old man lindgren

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Jul 21, 2004
a friend of mine got to meeet peter lindgren in a toronto show i believe and had a beer with him.. during the conversation he asked peter what he thuoght of death metal and what bands he likes e.t.c.. his response was "all of it is shit, i only really like old music (prog,psychadelia) from the 60s and 70s.. " i find that to be really wierd..
any thoughts?
I think your friend was drunk and either didn't hear or forgot what Peter said exactly...Although he is into music from the 60's and 70's he (like all the other guys in Opeth) has a good appreciation for metal...
my friend was not that drunk actually but yeah i agree i mean i do remember peter and mikeal talking about them bieng blown away by morbid angels halls of madness e.t.c
Bored, you should have known better than to try to get a serious answer from this forum regarding anything. Now, unfortunately, you are marked for life. I suggest a name change for you.

Remember, if you have something to say that is either unknown to other people, or incorrect, you will be branded an idiot.

I suggest hanging out elsewhere if you are not going to just kiss Opeth's ass and talk about their phenominal music. The fanboys here simply don't like anything less.

Although it moves really slowly, the Katatonia board is much better. Perhaps Maudlin of the Well's board, if you have a less than mainstream sense of humour.
ofcourse wouldnt you believe it.. its always the cocky ignorant americans you start with the rude comments and the PUSSY I WANNA STAB YOU witha knife comments.. easy to say shit like that hiding behind a computer isnt it ? id bet you wouldnt have half the balls if i was right in front of you.. you fucking americans are fucking ridiculous.. and are ignorant morons.. jsut cause i was fucking stoned and drunk off my ass after a night of partying and wrote something wrong you guys have to make a whole case out of it.. .. always the ones starting shit when they are the most naive uneducated fucks on earth.. get a fucking life and if you have something to say to me you little fucking white trashed hicks come say it to my face. just because i dont sit and masterbate to the opeth forum like you losers do and actually have a life.. it must piss you off quite an amount. i dont thinkk its a coincedence that the AMERICANS in the forum are the ones that started this shit.. dont you guys see a pattern here? those planes crashing into ure fucking towers was just a wake up call to how fucked you really are

and when u fucking wake up dying of a chemical attack ill be the first one laughing
btw lethe78 this last post was not directed to you and if it offends you then sorry.. you were actualyl replying like a human would
Bored said:
ofcourse wouldnt you believe it.. its always the cocky ignorant americans you start with the rude comments and the PUSSY I WANNA STAB YOU witha knife comments.. easy to say shit like that hiding behind a computer isnt it ? id bet you wouldnt have half the balls if i was right in front of you.. you fucking americans are fucking ridiculous.. and are ignorant morons.. jsut cause i was fucking stoned and drunk off my ass after a night of partying and wrote something wrong you guys have to make a whole case out of it.. .. always the ones starting shit when they are the most naive uneducated fucks on earth.. get a fucking life and if you have something to say to me you little fucking white trashed hicks come say it to my face. just because i dont sit and masterbate to the opeth forum like you losers do and actually have a life.. it must piss you off quite an amount. i dont thinkk its a coincedence that the AMERICANS in the forum are the ones that started this shit.. dont you guys see a pattern here? those planes crashing into ure fucking towers was just a wake up call to how fucked you really are

and when u fucking wake up dying of a chemical attack ill be the first one laughing

Whoa man calm down.
And I hope you understand what you just said makes you as ignorant as the "Fucking American White Trash Hicks"

I hate nationalistic assholes.
oh why don't you cry us a river, build a bridge over it and proceed to take your life by jumping off of it.

it's funny how some people have to bring up Americans when they get bashed and telling them how they're going to get fucked or whatever, it's all just a bunch of useless e-drama
Hey man...I hope what I said isn't part of what's making you upset...It wasn't my intention...the other comments were rather rude (but that's something that unfortunately has become a part of this forum)...but regardless...what the fuck is up with the Americans are shit bashing? I'm no patriot by any stretch of the imagination but geez...we aren't all Iraqi baby bombing mindless drones...fyi...I am rather intelligent and I don't spend all of my time "masterbating to the opeth forum"...I go to school full time studying engineering...and I have real life friends that I actually spend time with...so before you start generalizing because you're butt hurt...think for a second...and you better watch out because I'll be moving to Canada for school next year so I could end up being your neighbor :p....
Also, in Peter's biography he has Alters of Madness as an essential record, so he can't hate DM :p

America is also the worlds scapegoat because of our reputation. Not all Americans are inbred trash, we just happen to have given them their very own president. Thus, the America stereotype is that all americans are stupid hicks. The truth is there are a large number of progressive thinking people here, but nobody else seems to notice us :rolleyes:
Bored said:
ofcourse wouldnt you believe it.. its always the cocky ignorant americans you start with the rude comments and the PUSSY I WANNA STAB YOU witha knife comments.. easy to say shit like that hiding behind a computer isnt it ? id bet you wouldnt have half the balls if i was right in front of you.. you fucking americans are fucking ridiculous.. and are ignorant morons.. jsut cause i was fucking stoned and drunk off my ass after a night of partying and wrote something wrong you guys have to make a whole case out of it.. .. always the ones starting shit when they are the most naive uneducated fucks on earth.. get a fucking life and if you have something to say to me you little fucking white trashed hicks come say it to my face. just because i dont sit and masterbate to the opeth forum like you losers do and actually have a life.. it must piss you off quite an amount. i dont thinkk its a coincedence that the AMERICANS in the forum are the ones that started this shit.. dont you guys see a pattern here? those planes crashing into ure fucking towers was just a wake up call to how fucked you really are

and when u fucking wake up dying of a chemical attack ill be the first one laughing
You ignorant, generalizing, racist piece of shit...
i would like to apologize to tryst .. i just kinda sobered up .. i was really trashed on acid..
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