OMG!! Satyricon got 6/6 in Norwegian newspaper!!!

Originally posted by Don Corleone
oh come on...isnt that the album on which the guy called attila (tries to) sings?
im sorry but i find mayhem to be one of the worst black metal bands and the most overrated black metal band. they are just famous for all those killings and church burnings.

*cracks knuckles and stretches limbs*

No, actually Don!

The atmosphere conjured up by Mayhem is nearly unparalleled. yeah, Emperor are amazing, and they're probably the best, but the really cool, old stuff like Mayhema and Burzum seems to have the true essence of black metal.

Check out Dead's performance in 'Live in Leipzig'. It's nothing short of monumental.

Satyricon are great too. Can you believe this- my copy of 'The Shadowthrone' is missing. I have the case but I can't find the actual disk. I think I might have put it in with another c.d when I was really drunk one night, but now I can't find it. And it's one of the all time great bm albums!! aaaaaarrrrrrggggggghhh!
Satyricon are great too. Can you believe this- my copy of 'The Shadowthrone' is missing. I have the case but I can't find the actual disk. I think I might have put it in with another c.d when I was really drunk one night, but now I can't find it. And it's one of the all time great bm albums!! aaaaaarrrrrrggggggghhh!

Losing CD's is so sad :cry: I have my testament case but not the CD, and then I have my led zeppelin I CD but not the case. So I just gave up and put the led zeppelin CD in the testament case as a reminder to not be a dipshit and lose $12 CD's :mad:
doesnt anyone here like bands like gorgoroth and carpathian forest? now thats stone cold black metal! a bit different though from mayhem, satyricon, emperor and such.. (who also are great btw)
A friend of mine borrowed a Mr. Bungle cd! He lost it and didn't
seem to wanna get me a new one. I now have his Zip drive and 8
Zip disks. And they're mine now! So there! :D
Yes, Gorgoroth and CF is great.. I just hate the crap they wrote
in the new CP album... it's sounds just stupid...
I think it's 'Mor di er ei hore og du er en lille horunge' (med
gramatiske feil og greier) Something like that....Something like that....

(u don't wanna know.....)
Originally posted by Lordenlil
Yes, Gorgoroth and CF is great.. I just hate the crap they wrote
in the new CP album... it's sounds just stupid...
I think it's 'Mor di er ei hore og du er en lille horunge' (med
gramatiske feil og greier) Something like that....Something like that....

(u don't wanna know.....)

hehe i know, although i thought it was funny.. shows that theyre not taking themselves to seriously.. (at least i hope theyre not :) )
This is hard to translate.. sorry!!!

Ja, men det er faen meg så blodharry - dette order er kjipt å
oversette - at jeg ikke fikk lyst å kjøpe CD'n... he he. Hadde ikke
råd da uansett ;)
Originally posted by Lordenlil
This is hard to translate.. sorry!!!

Ja, men det er faen meg så blodharry - dette order er kjipt å
oversette - at jeg ikke fikk lyst å kjøpe CD'n... he he. Hadde ikke
råd da uansett ;)

Well, I can tell you, it's even more difficult to read than it is for you to translate....

I assume it's all very funny though. :D

I'm on holidays.. did you all know that?
Hmm - I was just gonna ask of bang's opinion... ;)
It says "Your mother is a whore and you're the little son of a whore"
On the cover.. you know in the transparent part to the left (which
many use instead of the grey plastic inlay..). It's kinda.. well...
not cool at least - we have a word for it in Norwegian that describes
it well. Harry!.