Old thrash bands with more "mature" late-career albums

Killing Season is so much better than The Art of Dying. (Death Angel)

Shit, I didn't even realise they had a new album out. That shit's getting heard for sure.

Thanks for all the recs guys - I'm making my list. :)
Why do you go through the trouble of putting a lightbulb above your every post? Seems pointless.

It's called a habit. I've been doing it since I was younger, and I still do it now even though I don't consider it to be particularly worthwhile or interesting. I don't even think about it anymore, so trying to not do it would take more effort than just doing it. People care about it too much.
Kreator and Sodom, definitely. I really love the last couple from each of these.
And I haven't heard too much, but the last few from Exodus perhaps meet your request.
Except Risk is pretty boring overall. But in theory it does fit my request.

I'm pretty sure SFSGSW isn't what I had in mind.
Maybe, I haven't heard that one. I'm still pretty weak on my 'Deth knowledge.

Btw, why you gotta go and quote me while I'm in the middle of my 60 edits before the 2-minute mark?
There is in fact not a single redeeming quality to TWNAH. It's a mix of really shitty generic stuff and Dave unsuccessfully trying to rip himself off.
@Ozz:The key word there was "unsuccessfully"
@Satanstoenail: I have the self-titled and I'm not impressed really...
Yeah, I didn't judge them buy it...but it hasn't increased my enthusiasm. What's their best overall?
There is in fact not a single redeeming quality to TWNAH. It's a mix of really shitty generic stuff and Dave unsuccessfully trying to rip himself off.

I actually think its very good. Its my "I feel bad for myself" album in fact. Alot of relationship related lyrics. I like the riffing as well. A dark horse in the Megadeth discography that takes a little more time to grow than their other stuff.