Ok, starting a new thread

Iconoclastic Tendencies said:
I think you guys have scared the shit out of her. Lol.

Meh, they like it. Women are always so quick on the net to identify themselves as women.

They're all just asking to get e-raped. I don't know what that is exactly but I suspect it's what we just did in this thread.
i just ate a bunch of of kroger's chicken noodle soup and my belly kinda hurts. but im still young, hot, cool, and rich. meh, scratch the rich part.
Yeah, if you dont show us tits, some pussy possibly, or at least some cleavage/ass.... youre as good as... well you just suck.
I get laid enough and I'm a complete dick. It's all about how you look Lizard, not about how you act or think. Sad, but indefinitely true.
You took the words right out of my mouth. And I didn't even post here 'till now.
I wasn't referring to everyone here. this board is hardly homogenous.

E-bortion said:
I get laid enough and I'm a complete dick. It's all about how you look Lizard, not about how you act or think. Sad, but indefinitely true.
mayhap you speak tr00th, but like I say, different people think different ways and have different priorities. It's no less true for women than men.

It's just that my own personal code is to treat people fairly decently until they prove to me they don't deserve it. I know this runs contrary to my other code, the ancient Welsh art of Llap Goch, which dictates preemptive strikes on EVERYONE.


Indeed, if I might paraphrase Winston Churchill, the smartest among us are indeed riddles wrapped in mysteries inside enigmas, and if you expect everyone to be 100% consistent, ESPECIALLY women, you are bound for heartache and disappointment.