Ok....Ocean Machine is godly!

Downloading is NO FUN :mad: Do it when you just want to know what a band sounds like, to buy the whole album in the future...

OM is the greatest album ever recorded... It changes my vision of music forever!!!!!!
It's pretty amazing to find people like you who have the same vision of music as me...
I thought it was not possible anymore in this crimson world... Surrounded by "music-stealers" and posers!
You guys on this board rules!
And those from the Anathema board too - Lot of fun out there...
i bought Terria last week (brilliant) and i've downloaded a few tracks off Biomech it will DEFINITELY be my next purchase. Funeral is an absolutely amazing song, it just fucking enthralls me when i put it on.
Originally posted by maximilian
i bought Terria last week (brilliant) and i've downloaded a few tracks off Biomech it will DEFINITELY be my next purchase. Funeral is an absolutely amazing song, it just fucking enthralls me when i put it on.

Yeah Max, Funeral is one of the coolest songs i've ever heard! In fact, i'm gonna play that right now!
Yeah, I'm sure Devin, who is a record producer, and owns his own recording studio, is really pressed for cash.

Besides, if it hadn't been for me downloading 'City', I probably wouldn't be into SYL or anything else he's involved in.