okay! that's it!!!! someone has to get me a digital camera STAT

Originally posted by Thorns of Sorrow
Oh you work near the studio I do sessions at, Ultrasound/Prince studios on 30th st and 7th ave. Which oddly enough is connected to the goth/metal/industrial club I goto on saturdays nights. Yeh, I think I know where your job is, I might have walked by it a few times, in fact I'm pretty sure I have.
yep dude that's right near where i am at. it's a good place to work and it rules because no one cares if you're insane or strange.
LOL, I'll stop by after work one day unannounced and scare you, with my bunny suit. Or better yet, for easter, I'll go into your job dressed in my bunny suit handing out easter eggs, with condoms inside. Awwwwwww yeeeeeahhh.
hahah holy shit.
everyone there thinks i am insane anyway so they'd just page me and be like 'hey amanda some other lunatic is looking for you'
Yeh I do it something like that, but I alternate my left and right legs, and punch in a Billy Blanks Tai Bo fashion. Also I have this cool Kung Fu headband that goes over the mask of my bunny suit.
this is my impression of azal in the coming weeks as he sees kids with down syndrome, and crippled old people:

"Must.... fig..ht... urge.... to give hugs.... and sing...... PUFF THE MAGIC DRAG...ON.... GASP..."