Oliva Workshop - Sold Out

As expected. But I didn't get a ticket to it. I just didn't have the enthusiasm of others over this although I'll say it's a very unique idea. I hope all who attend have a decent time.
I think this is the first of many sellouts this year! Congrats Glenn and Jen!
So as an aside, I believe I know the only way to get a gold badge is to get on the list next time you open it up (or win a contest), but what is involved with being a sponsor? Other than throwing money at you? :)
I hope someone gets some video of this - nothing like how "Uncle Jon" tells a story (ha ha)
. I will be missing this one, but it will be great for all of those that go.
It will of course be video taped. Thinking about mounting a camera over our
workstation on stage as well as a camera capturing all of you. Then mix the two for
a possible release after the show. We are open to all ideas but it will be
documented....oh yes, it will!

Now we go to work coming up with something really interesting and of course funny!

Cheers and thanks so much for the support....Oliva is thrilled it sold out so quickly.
Part of me was really hoping to see this once in a lifetime glimpse into the songcrafting process, but there are more hardcore folks out there who would appreciate this more than I. Since the ticket site doesn't seem to like my smart phone, and I had to be quiet while Djokovic and Isner were playing on the court in front of me, I couldn't snag a ticket. I'm somewhat relieved that my spot may have been filled with someone who'd get more out of the session.
It will of course be video taped. Thinking about mounting a camera over our
workstation on stage as well as a camera capturing all of you. Then mix the two for
a possible release after the show. We are open to all ideas but it will be
documented....oh yes, it will!

Now we go to work coming up with something really interesting and of course funny!

Cheers and thanks so much for the support....Oliva is thrilled it sold out so quickly.

Much love <3
Friendly reminder: there are no tickets for the Jon Oliva song workshop. It's strictly a will-call show. Doors: 4pm, Show: 5pm with a meet & greet immediately afterward.
