ok...I need some feedback on this idea


Ultimate Meatbag
Sep 2, 2001
Spokane, WA
Alright, kiddies! I just bought a house. I don't plan on living in this house forever, so I don't really want to do a bunch of structural mods to get this house going as the mini studio I'd like to have it. So, I have this bedroom that I have delegated as my "recording room". I don't want to punch a bunch of holes in the wall that I will have to repair later, so I came up with this idea one night when I was drunk:

Would it work to build a frame inside the room, make it so it is approximately a few inches from the existing walls, and do all the sound proofing and deadening to the frame? I mean a simple structure inside the room that everything can be attatched to...as so when I decide in a couple of years that I wanna ditch the house, I can just tear all of that down and the room is as it was when I moved in. Anyone got any ideas/input/criticisms?
Alright then...awesome! So, if it's standard type practice, anyone got tips/info/links/literature/etc about the most resourceful and cost effective way to deaden that room and all that good stuff once I do build the frame inside of it? Not so much just materials but implementing them as well.