OK i'm introducing myself


Nov 26, 2002
Trondheim, Norway
I've posted a few messages already but why not say hi to everyone? then I can hopefully sing "Everyone says hi" (David Bowie) afterwards hehe... not that it's a great song... I think he should've left it out of "Heathen" which otherwise is a cool album. yeah!!!

so... I'm a norwegian gal. I live in trondheim and sing and play synth (even if I'm not a big synth fan hehe)... My bands are Atrox and Tactile Gemma and these days I'm recording some demo stuff just for myself. Some of it just for the laughs :) Well, must stop it now anyway to concentrate on atrox. studio from next weekend and on... then working on the cover and stuff...

OK that's me. If there are someone here I know, speak up, you all use pseudonyms so... hmmm, maybe I should as well... nah who cares... I'm Mongoka, Mongika fra Tryll, Marika, Mokka... whatever