Old School Death Metal Mix - Heaviest I've Made

Filthy. When the vocals with the awesome reverb comes in it totally brings it together. Wish there was more stuff like this posted on the forum.
I love this guitar tone, so goddamn smooth

mental note to self: find more decrepitaph
Totally agree.
Hell yeah. I love pumping when it's done right haha
Filthy. When the vocals with the awesome reverb comes in it totally brings it together. Wish there was more stuff like this posted on the forum.
Thanks! I pretty much only post stuff like this, btw :lol:
And I agree. I wish this stuff was more common on this forum. Hearing other like-minded mixes would be sweet!
I love this guitar tone, so goddamn smooth

mental note to self: find more decrepitaph
Right on. FWIW I believe they used Fender MH and Rivera Knucklehead amps. No idea what mics they used (I'd assume really cheap) or where they placed them. I added a ton of high-end with EQ.
Also FWIW, I didn't mix the first two albums. I did mix their two latest splits and the Conjuring Chaos EP, though.