Old School Death Metal - My Band/Mix


Feb 6, 2004
Northern VA
My band and I just finished recording our 5-song demo (I'm in the band, but we recorded in my studio, so I was also recording engineer)

I just spent about 4 hours mixing our first song on the demo. Anyone care to comment on the mix?

This is old school styled death metal, so think Entombed and Dismember, etc.


We're called Horrendous, btw
I dig it, it's some good as fuck old school dm. tr00 :headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang:

Edit: The slow part is gloriously epic as all fucking hell. Anybody that listens and doesn't have their volume maxed out for that part is a bitch and is disrespecting the music.

/subliminal slightly louder bass!!! /subliminal
Hey Damian, can't say I'm diggin' the guitar tone - I get what you were going for with the whole HM-2 buzzsaw thing, but I feel like at least running it through an impulse (or duplicating the track, applying an impulse, and playing with the ratio) would help fatten it up a bit while retaining the character. Also, you're singer is a bit on the silly side I have to admit; I can hear too much throat (ouch) and not enough growl, though making the vox less upfront (by bringing up the verb mix, mainly) would really help IMO, as well as better setting the atmosphere. Drums sound good, though the snare could be louder IMO, and the bass fills things up nicely.

Sweet solos btw, though occasionally a bit too much trem-picking/random atonal notes for me, though I guess I'll begrudgingly admit it fits :p
Haha, thanks for listening dudes

Marcus, I did use an HM-2, but it's running through a 5150 and my Splawn 4X12, so I don't know about using an impulse. I did use CurveEQ to partially match the guitar tone from Left Hand Path.

Drums are all natural, btw, no samples.
Oh damn, so that's a mic'ed cab? I assumed from the sound you did the ol' HM-2 straight-in routine, but I guess the fact that I was able to listen to it without vomiting everywhere (unlike, say, "Ressurection through Carnage" :ill: ) should've keyed me in :D Still think it could be a lot fuller though!
The mix is a bit of mush. drums especially lack some punch imo. should be more "in-yo-face" than "in-the-dark-woods-of-norway". I personally love the hm-2 sound a lot so +666 for using it haha.

You should try to find a peavey bandit somewhere! I bought mine for 120e and it's fucking kickass with hm-2! grindy as fuck.
Wow~! I dig the song a lot! If you don't mind me asking, what's the name of your band? The solo kicks ass - but from 1:52 to 1:55 it reminds me of the solo from Pantera's 'Domination' a lot. Anyhow, the song surely lives up to the title of this forum - "Ultimate Metal".
Hope to hear some more stuff from you guys.

You think it sounds mushy? These are the punchiest drums I've ever gotten haha

I would love to get a Peavey Supreme 160. Isn't that what some osdm bands used to use, if not an HM-2? Haven't heard too much about the Bandits

Maamar Hug,
Thanks! Our band is called Horrendous. I'm not sure about 1:52-1:55. The other guitarist and I trade solos and that's exactly where his begins.
Thanks a lot
Sound is cool for oldschool DM, like it. Only thing I would do is raise the kick a bit...but I`m a drummer hehe

And the song itself is :headbang:
Right on. I started to feel the kick needed to stick out a bit more, so I made it louder and a bit clickier on the 4th song. I'll have to apply those changes to the earlier songs, including this one. Other than the kick and adding a tiny bit more bass, I've been sticking to the template/settings of this first song.

And I'm glad you like the song! I'll probably post some links to more songs soon
Nope. I started a band with two of my good friends at college. They are brothers and live only a couple hours from me, even though we both live many hours from school, haha. So, they came to my house to record.

On that recording, I play guitar (including the first half of the lead solo) and do most of the vocals. Most of the bass, too.
My friend plays drums, and his bro did the other guitar and a little bit of the vox. Only 3 in the band
I'm not 100% sure but isn't the right channel guitar a bit louder than the left one, at least in the beginning? Can't say I love the guitar tone, but it does fit the genre! I like the song
I'll have to check that.

Haha. Old school death is not only my favorite style of death metal, but my favorite musical genre overall. I love the old stuff. But, people definitely still listen, even if it's a relatively small crowd. There's actually a good number of new bands doing this style still!

I'm glad people are liking the song
That's some old-school! Love it! Brings good memories in mind and sounds quite a bit similar to all mighty Entombed.
My Hm-2 is here somewhere...Gotta play with it. :D
Can you give some info about the guitars?Did you cut all the low freq or what?How do you get that sound?I know you used the boss pedal but what's next?Maybe an extra eq to alter the original guitar sound from the amp or this sound comes exclusively from the boss pedal and amp?Also did you use the mic on the back of the cab?Thanks