Okay... someone enlighten me to what is so good about 'horror show(IE)'??

During the first time I listened to this album,when I reached track 2,what I heard made me realize that I had just wasted my money.I HAVE I Died For You,sorry mr.Schaffer but I didn't need a cover version with different lyrics.Lack of inspiration?Chart aiming?Don't know what caused this.I sold the CD.
In Alive in Athens the crowd volume is so low,that sometimes the songs sound like studio versions.

really...so name me livealbums with louder fans! and don'T name studio insurrection now ;)

i dont think that Burning times is such a good song. i liked SWTWC very much. but it's overheard. it was my first metalalbum and i played it half a year. iced earth does not make complex music. they live from their atmosphere. and the atmosphere is far better on the old records...
umm let's say Live After Death.Many freinds of mine were at the IE gigs and they all say that the atmosphere was nothing like the cds.You can hear it if you listen carefully,the crowd is insane,but the volume is low.
I know that Melancholy is very similar to I Died For You, but I find it to be far more powerful. And the lyrics in the chorus have taken on an added emotional resonance because they sum up the way we are all feeling right now, grieving for all that has been lost...