Old school thrash from Israel!


New Metal Member
Jul 12, 2009
wahoo, i've finally decided to share my band with you guys,
at first i was a bit hesitant because the recording quality isn't that great and i fucked up the singing a bit, but then i just said "fuck it" and here's what you get;


Wer'e Anomaly! We play (or try to) old school thrash, influenced mostly by early megadeth, sacred reich (for the politics) and nuclear assault. We have 1 demo out consisting of these 2 songs and hopefully soon we will have some new stuff out.

Any thoughts? ideas for improvement? glorious praises for the awesomeness of our music? shallow and cynical comments that say that it's shit but don't really describe why?
wahoo, i've finally decided to share my band with you guys,
at first i was a bit hesitant because the recording quality isn't that great and i fucked up the singing a bit, but then i just said "fuck it" and here's what you get;


Wer'e Anomaly! We play (or try to) old school thrash, influenced mostly by early megadeth, sacred reich (for the politics) and nuclear assault. We have 1 demo out consisting of these 2 songs and hopefully soon we will have some new stuff out.

Any thoughts? ideas for improvement? glorious praises for the awesomeness of our music? shallow and cynical comments that say that it's shit but don't really describe why?

We usually ask people to post in the forum (e.g become regulars) before coming promoting a band, specially one of their own.
But since the rule is a bit vague I'll allow this as long as the people benefit from it.

Anyway, I'll go first. Since it's a demo I won't be critical upon the mixing. The vocals are fine, they may require a bit of strenght (not harsh, just force). The energy is fine specially in the dumming section, the guitar playing requires also a bit more of refinement. I'm not saying to go and play technical thrash, but requires more polishing.

I guess nowdays the people are more demanding from new bands, specially those roaming in the classing genres. My advice? Keep practicing no matter what, try to play live as much as you can to make a name in the local scene and get loose, use the Internet a lot to promote, get contacts, advice, etc.

Good luck and keep being part of the UMOS family.

P.S. I like better 'Metal Slut' than 'Anomaly' by kilometers :grin:
She's a metal slut!
She'll give you STDs and then leave you to rot!
It's about the bass players ex-girlfriend ;p

Sorry about posting before being a forum veteran ;/ been reading here for months without commenting and today for some reason i had the feeling that i have to share this ;P
She's a metal slut!
She'll give you STDs and then leave you to rot!
It's about the bass players ex-girlfriend ;p

That's what one gets to deal with shiksas :p

Sorry about posting before being a forum veteran ;/ been reading here for months without commenting and today for some reason i had the feeling that i have to share this ;P

No sweat, hope you stay and post more, we always need people.