Old School's YouTube Thread

hehe, no problem, I have that all time (being late with reactions on posts)...
Have you seen this Wyv ???

going to bed now, just return from a live gig from the Dutch oldschool band Martyr, great show they put up !!! Will post some clips later...
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Already a video of last night's show of the Dutch oldschool band Martyr (not the death metal shitband, sorry fans). Great gig, and a very fine audience !!
Martyr was one of the few foreign bands that had a song on a Metal Massacre sampler ("En Masse" on MM VI)

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Cool Zep ! one of my fav 2008 releases...How's the kid doing (and you?)????

The kid is doing great! He's the best thing that ever happened to me, and largely responsible for me being inactive on the forum lately:)

Check out this video from V.O.D. (Voice of Destruction) it's Blom's old band before they formed KOBUS, they have a reunion show here on the 7th of March, cant wait!!:rock: here's a link: http://www.flamedrop.com/vod/menu.htm, if you check under news you'll see that Kobus played at the Manowar show last year.

Ps if you want I'll send you the two VOD albums as well (Black Cathedral & Bloedrivier) , both kick serious ass.
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Sabaton - '40:1', premiere video showed in Warsaw, class act!

Εξόριστοι - Το Σπαθί Του Νικητή

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After the dreadful "Karmacode" I became jaded about Lacuna Coil and when I read they were working with a pop/mallcore producer I was sure the new album will be worst. Despite this I found their first single pretty much like their pre-"Comalies" stuff so here's a look at it:

Also you can listen to a second single here (not as good, but not a bad song either) it's called 'Not Enough':

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Been listening to the new Crucified Barbara alot lately. I think it's got a great "heavy" guitarsound, alot better than their previous albums !

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New Meliah Rage song from their upcoming album "Masquerade"

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