North American tour reviews

Doing alot better, actually. Feels weird having Dermabond in my belly button, and I'm still bruised on the other incision site, but I'm feeling more like my old self. Really nice only worrying about 2 cats rather than tripping over 5. They never did find anything with the surgery, other than make me constipated for a week (TMI! Sorry!) Fucking pointless, though the pain is starting to subside in the one spot. Though I have a follow-up on the 2nd.
I was the only one in my group of 4 that had met the band previously(May 9th, 2009) so I was the one being the voice of calm and reason, meanwhile, its a matter of 'so much to say, not enough time, fucking dickish security!' Honestly, if there is only 60 VIPers, then shouldn't we get longer than 5 minutes total with all 6 members? I am proud of myself in that I wasn't as nervous, but I was a little hoarse because of all the ranting and raving I've been doing about the attacks on the band after the “mutual” agreement in parting with Anette.

As a BIG After Forever fan, I was jumping for joy at the thought of seeing Nightwish perform with Floor Jansen. I tried getting a picture taken with her, but alas, it was not meant to be. Picture was taken, but my camera is pure crap in low light. Troy smiled at the sight of the 3 OSA shirts and said he loved the gift of the shirts and had worn his onstage in Tempe(from what he said)

I did finally manage to get pictures with Marco, Troy, and Tuomas, awkwardly posed in each.

After the meet and greet, we took our loot out to the vehicle, and stood in front of the stage waiting for the show, until I was flagged down by another group of friends to assist my college roomie, who's wheelchair-bound, in going to the restroom. We discovered, to our horror, than the venue bathrooms did NOT have a handicap-accessible stall.

We flagged down the venue staff, and explained the situation to them. Not sure what the ladies name was, but she went out of her way to make sure Alyssa had as good of a time as the rest of us. We ended up getting to go backstage to use Nightwish's bathroom, since it was the only bathroom large enough for a manual wheelchair to maneuver.

The first thing I noticed looking around the room was the very large makeup bag on the counter, the wadded up green towel in the corner, and the Jasmine(character from Aladdin) towel on the floor. There was also a green towel in front of the toilet, which had to be tossed out of the way in order to get the chair close enough to the toilet for Alyssa to use.

While we were taking care of an immediate need, we heard the band psych themselves out. How many fans can say that they heard a band do that without being inner-circle? It was an awkward moment to say the least, and I did quickly sneak a peek behind me as I got Alyssa back onto the floor and took my spot in front of Tuomas. Unfortunantly, we had some real buttheads for fellow concert goers, and they totally ignored the fact that we had a 12 year-old with us. Not to mention 2 very... vertically challeged adults that could barely see over the barrier, much less the tall people in front of them.

My phone went off right then, signalling a text from my boyfriend, who'd finally arrived at the venue, and I went to meet up with him, and told him to find us. He finally managed to do that during Kamelot.

To be fair, I am picky with my music since I prefer to purchase CD's/music by the bands I listen to, and you know what? I don't really like Kamelot that much, even with seeing them perform with Tony. I'm very specific with my singers, and it didn't really do anything for me.

I showed a polite interest, but knew my energy level was going to be off-the-charts for Nightwish. Nightwish is who I was there to see, so sorry, but no new KamNationers here, LOL!

We waited for Nightwish, and boy, did we get one HELL of a performance by them. The last time I saw them, with Anette, for me, something was definently missing from the mix. The band played so, so well this time. Normally, I am not a teary-eyed mess with the music being played, but I will admit, I was crying during Ever Dream, since it's always been a favorite. However, another issue became prominent during Last Of The Wilds that I couldn't ignore ANY LONGER. I bailed on the band in order to not pee on myself, shoving people out of the way and got back in time to rock the hell out to Planet Hell, which you know what? I was DREADING with Anette, but feel it was spot on with Floor, and better than the End Of An Era version.

Unfortunantly, my left knee buckled during Planet Hell, and my boyfriend had to half-carry me to the back of the venue, where we sat out Song Of Myself and Imaginaerum.

It was as we were getting ready to get into our vehicle and leave that we discovered my boyfriends ride bailed on him and left him stranded in Oklahoma City, which is about 2 hours from were we live in Lawton. We snuck him into the Motel 6, and spent the next few hours winding down and then went to sleep around 3, before getting up at 7 to head to the Greyhound station to drop Zombie, the boyfriend, and I off and MistressAngie and her daughter went home to Dallas.

Special thanks to Zombie for sharing her pictures with the rest of us:
Nice! All I've got is a Nightwish poster from 2007 that I yoined off the wall, cept I left it at my folk's and I think...they threw it out :(.

Cherish those pictures! I'm jealous.
Taimi: Sorry to hear about your knee, and about Alyssa's problems; but I guess similar to what happened to me in San Diego in the elevator, lack of access leads to good fortune that you might not otherwise have had. ;)

I love your pictures!!! I really *really* wish I could have been able to take pictures with them. Considering that the band was signing stuff in Anaheim for 2 hours; the way the security made like I was taking up so much time, would an extra 5 seconds to take a picture really have killed them? :rolleyes:
Thank you :D I've got a video taken from the show, but not sure how to add it to the OSA channel... Do I post the link to it here in the thread?
Warning: long boring post, lotta pix got carried away!!!

My son Chris, 17, and myself are big fans of NW and Tarot; we got to see NW at the Gibson gig, that was really cool but we had no idea how awesome the San Diego day was going to be for us. Wow.

So, we left home (Corona) about 10.30 or 11...good ride south to SD, and found the parking structure (the one across from the restaurant side of HOB). So we park, go down and hit the street. I was going to grab something at the CVS, when I turned and spotted a Prevost H3-45 conversion coach...with a trailer.
Behind another Prevost conversion...with a trailer..I'm thinking, no freaking way....

Behind those two was one more Prevost, yep, with a trailer...

We got there right when both bands did.

As the first coach slowly passed us, we could see Ewo in the front and I think Chris said he saw Jukka...but it was funny, there's a open window near the back of the rig and there's Emppu looking out and waving to us. That was cool. Of course me and Chris were all waving "HI EMPPU!"

Ok Chris, we're going to the venue lol...

So the buses were going around the corner to get to the drop location, we're there watching the buses come.

The backline crew get right on it, those dudes are amazing...the Gotta give them a ton of credit for making everything work smoothly. and Chris are patient, we hang out by the wall, near the front of the bus and watch one by one, Floor....Emppu, Jukka...Tuomas...but lastly, Marko leaves the bus.
Two other fans had gotten his attention, but he looked up towards us and waved. After those people left, me and Chris come to say hi. I said, laughingly, "Can we finally get that photo?" He gave me a hug and of course the photo. I've been trying to 2 years since I first met him at Prog in 2010.

Earlier at the M&G in January, I brought him my bass to have the back of the headstock signed. (Marko is my bass influence) We talked $#!+ for a bit, Chris took a pic with him, Marko gave him a pick, talked a little more...agreed how crazy his bro Zac is(actually, yeah he's crazy but a really great guy) ....After thought I should have commented that there could be something to say about dressing in drag and pineapples and oranges. Chris was kind of in a WOW state when we were hanging a bit with Marko. I always thing I could see them both on Nintendo 3DSes racing each other on Mario Kart. It was really nice to see him. Kind of wished Zac was there too...
Chris & Marko messing around

Someone actually had to some and get him LOL, I said cya later and he was off to go to work. But not long after he, along with Tuomas, Troy and Jukka- they went for a walk to get whatever they got....

Somewhere along the line, while the roadies were doing their job I talked to the driver of the Kamelot bus. Admired his skill for backing a 45' coach with trailer. I'm a bus driver so we talked shop for a bit.

Anyways, at the ticket office...something was goofy with the tickets, Enterthevault hadn't released them yet so, me and Chris decided to go eat. The plan was, eat there and we'd get the "Pass the Line pass" and surely that was worth it.
Food was pretty good, we had pulled pork sammiches. Got a HOB tshirt too.
So back in line, they finally released the tickets and we got in the Pass the Line...line. hehe!I think it was i dunno, hour or two later, after the M&G had been done and those fans got their spot on the floor, we got to go in. Me and Chris got right behind the first row of people RIGHT in front of Tuomas and Marko's stage spot. initial reaction:

:OMG: then :worship: then :rock:

WOW!!! Yeah instant fan. FREAKING WOW! lol

Great showmanship on all parts, and yes, being a student bassist, I'm watching Sean. He is so freaking COOL. I love his braids, and man he can throw them around. It was doubly cool he is a Warwick player/endorser. I don't know all the member's names yet, since I'm just discovering them. (picked up Silverthorn when it came out, supercool album) Anyways...yep, total approval.

Then after their gear teardown, and set up of NW's gear...(which was kind of cool to watch hehe) The supernice folks around us, we're all talking and the lights were going down and we're all getting hyped up of course. Totally into it. One gal in front was a HUGE Marko fan, she was cool.

So the lights dim and the show begins, the intro..the Zimmer stuff...guys are taking their place. I was in HEAVEN. we're like less than 20 feet from Tuomas...he is so much fun to watch. When they launched into Storytime the whole thing just hit me, I'm seeing them right up front, everything I hoped, there's my most favorite of bassist right there playing his new Rusty Buzzard, I watch him and I am inspired. (there's a story about that as well, I'll spare you, the reader the boring details on that) And yeah, he spots me and Chris, smiles a little.
(pic is actually from Last Ride - Marko switch from the Buzzard to the VampyreNT, my dream bass. The bass nerd in me went YAY Vampyre! hehe)

Jukka, I love watching him back there on drums...something primal about drummers... he and Pecu (of Tarot) are fun to watch. Emppu is great fun, he saw us as well and nodded towards Chris - who, back in Jan. called him Shaggy...cos Chris is growing out his hair and has a cool beard)

Now let me get to Floor. When I heard Anette left, I was really bummed...but poop happens and you go on. I was afraid the rest of the tour was going to be cancelled. She is a hero, I feel she saved the tour. She is amazing. With such a short time to learn lyric the best she could, she did damn good. She has a great presence on stage, I love that she windmills, she sounds great....I really admire Floor for acting so quickly in this crisis.
Next song starts...I go nuts, I wanted to hear Wish I had an Angel live...I was bouncing off the walls so happy....then Dark Chest... I was like did they read my mind? (for the record Once is a big favorite) I was out of my mind thrilled to bits to hear these tunes.

When it was called for lights for the starry effect for Slow Love...Chris, hehe, he doesnt take out the not him....out comes the iPad...and says "oooverkill...." I about die laughing. Then he's got pics of our Maui trip on it and I think Tuomas was looking at them. It looked that way. (apologies if he blocked anyone's view, you can see the ipad on a video clip of the song)

Sorry this is so long. I like to write a lot.

Ah, TROY. Jeez..I can't forget to mention him. I love the pipes...doesnt matter highland or Irish...or small pipes, or whatever.. I love pipes. Troy is simply amazing. Those Irish pipes are much more complicated than Highland....the sound from those is so...I dunno how to describe it. Happy sounding? hehe I love, love, Last of the Wilds and Tears cos those pipes really add depth to those tunes...

Anyways...during the show, we spotted the Bruelands on the side of the stage, we were happy to see them there. And then there was another older gal, I thought she was familiar....

One of the neat things, I love it when being surrounded by so many folks with the same love for his band. I feel a comraderie when everyone is singing with them, or pumping fists, or into it, everyone starts to have fun. What a great feeling.

One dude behind us was annoying, kept trying to get between me and Chris..I'm like dude, back! And pulled Chris closer to me.
Someone a little ways more behind, I think was trying to start a mosh...I'm like WTF?!?!? That's not permitted there! It stopped quickly. I was afraid a little it would escalate....

The good feelings continued all through the show, Marko waggled fingers at me...I replied back the same haha Love his new bass, its weird and cool at the same time. Originally the Buzzard was designed by the great late John Entwistle of the WHO. Marko commented on the rusty finish and how he was rusty like it. lol

I was dreading Last Ride, cos I knew that was it. But man what a show, it was way cool. Haha, that big Marko fan in front of me - he tossed out his towel, she caught it. that was cool. Oh yeah Emppu has bad aim tossing picks...nobody could catch one but they did get claimed.
The gig ended, we were on a high, totally stoked over the whole performance. But we werent done yet. We set our butts by the buses again.

After awhile, I spotted Sean Tibbetts, I had to go meet him. What a cool guy. I told him the Streamer bass was awesome, he went on & on how he loved Warwick, and told me how he got his endorsement deal. SOLD all his non-Warwick gear! I told him how I was learning, that I am a Warwick player stuff...soon though, someone pulled him in another

Got Sean on my FB now.....

While waiting, we spotted Jukka going to the bus, dissapearing into it. We weren't going to bother anyone beelining to the buses. We give them their space and respect it. Then a short hooded guy going to the bus, it was obvious Emppu just wanted to go rest. Troy spoke with folks by the bus, I was bummed I didnt get a chance to say hi to him.

Oh, we did see the Bruelands, said hi and the other gal that was on the stage with them...Kiti Holopainen...I've seen her before and it just didnt connect til she said who she was, what a sweet lady! Gave her a hug, cos I just wanted to. What a great mom to go to her baby's gigs; I'd be the same way.

Two you fangirls were following Marko to the bus, we're was funny. Kind of cute too. He's explaining to them to let him put his stuff on the bus and he'll be right back. The girls were cute, giggling, "I love his accent!"

And he kept his promise, he is so damn good to fans. Got to admire that. Tuomas was already near the doors of the venue already mobbed, felt sorry for him but he was good to them. pics, autographs, whatever...

Once the girls left, I said my goodbyes to Marko before he got mobbed cos the crowd was coming. This time I gave him a hug, talked a little more and thanked him for a great show. Then we were off to leave him to the fanmob, watched him for a moment then realised Tuomas was near, so I said hell, we gotta get a pic with real quick, me and Chris got a pic with Tuomas. He was so mobbed, there was no moment to thank was ok.

I look like hell though, i was on that high but tired as all hell...i was dopey too.At least Tuomas looks fine in the pic...and Chris. I look like a dork haaha!

He headed back to the car, passing by poor Marko surrounded by people....that was the end of our adventure.....

from the parking spot, I can hear the buses turning the corner and driving off to Tempe.

Driving home was tiring..once the high crashed, I had a hard time keeping the eyes open but we got home safe. And immediately crashed on the bed....I just before I fell asleep, I thought how our favorite band was most likely snoozing in the bus, on their way to the next gig.

Well, if you made it down to the end here...thanks for reading this drabble. Have a delightful day.
Great review! Glad to see you here on the board, btw.

Looks like we were outside after the show at about the same time, only we had to leave, so I'm glad to hear the rest of the band did come out later on. You were probably standing right next to us when we were out there, but we probably would not have recognized each other! :lol: You do look familiar in your pics, though! Also glad that you got to meet Kirsti (Tuomas' mom); I met her the night before in Anaheim and she is a *wonderful* lady! I cannot say enough nice things about her.

So glad to hear you and your son had a great time! I also went to the Gibson/Key Club shows and getting to see Nightwish 4 times in less than a year had definitely been a dream come true! :D

And while this is not exactly related to Nightwish, here is my picture with the guys from Kamelot. I also met Sean, but he only took a picture with my friend's son; I think he was already gone by the time I got this picture taken with Tommy and Casey.


This is also the perfect time to show everyone the birthday card that I mentioned in my review, signed by 5/6 Nightwish and 3/5 Kamelot.

Here's the outside of the card; I just love the design!


Since Tommy and Sean signed with a silver pen, you can't really see their signatures here too well, but here they all are (except for my friends' names who also signed the card, out of respect to their privacy):


A little bit of a better shot (btw, Floor was the one who wrote "Happy Birthday" in the card):


Close-up on Sean and Tommy's signatures:


Close-up on the Nightwish signatures, as well as Casey from Kamelot (I tried to get him to sign where the other guys in his band had signed, on top of the card, but I was not fast enough and he already started signing!):


Thanks, Lady Warwick, you finally encouraged me to stop procrastinating on sharing the last of these pictures! And yes, Sean was a very cool guy. :)
That is so cool they signed the card!! I *think* I saw't remember though. So yeah. I thought I read Mrs H's name was Kiti? Carol, I think, said it was?
Sure was a great gig though wasn't it? I'm still blown away by it. It gave me the boost I needed to work harder with my own bass work (had so much fun with my teacher today!!)

I would have loved to have gone to the Key Club gig...had to work that night. I would have done Anaheim but again, I had to take a varsity football team to go clobber another team. I'd have done both gigs if I could have haha!

Kiitos Taimi! I'm glad to be here. I was on the forum before as "Rookie Bassist"...but over on the Warwick forums, a Finnish kid there once called me Lady Warwick, I told Emzyo I liked it then had our esteemed forum god change my handle to that. It's stuck since. So back on here, had to redo it...

on that bus pic, if you look towards the back you can see something like an elbow sticking out of the bus...that's Emppu
When she introduced herself to me, she said her name was Kirsti (I'm not sure if that's how it's spelled), and the Bruelands also called her Kirsti, so I have no reason to think that isn't her name. Maybe Kiti is a nickname or something?

If you look closely at my Kamelot picture, I am thinking that's either you or Chris in the background with the Imaginaerum shirt!
Doesnt look like either of us, We both had our bags and you'd see the strap. We're silly, I got this bag I use for work to carry all my junk, Chris liked it so much, he got the same bag haha!
The arm in the pic looks too beefy to be Chris's, he's a lean skinny kid.

Maybe a nicky, yeah. i dunno. doesnt matter, shes way cool.
Love reading these stories everyone!
And C, that card is way better than I thought. :) What an amazing keepsake to remember this birthday! I mean seriously... awesome. This band is pretty great to the fans, I must say.
Our shirts were actually from the Gibson. I thought about getting the tour shirt but it's got the same design on front. I should have gotten a Kamelot shirt though, darn it. I didnt want to move from the spot we had so i skipped that.
^Same here; I was disappointed to see that there were more King Foo shirts at the merch booth than Nightwish shirts. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but...well, for those of us who went to the Gibson show and already got this design, it would have been nice to see something else available.

Yes, I also wanted to get a Kamelot shirt, but the line was way crowded in Anaheim and I was in too good a spot in San Diego to go traipsing around the floor level to check out the merch booth there. :( I have tried to call the telephone number to Kamelot's online shop, but no one ever answers it, even though their site clearly states they take phone orders.

Desi: This card was definitely a nice surprise; I had not expected it at all! And the fact I was able to get signatures from both bands was extra cool.