Old Mans Child on Dragnet??

Apr 10, 2002
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I felt like opening this can of worms on this site since I like you guys and your opinions. I was wondering how many of you saw the dragnet episode the other day? I had a double take when I saw Old Mans Child, Dimmu and Immortal on TV. I mean black metal and Ed Oneil on the same program? lol

That brings me to the episode itself which I didnt like. It makes metal people look like a bunch of depressed, suicidal, moraless, red-neck wierdos. It was so stereotypical and of course the ending with that "God and his retribution thing" made me want to puke. I suppose this was good exposure for Galder and his gang (though none of the MUSIC played on the episode was OMC). However I cant help but think that maybe real metal music doesnt need this kind of publicity. I mean Im quite happy with my life (well content), and love music for music sake. I dont sacrifice babies, etc. And I dont need the music I love misrepresented/whored on American TV. Opinions?
Dude, it's typical media sensationalism. Get used to it. Been happening for years with Black Sabbath, Ozzy, Slayer and now with Black Metal.

Funny thing is, Galder (aka: Tom) is the nicest guy in the world. I didn't see the show, but associating Galder with killing babies or whatever is pretty damn funny.
starchildo@aol.com said:
I felt like opening this can of worms on this site since I like you guys and your opinions. I was wondering how many of you saw the dragnet episode the other day? I had a double take when I saw Old Mans Child, Dimmu and Immortal on TV. I mean black metal and Ed Oneil on the same program? lol

That brings me to the episode itself which I didnt like. It makes metal people look like a bunch of depressed, suicidal, moraless, red-neck wierdos. It was so stereotypical and of course the ending with that "God and his retribution thing" made me want to puke. I suppose this was good exposure for Galder and his gang (though none of the MUSIC played on the episode was OMC). However I cant help but think that maybe real metal music doesnt need this kind of publicity. I mean Im quite happy with my life (well content), and love music for music sake. I dont sacrifice babies, etc. And I dont need the music I love misrepresented/whored on American TV. Opinions?
I didn't see the show, but when I heard they were going to be on I was afraid that would be the depiction. Just like you both said, stereotypes and sensationalism.
The story is about three girls. The first was this girl who was murdered. It turns out that she was chained up, beaten and set on fire by this girls lesbian girlfriend. However, it was all inspired by the lesbian girls black metal loving sister. The sister evoked the spirit of the evil demon "Euronymous" and sacrificed her sisters girlfriend to him for fun. They did it together. Of course the reason was because the murdered girl was cheating on her girlfriend at the time. Later, when the sister was questioned, she (the metal girl) commited suicide rather than tell the police what happened. It turns out that the two girls are merely victims of bad parenting, since their father is some mean biker guy. In the end they cant prove the murder on him and hes let go (cause neither daughter will testify against their father). One is of course brain dead at this point (broken neck). In the end though the "good guys" win, cause the father of the murdered girl kills the biker guy out of revenge and all is well.