ok more Vanden Plas stuff...


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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The new Vanden Plas Christ0 is available already in Europe for you east of the big pond guys. I have proclaimed Vanden Plas as my fave band since I have been posting here so of course I am going to like this thing, but they have absolutely surpassed my highest expectations with this one. In fact, I put this release at the Mindcrime/Images and Words level. This thing might be my fave album of all-time. :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy It is amazing !!

Bryant, I don't really buy too many of these strictly power/proggy releases....I do buy a few. But such were your raves about this album that I decided I better look into it. I must say....this is pretty damned good. I've only been through it once, but it has my ear right away.....which is a fairly rare thing really.

I'm more than a little impressed, and I'll report more when I have listened more. Very cool vibe with more soul than most of these kinds of bands exhibit. Great writing too. Very emotional - all too rare in metal that.

It seems to me I've read people complaining about this singer, and that I don't get. I like him right off the bat. He reminds me of a more metal version (and more pleasing) version of Jon Anderson of Yes. Or at least there is a hint of that. Very unique at the same time.
sixxswine said:
did I post my review of this yet?!
Great record by the way...

Great review Sixx !! These guys need to get over the pond and tour here, so I try my best to promote them without going butt-wild everywhere with posts. They are getting great reviews everywhere so that has to help matters. Glad you dig the disc.

ElectricWiz said:
Bryant, I don't really buy too many of these strictly power/proggy releases....I do buy a few. But such were your raves about this album that I decided I better look into it. I must say....this is pretty damned good. I've only been through it once, but it has my ear right away.....which is a fairly rare thing really.

I'm more than a little impressed, and I'll report more when I have listened more. Very cool vibe with more soul than most of these kinds of bands exhibit. Great writing too. Very emotional - all too rare in metal that.

It seems to me I've read people complaining about this singer, and that I don't get. I like him right off the bat. He reminds me of a more metal version (and more pleasing) version of Jon Anderson of Yes. Or at least there is a hint of that. Very unique at the same time.

Thanks man. I rarely try to heavily promote a band that doesn't fit the forum and Vanden Plas isn't "oldschool" by any stretch, but occasionally I will make exceptions. First, I have been a fan for over ten years and frankly I get excited when they release something new. Secondly, though and probably more important is that despite not "fitting" this forum really, they are just flat out a good listen. If you take the emotion, style and technical apsect out of the equation of what makes a band good/bad etc. you are left with hook. Is there something that grabs you and makes you want to sing along, play air guitar etc. Vanden Plas finds a way to give a boat load of that while still maintaining those long, complexed songs with all of the choir vocals and symphony arrangements. Other bands can put that stuff in there, but can they play melodies strong enough to capture a fan that isn't particularly a fan of prog metal ? Vanden Plas in my ears has found the perfect marriage of musicality and songwriting. They are ethereal, majestic, soulful, passionate, subtle, yet powerful. I don't know enough strong adjectives to describe them and their art. They are simply on a different level than most bands in their genre.

Actually, I'd say they do have some very specific old-school elements. It's metal that is rooted much more in an influence of Iron Maiden, Dream Theatre, Rush, and a bunch of other stuff more than than anything recent.
I have listened to the album quite a few times now and am really into it. It's just plain great. I also hear a vague draw off of stuff like A Perfect Circle and a few more modern metalized (if not pure metal) bands.

Anyway, the best thing I can say about it at this point is that Operation Mindcrime II is out (or coming out - I forget the date) and I suggest anyone looking into that either get this instead, or at least also. It's all too easy to get caught up in some bands pedigree, despite the fact that they are putting out sub-par records right now. This album is intense, musical, accessible, artful, and above all else, metal. I hope people buy it. Especially some of those in this forum. I think a lot of people will be surprised if they don't know them.

I know I was. Thanks a ton for the suggestion. Like you, I already know this will be in my year end top ten. It really is that good.

I'd be interested in hearing what order you suggest getting their other albums in......
ElectricWiz said:
Actually, I'd say they do have some very specific old-school elements. It's metal that is rooted much more in an influence of Iron Maiden, Dream Theatre, Rush, and a bunch of other stuff more than than anything recent.
I have listened to the album quite a few times now and am really into it. It's just plain great. I also hear a vague draw off of stuff like A Perfect Circle and a few more modern metalized (if not pure metal) bands.

Anyway, the best thing I can say about it at this point is that Operation Mindcrime II is out (or coming out - I forget the date) and I suggest anyone looking into that either get this instead, or at least also. It's all too easy to get caught up in some bands pedigree, despite the fact that they are putting out sub-par records right now. This album is intense, musical, accessible, artful, and above all else, metal. I hope people buy it. Especially some of those in this forum. I think a lot of people will be surprised if they don't know them.

I know I was. Thanks a ton for the suggestion. Like you, I already know this will be in my year end top ten. It really is that good.

I'd be interested in hearing what order you suggest getting their other albums in......

If you were to listen to the 1995 Vanden Plas release, Coulour Temple it is easy to hear a very strong Dokken influence. They even covered "Kiss of Death" on the 1999 release, "Far Off Grace." As far as Dream Theater influence, you would have to search hard to find a band that has come to be in the last ten years that doesn't have a small DT influence on them. Even though DT really "lost me" several releases back, the significance of "Images and Words" and their early work turned metal music on it's head. Even death metal bands use some of the cliches DT invented. Just with almost ANY prog-metal band, there is some DT influence there. Another thing is that even though VP has grown musically over the years by leaps and bounds, they found their identity in 1997 with "The God Thing" in my ears, so we are talking about almost nine years ago. They are veterans and "almost" oldschool anyway.

My suggestion for ordering the other VP releases is reverse order, though look for a sale. I think Beyond Daylight, Farr Off Grace and The God thing are all about equally good and that is the order from latest back. They also have one other regular studio release from 1995 entitled "Colour Temple." As I said earlier, it sounds quite a bit like Dokken. THey also have a 1996 release entitled AcCult. It is an acoustic (studio) CD with three songs from Colour Temple and a bunch of covers including "Georgia on My Mind." Lastly they also have a live CD. The first three I mentioned would be the ones I would get first.