omg worst trip ever!

Tide In Mind Out

Mar 5, 2002
right before i was even gone!...just as the bus got into DC, we were shot at! through the window! luckily the bullet didn't go all the way through. i shoulda stopped and gone back then!

so then 2 days of discomfort, half of that with a hispanic guy sitting next to me swooning over me ugh:yuk:

then i get to dallas this morning and my bag isn't under the bus! stupid fuckers left it in memphis! as well as another guy's from my bus. now i have to wait til midnight to go get my shit in dallas.


oh and i got home and found my room is being used as a cat morgue:Smug:
Chromatose said:
well the I guess the only options are:

1) morgue for cats
2) morgue run by cats (not necessarily for cats)

:tickled: :tickled:

Cara, on a serious note:
wtf you got shot at ???????????????????? in DC????
thats insane!!!!!
by whom????

and I'm so sorry to hear about the bad bus drive :(
I hate the grey hound busses if they're over 3 hours....
Glad you're home now though and that you're safe....
it was scarlett. my mom told me she was sick. i didn't know she put her in my room to die though. she also put scarlett's friend in there, who is still in there, alive. scarlett must have just died.

oh and i was approached by a pimp at the bus station, even though i dressed like a boy to avoid that situation *sigh*
haha i'm taking them BOTH out. and then airing the room out for a few days.

haha sam! yeah. i was dreading walking down lamar street to get to union station. but it was all good for the most part :Spin: