OK, so help me with the super budget recording!


New Metal Member
Jun 21, 2011
Hey there,

Im trying to record our band...

I have various amp-sims (amplitube, reaper etc..) and will be using EZ drummer to do the drums

now.. im recording straight into a Tascam Us-122 into Reaper....
Everything I've got sounds bloody awful at the moment and I need your help on tips/advice on what to do...

me and guitarist are recording it without vocals... (for now)

but yeah it sounds shockingly bad :/

have a listen @ http://soundcloud.com/skiesofdeceit/fail-rubbish

and tell me what to do :( everythings double tracked btw.. (apart from bass)

I have all the waves plugins.. all i've added to guitar is Sneap's C4 settings, and a compressor on bass (other bass track sitting underneath is just mids with fuzz)

oh ignore the kick at the start -.- it's just a loop repeated but edited for 2 mins (was like 2 am and haven't had time to do it properly)

Any help's appreciated, I know it's not ideal to record on such poor stuff, but meh... needs must and all that (lack of $$$)


(P.S I learn from doing, so just TELL me what to do, and ill do it but play with the setting a bit and see why it does certain things etc..) :)

oh, and you can record perfectly fine mixes with a Tascam US-122 and Reaper.

oh, and Reaper isn't an ampsim.

but seriously, learn to use those waves plugins. experiment with eq, comp, reverb, delay and other basic plugins first (search the forum for hints).
and read these threads by Ermz:

oh, and add drums. did i mention drums? not trying to sound like an ass, but nothing sounds good without drums.
Im a little curious.

Why did you spend thousands on the Waves plugins rather than getting some decent hardware? :devil:
(P.S I learn from doing, so just TELL me what to do, and ill do it but play with the setting a bit and see why it does certain things etc..) :)

Here's what you do. Sit on this forum for a YEAR, posting little but putting into practice every piece of information you come across. Read every thread. Learn the basics: what different ways can you use compression? What is automation? Editing tricks etc. Compile a word document with every thing you come across that's useful to you (parallel compression? put it in the document, cut 500hz from guitars? put it in the document). Don't stop doing, become engrossed in everything you do. Realise that you WON'T be very good at it for a very long time. But keep at it. Once you start getting better, start posting more. Ask for critique on mixes.

This isn't exactly an easy thing to do, and it takes a hell of a lot longer than you think and one thread is not going to be full of the answers you seek.

Sorry for the morale crushing :p

Edit: oh, and uninstall your cracked Waves plugins and learn how to use ReaEQ and ReaComp.
if something sounds bad from the beginning and you cannot convert it in midi with a high class plugin(like drums-superior drummer)then you will have to make it sound good for the beginning.
for me all the EQ,compressors etc is there to correct the original result in things that you cannot avoid from the beginning(like adding high/low pass filters,notch filters).
i have done good recordings without adding compressor to a guitar at all and it sounds great,this whole idea is inspired by neil kernon.
1. Delete all of the Waves plugins. Just because you pirated them, it doesn't mean it'll make your shit sound good.
2. Learn what you do and don't need (plugins, hardware etc.) and don't expect miracles just because you have the "greatest" plugins (regardless if you pirated them).
3. Practice, practice, practice. Then practice some more.
4. Stop pirating shit.
1. Delete all of the Waves plugins. Just because you pirated them, it doesn't mean it'll make your shit sound good.
2. Learn what you do and don't need (plugins, hardware etc.) and don't expect miracles just because you have the "greatest" plugins (regardless if you pirated them).
3. Practice, practice, practice. Then practice some more.
4. Stop pirating shit.

This is a much better and concise version of my shitty post. This is essentially what I was getting at haha.
OK i am going to be as nice as possible here ... if you look at signature below, as well as ask around people will tell you I am the Pirating Software Nazi around here....

#1 do you really think Waves plugins are going to help you? You have no idea how to use ANY of them. Why did you put Sneaps setting on your guitar parts? Do you know what the C4 setting he posted even does?

#2 I understand you are a kid, and cant afford 10k for plugins, but that doesn't mean you should be out there stealing shit! There are THOUSANDS of free VST's and Amp sims that will do the same thing as the 10k ones, but of course they dont work as well. But they are very usable.

#3 We dont help people around here who STEAL software. We are professionals and BUY everything we use (ok well 98% of us do anyway)

#4 Shut up and read, everything you could ever need to know about recording weather it be with amp sims / real amps, programmed drums / real drums has been covered.

#5 Your PLAYING is 90% of the problem. Shit playing = Shit sound


#7 Close this thread, and go read ALL of the FAQ's and Stickied threads in the forum then try again. If it still sound like shit then YOU are worthless and weak and you should give up and pay someone like me or one o the others on the forum to do it for you. Cause after all if you cant do it with all the info on this forum you never will.
OK i am going to be as nice as possible here ... if you look at signature below, as well as ask around people will tell you I am the Pirating Software Nazi around here....

#1 do you really think Waves plugins are going to help you? You have no idea how to use ANY of them. Why did you put Sneaps setting on your guitar parts? Do you know what the C4 setting he posted even does?

#2 I understand you are a kid, and cant afford 10k for plugins, but that doesn't mean you should be out there stealing shit! There are THOUSANDS of free VST's and Amp sims that will do the same thing as the 10k ones, but of course they dont work as well. But they are very usable.

#3 We dont help people around here who STEAL software. We are professionals and BUY everything we use (ok well 98% of us do anyway)

#4 Shut up and read, everything you could ever need to know about recording weather it be with amp sims / real amps, programmed drums / real drums has been covered.

#5 Your PLAYING is 90% of the problem. Shit playing = Shit sound


#7 Close this thread, and go read ALL of the FAQ's and Stickied threads in the forum then try again. If it still sound like shit then YOU are worthless and weak and you should give up and pay someone like me or one o the others on the forum to do it for you. Cause after all if you cant do it with all the info on this forum you never will.

Couldn't agree more, although I do feel that since Lasse has been mod, we've seen more "pointless" stickies than ever before. No offence to Lasse, it's just that I've to scroll down a lot more than before to get to the regular threads. Still no excuse. Just means there's more shit for him to read through. :lol:

If this kid is still insisting on continuing, I'd suggest that he check out StillWellAudio - they make some great cheap plugins, as do Mellowmuse. Don't pirate them. Demo them, see if you can get good results with the material you have and if you really like them, then fookin buy them! Simple as!
There's countless free shit out there too.
The best plugins in the world won't do shit if you don't know what you're doing with them (or why). I'd say you're best to learn the plugins in your DAW (which is no doubt pirated too) before looking elsewhere as you don't even know what you're looking for or what you need. For example, Reaper's plugins, while not the prettiest, are pretty damn good - check out StillWell's stuff in there (1176 comp sim and many others are pretty much the same as the commercial VSTs).
And this is all before we begin to talk about hardware, monitors, room treatment, mixing techniques, real amps & cabs etc. Basically, you've a long road ahead of you.

Yes, we all hate pirates here and I've been 110% with GuitarGuru on all of his anti-piracy posts, I just hope that what I've said can somewhat help you on your journey.

Irish wisdom! :)
Welcome to the forum!
