Oldest band which is still good? And oldest band member who is still good?


Pitiful Newbie
Feb 2, 2006
Basicly, I'm wondering how old the oldest (still) good bands and bands members are.

Please discuss, avoid flames, and all that stuff.
Blind Guardian, for one. Apart from their drummer leaving in 2005 for creative reasons, they've had the same solid lineup for 20 full years and none of their albums had any noticeable flaws (except perhaps overt vocal emphasis on their last two offerings). They are still amazing live and have not lost an ounce of the creative energy since their start in 1985. Great band. :headbang:

Immortal is also good. They haven't really done much experimenting in their career, but they have never failed to release a heavy dose of kick-ass black metal.

Celtic Frost, while they've had their ups and downs, definitely still have the juice, as seen in their new album "Monotheist".
Venom, Destruction, Sodom, Kreator, Celtic Frost (arguable).
Impudent said:
Venom, Destruction, Sodom, Kreator, Celtic Frost (arguable).

Narg n Lamb said:

Décadent said:
Judas Priest

And how long have those been going? Not all people know (my custom rank thing DOES say 'Pitiful Newbie' for a reason...).

Oh, and I'm talking about years of being a band (preferably still together), not just old bands which people still like.
Priest since 67
Bathory since 83 (died in 04)
Venom since 78
Destruction since 82
Keator since 82
Sodom since 82
Celtic Frost since 84 (or 82, if you count Hellhammer)
except venom were never good.

Testament are still pretty solid (the gathering was ok). Megadeth and Slayer are good live.

Mortal Sin (circa 86 / 87)
Bruce Dickinson / Iron Maiden
Danzig (well, music is now pretty average, but I can't wait to see him live and I'll admit I'm somewhat of a fanboy)
Heathen (recent demo kicked arse)

+ i agree with a number of the above - Kreator, Destruction, Sodom etc.
Teh Grimace said:
einsturzende neubauten.

lots of those older experimental bands are still kicking ass. King Crimson for one. Fripp since 68ish? Magma's another good one. I assume were talking about metal, In which case I would say priest, thoerwise there are plenty of jazz artists that trump all of the above. Isn't ornette coleman still around?