old threads


Jul 2, 2008
Blackwater Park is probably the most universally accepted Opeth album and considered their best by a majority of fans. But if you read old threads around the time it came out and a little after that, I find it interesting that most of the fans consider it the worst, a disappointment. I read one that said that it wasn't the true Opeth and does not capture what they are.

What happened? Is it that when something new is brought to table some people will automatically hate it and everyone else jumps on the bandwagon?
Yes, it always happens. That's why I listen to albums before reading or hearing any reviews of it, because I can't control the influence of other people over my feelings toward the album, weird, but that's how most of the people act.
Because people are fucking idiots, and most of them still haven't understood the fact that in order to judge an album properly some time has to pass (that time being longer in Opeth)
it seems to happne with every opeth release, it comes out and we're bombarded with 30 threads of this new album sucks, it's nothing like "good" opeth, we hate it, bring back peter, bring back lopez, bring back defarlla, but then you give it a couple months and everyone is singing its praises, i agree with Noel, i try and not to read a lot of reviews because i could potentially build the next opeth album up to a point where i can no longer enjoy it.
I even notice with myself that I need to listen to a record 20 times before I start to like it. I hated Deliverance, Damnation, and Watershed when i first heard them but I kept listening to them and picked up parts here and there that I really liked. Soon there were more and more parts I liked and now I love those records in their entirety. Opeth is an aquired taste so for myself, I need to give it time before my opinion is genuine.
Eventually, you know that people will jump the gun, and hate Opeth's 11th and 12th album, even before 2008 comes to a close. That would be soooo cool, you know?
Dude Opeth's 11th and 12th albums are total shit. They've gone steadily downhill since Watershed. And what was up with the Marley covers, anyway?
i HATED deliverance the first time i heard it but now the first 5 tracks i think are great. Its the album that I listen to now a lot more than the others...
What happened? Is it that when something new is brought to table some people will automatically hate it and everyone else jumps on the bandwagon?[/QUOTE]

Unfortunately, yes. It seems that a lot of people set unrealistic expectations for the band, such as for them to release "another still life", so when they hear an album that is 'fresh' and has a different musical approach, they don't take the time to digest what they're hearing, and they head for the hills and herald the album as crap.

I think that watershed is the best example of this. I'll admit, the first time i heard TLE i was thinking, wtf, is this opeth?...but, i continued listening and have been rewarded greatly; in fact, the whole of watershed is brilliant.