OK... now this takes balls...

soon she'll be touring the states like Arustafariaks or whatever that other Arabic band is that now hangs out in Brooklyn.
The promo pic they were using for their guitarist Yousef was lifted from one of the dudes in Vulture Lord. It has since been replaced by their band logo on metal-asschives.

lol, epona

to be fair though, IF i had an actual muhammed-raping black frickin' metal band in iraq, i wouldn't post real band photos either

makes u think
also, "no islam" is a v. catchy song

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Seeds of Iblis - Anti Quran Rituals
Nathorg - Beyond the Gates of Nathorg
Sirannon - Semper Caliga

Black metal from the Middle East. Blind buy on all these, I couldn't resist supporting the cause.

I recall the music itself being fairly mediocre. Some terrible blind buys there, lad.
EXCITING UPDATE: You were up to 2/3rds correct on this summation.

Sirannon, whilst being full of attractive women (at least from a photographically metal/grrl standpoint), are pretty average Darkthrone worship. Granted, the intro and outro themes are pretty good, but the whole middle piece of that pie was relatively meh. But hey, just the thought of Middle Eastern women making black metal gets me all giddy, so this one is a vague winner anyhow.

Nathorg have a pretty decent cover of Freezing Moon, otherwise they are a similar level of average like the aforementioned. Not bad, and nice costumes, but not worthy of much further investigation. However, I did get to write about them to my sister-in-law, being that they are both from Iran, including drawing their logo in a birthday card for her. I haven't mimicked a band logo in 20 years, so that alone was worth the price of admission.

Then there is (are?) Seeds of Iblis. I must give this a high recommendation, if you are looking for this type of anti-Islam thang. My research on their authenticity was inconclusive, but regardless of how real it is, it is definitely good. I will likely be tracking down their other EP releases. They are the misanthropic version of Orphaned Land, in black metal form. The fact that this even exists is good enough for me, and my own enjoyment thereof is a minor, albeit welcome, benefit.
I was confused until I realized I didn't even post that in this thread. Way to cross-post quote my friend. I tip my hat to thee.

I don't like Orphaned Land. At all. Not on record. Not live. One could assume I would as a result not enjoy a "blackened" orphaned land. This appears correct.

1 of 3. At least it was not all for naught?!
My forum skills will someday land me an MLS degree. Well, an honorary one perhaps. Or perhaps the third RC t-shirt?!

Seeds of Iblis sound nothing like Orphaned Land really, I was more referring to their overall divergent spirits. Orphaned Land have that inclusive Middle Eastern flair complete with COEXIST bumper stickers, heavy metal for Dave Matthews types. Seeds of Iblis are an outright rejection of all that type of noise, very much a hateful black metal band. I like both ideals really, because while I'm all for accepting our differences and growing as one people, sometimes I think that the streets really should flow with the blood of all those god damn unbelievers.

And hey man, 33.3% is pretty good. 333 by Green Jellö still sucks though. Another tangent...