Dulce Et Decorum Est
People are always welcome to express themselves and their opinions here. That's what the forum is for. The problem is when people are disrespectful, rude, and have baseless criticism or simple choose not to say why they feel that way. This applies to criticism of both the art and the artists. Posters here should consider themselves criticizing the music, band direction, the members themselves, etc. as the equilavent of sitting at someone's dinner table as a guest at dinner and criticizing the meal and the cook. I mean, wait until you get in the car on the way home to talk shit. You have the whole world to talk shit. Doing it at the table in their dining room, in the cooks house is just rude. If the cook says that suggestions and comments regarding the meal and recipies, etc. are welcome (as they are here), do so in a nice, respectful way. "This tasts like shit". "Why?" "It just does... and the cook is fucking arrogant, too!... talking like he can cook better than anyone else... blah, blah, blah,...." right in front of the cook... that they just met for the first time... it's ludicrous, it's rude, it shows a lack of intelligence and consideration, and isn't tollerated here. It deserves an escort to the door by the hair and a swift kick in the ass on the way out... and I'm so happy to be the one to do the honors. So, eat up, comment and suggest all you wish... positive or negative comments are fine... just be cognizant of where you are and considerate of your host. It really is not too much to ask.
Just Kidding. Samsara you have nailed the point. Keep up the good work.