Ok, starting a new thread

hehe, it's really hard to look good when you don't get enough sleep. I have these wonderful huge purpley bags under my eyes... looks hot.

Plus it's finals week... I have the educational equivalent of the hockey playoffs beard going on.
E-bortion said:
I get laid enough and I'm a complete dick. It's all about how you look Lizard, not about how you act or think. Sad, but indefinitely true.

We all must face this reality. The absolute truth is that girls like dicks.
pretty much. i've dated two girls long enough to see that the attitude can switch within the same chick:

if you're an asshole, they love you. when you are nice, they treat you like shit.
if you're an asshole, they love you. when you are nice, they treat you like shit.

and mastering to walk that fine line ... is something that is harder than getting a doctorate
snow2fall said:
No generalizations, please.
i hate to do it, but in my experiences that really is the case. i thought it was a fluke the first time, but it happened again.

although obviously 2 women do not necessarily represent the whole, but in my small world, they do. :loco:
bottom line ... just be youself ... someone will eventually like you and your quirckiness.
unless you just want to get laid, in which case lie lie lie your ass off.

i can't not be myself, the very notion of putting on some sort of facade for anyone, whether it be sex, relationships, family, work, etc., it just... no. i don't work that way. i'm NAD and everybody knows it.
god damn nad said:
i can't not be myself, the very notion of putting on some sort of facade for anyone, whether it be sex, relationships, family, work, etc., it just... no. i don't work that way. i'm NAD and everybody knows it.

Amen brother. Thats my thoughts exactly. Sadly, i'm weird, have a dark sense of humour and often speak before thinking.:p