Ok, Progheads, the future of Power Prog Metal is here!


That's gonna leave a mark
Dec 13, 2002
Spokane, WA
Some of you may remember Alessandro from the band Icycore who posted here for a bit. Well, finally after a couple years of music industry BS the band's debut album Wetwired has now been released and is available in the US through Amazon.com. I have been listening to a CDR for a couple of years and the profesionally mastered version is so much better. And is killer on headphones. The whole album is a concept album, musically, IMHO, on par with Operation: Mindcrime. You can check out the band's website Icycore and hear some sound samples but better yet... just go buy the son-of-a-bitch, right-dammit-now at Amazon! :kickass: