Ol Sonuf - new material


Twilight of Billy Idol
Apr 26, 2004
Nashua, NH
I have had the pleasure of hearing some of the new Ol Sonuf material this morning, and I must say, while I liked his free demo "Vaoresaji," this stuff is far beyond that cd. Hearing the new rendition of the song "Chaos," I can understand why he offers his other cd for free, as a taste of things to come.

Specifically, the song "When Reason Yields" seemed to be the strongest, and overall, all the tracks are very melodic, dark, atmospheric, and even catchy, while still maintaining the necessary level of originality. The guitar work by far exceeds what was done in older songs, and I think that this is a one-man-band that we will be seeing a lot more of in the future.

From what I know, Ol Sonuf is still tweaking a lot of this material, but I must say it already rocks in its present form, with far better production, composition, and sound quality in general.

The website is at www.olsonuf.com, and like I said, he offers a free cd, all you have to do is email him. I definitely recommend checking it out.
