had laying about


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
It's just played out on my old beat up fender acoustic, recorded on a single track. No mastering, no nothing, but you can hear riffs / song structures THAT WILL BE BUILT UPON one day:


To give you an example of where it might be headed, one underlying acoustic riff *segment* sounds like this with the electric (jackson) distorted through my POD:


Just a few seconds it will take you to listen, yes indeed.
You know what that is?

track 1: acoustic
track 2: electric guitar
track 3: electric guitar emulating a bass (because the only bass emulator I have is a distorted one), so yeah, you're hearing distored bass, hehe.
it sounds excruciatingly bad. :lol: but yes i'm fan of the chords and the whole riffing style. it's funny how i have stuff that sounds kinda like this. coming out. some day. soon. and by soon i mean later. much. later.
Well, I tried to figure it out one night and I gave up. But you can ignore the sound of the second sample and just focus on the riffs, as you did.

One day this will be complete, oh yes. Just one song at a time haha! But you at least now have an understanding of the song composition.

Recording it is a thorn in my side (as you know). I wish I could just go somewhere with my gear and just play and let someone else twiddle the knobs.

This is all for me though, playing in my basement. Nothing serious obviously.
I wish I could just go somewhere with my gear and just play and let someone else twiddle the knobs.
but you know you can. even if this place is in the darkest depths of northern sweden... anytime man
I know it. At least you can see the potential of what I'm trying to accomplish. Once this is all multi-tracked etc, it's gonna be together we power!!!
we have at LEAST $400,000 (conservative estimate) worth of recording equipment in our biggest studio/control room (one out of 9 total) here. that's EXCLUDING all the microphones and shit. add AT LEAST another $100,000 for that. so act real quick like (before i graduate) and you can get fucking awesome shit done. :tickled: not that you can't make awesome recordings with cheap equipment, of course.
Hey I think I've heard these before. :D

I'll d/l at home later tonight and listen until my ween is battered and sore.
Erik said:
so act real quick like (before i graduate) and you can get fucking awesome shit done. :tickled: not that you can't make awesome recordings with cheap equipment, of course.

Well I don't know when, but I can tell you this: I'll be in London this summer....muwahahaha. Don't expect a surprise visit. [/reversepsychology]

Ellestin said:
hahahaha the power of the Agalloch shirt :tickled:

Actually, other than the fact that Erik mentioned it, there is actually ZERO 'concious' Agalloch influence in this sample. There's other more obvious influences (3 to be precise).

EDIT: No, scratch that, 4 influences rolled into one.
JayKeeley said:
Actually, other than the fact that Erik mentioned it, there is actually ZERO 'concious' Agalloch influence in this sample. There's other more obvious influences (3 to be precise).

EDIT: No, scratch that, 4 influences rolled into one.

OK so I hear Agalloch, olde-Summoning, Ildjarn and then maybe some Sabbath
Ellestin said:
OK so I hear Agalloch, olde-Summoning, Ildjarn and then maybe some Sabbath

No. Good guesses, but no (to all of them).

I guess also because I hear the finished product in my head already, but it's broken out between:

a. opening riff
b. slowed down section
c. THAT riff
d. closing section

Each a, b, c, and d arrived from different inspirations.
Erik said:
i'm going to put some money ($0.23) on EMPYRIUM being one of jay's conscious influences

(never mind that it sounds nothing like empyrium)

That's one -- section 'b'.

Yeah, doesn't sound like -- but 'influenced by', which is fine with me. That bit is going to have volume swells on the electric laid on top. You know, to make it sound like violins. Think "Orion" if you will.
Ellestin said:
So what you're trying to tell us is that you're appallingly unable to come up with 30 seconds of unbiased artistic endeavour. Gay.

*just kidding*

Kidding or not, everyone is inspired to some extent. I'm just saying it 'aint Agalloch. Everything you hear came out of me, nothing copied etc. I'm just sharing it for shits and giggles. It's an entirely unfinished work in progress that I might get back to in 16 years or something.
Erik said:
volume swells always make me think of opeth. old ass opeth, that is.

Good cos old Opeth rules. But volume swells for me will always be THAT section in "Orion". Or perhaps the opening intro to "Damage Inc".


Is it Damage Inc with that intro...?

But anyway, fuck it, now I'm going on about Metallica and I just used it as a point of reference for knob swells. :loco: