the mirc log.
* Now talking in #enemies_of_reality
<karm> hi
<sentient6> hello karmic
<sentient6> latitude and longitude?
* r-penguin has joined #enemies_of_reality
<karm> sweden
<karm> gothenburg
<r-penguin> :O
<karm> first stop on the map
<sentient6> then I will see you very soon
<karm> hopefully
<karm> by the way
<karm> will you be signing cd's before the concert?
<sentient6> is the venue 18 and over only?
<karm> uh, yeah..
<sentient6> shit
<karm> still trying to figure out a way to get in
<r-penguin> grow a beard!
<sentient6> well maybe i can get you in
<karm> sweet!
<sentient6> buy a tuxedo!!!!
<karm> hahaha
<karm> i have no money
<r-penguin> hahaha
<karm> used on tickets
<karm> need to rob someone for t-shirt money
<r-penguin> I hope I can get to that nevermore show, it's in the same week as THE KING
<sentient6> well I won't know until I get there, but I've been able to sneak underage fans
into shows before...I am so fucking excited to finally play a show in Goteborg!!!
<karm> haha
<karm> a question
<karm> why didnt you tour with dimmu?
<sentient6> in the us we are
<karm> like you will in the usa tour
<sentient6> oh
<karm> in europe, that is
<sentient6> because we are both doing headline tours in europe at the same time
<karm> figures
<karm> theyre not coming to gothenburg
<sentient6> the new DB is killer
<karm> dammit
<karm> very
* Nogie has joined #enemies_of_reality
<Nogie> hello
<karm> have you seen the video?
<sentient6> no
<sentient6> I heard it was amazing
<r-penguin> whoa...they made a video?
<karm> its pretty cool
<karm> yeh
<r-penguin> it'll have fire and bitches!
<karm> i can send it if ya want
<sentient6> hahah
<r-penguin> and pentagrams!
<karm> starts off with a big one!
<sentient6> do I sense a mocking tone penguin?
<sentient6> hehehe
<r-penguin> why no, never
<karm> tho they went easy on the nakedness
<r-penguin> =(
<sentient6> cm sux ..they have not uploaded our video to their website yet
<karm> !!!!!!!!!
<r-penguin> hahaha, you ate worms!
<r-penguin> wormeater!
<karm> were you drunk in the video?
<karm> haha
<Nogie> did it taste good?
<karm> what with the "self-convincing" and all
<sentient6> well the woman that fed them to me was very attractive and I tried to get her to
keiss me with the worms in my mouth but she said her boyfriend would not tlike it..
<karm> hahahahah
<Nogie> lmao
<sentient6> that would have been hot
<r-penguin> hot worm kissing
<r-penguin> man....that just seems awesome
<r-penguin> does she have big jugs?!
<sentient6> she is really'll see when the vid comes out
<sentient6> HUGE
<sentient6> and they are real
* Retrieving #enemies_of_reality info...
<sentient6> I've never read that magazine RP
<r-penguin> hopefully CM will send the vid to canada
<sentient6> hahaha
<r-penguin> haaha
<sentient6> do you have uranium?
<karm> when will it air?
<r-penguin> nah
<r-penguin> we have LOUD
<sentient6> I think it's gonna be on uranium next week
<r-penguin> uranium is canadian television for the states, haha
<sentient6> ok
<sentient6> julia is a relly sweet person
<sentient6> really
<sentient6> can't type
<sentient6> broken arm
<sentient6> ouch
<r-penguin> listen to any cool music lately?
<sentient6> nogie you are very silent
<r-penguin> like the new zyklon?
<sentient6> fuck YES
<sentient6> it's awesome
<karm> only thing we got here, is superrock
<r-penguin> totally
<Nogie> i was just about to tell you you should come and play in israel
<sentient6> I would like to, the only problem is finding a promoter that will bring us there
<Nogie> bah
i'll try to find someone, hahaaha.. i have to see you guys live.. i'd go to
greece next month but no money
<sentient6> so karm...what is the club like that we're playing in gothenburg?
<karm> was there before, last time AE played there
<karm> its not so very big
<r-penguin> you guys are playing at a rap club in TO
<r-penguin> hahaha
<karm> but its roomy
<sentient6> I think all the IF guys will be there
<karm> has a bar on the other side of the place
<karm> the very reason they dont want to let me in.
<sentient6> I have so many friends there...I'm really looking forward to this show
<karm> they come for you!!
<karm> which do you know that are coming there?
* sentient6 has quit IRC (Client closed connection)
<karm> uhh
<r-penguin> BAM!
* Tee has joined #enemies_of_reality
<r-penguin> ahahha
<r-penguin> JUST missed him
<r-penguin> hahaha
<karm> lol
* sentient6 has joined #enemies_of_reality
<sentient6> hey tee!
<Tee> he wouldn't have anything nice to tell me anyway LOL
<r-penguin> hahahahhahahah
<Tee> Nogie, who are you after here?
<karm> have ya seen the two videos IF and Soilwork made?
<sentient6> hey I'm not mad at you!
<sentient6> not yet
<r-penguin> keep it that way
<Tee> good, neither am I at you haha
<karm> haha
<Tee> yet
<Tee> Nogie?
<karm> they dont have the charm they had before
<Tee> who? Soilwork?
<r-penguin> Soilwork never had charm
<karm> both
<karm> the were much better in the beginning
<Tee> aw
<sentient6> blasphemer!!!!!
<r-penguin> haha
<Tee> can I be Iris now?
<Nogie> what who where why? sorry, was reading stuff in UM
* Looking up Tee user info...
<sentient6> ummmm
<Tee> where are your nice manners? hmm
<karm> you know the soilwork guys?
<r-penguin> i thought you were searching for a promoter, nogie
<karm> heh
<Nogie> lol
<Tee> Nogie, are you a woman?
<Tee> I know LOL
<sentient6> will you be at the E-club Tee?
<r-penguin> WOW, Paracoccidioidomicosisproctitissarcomucosis - 02 -
Uruporfironogenodescarboxilandome Y Pustulandome.mp3
<r-penguin> I have to download that
<Tee> yeah, me and the husband
<Tee> emm
<sentient6> ok cool..can we have a beer together?
<sentient6> yes with the husband
<Tee> sure of course, we are the fans after all hehe
<sentient6> RP what's up with the rap club in Toronto?
* r-penguin shrugs
<karm> hahaha
<r-penguin> In flames was the first metal band to get there
<r-penguin> our promoter likes the place, it's pimpin
<sentient6> is it a big place?
<sentient6> the montreal show is sold out already
<r-penguin> it's decent, much bigger than the places you played before
<r-penguin> yikes, I should order a ticket
<sentient6> so it's bigger4 than the reverb room
<r-penguin> definitely
<sentient6> I like the reverb room..nice ppl working there
<Tee> bad continent
<r-penguin> I'm surprised you guy don't get the opera house, symphony x even got that place
<Tee> did they fall on stage?
<r-penguin> almost!
<sentient6> SX has a great guitarist
<Tee> almost is not good enough.
<Tee> where is the LoM to ask about the beard.....
<r-penguin> hahaha
<sentient6> hmmmm
<sentient6> I will not shave it off!!!
<r-penguin> he comes around later in the evening
<Tee> it's not good
<Tee> you should
<karm> nooooo
<sentient6> NO
<karm> hahaha
<Tee> you would look better
<r-penguin> He would NOT
<Tee> he would, the last time I saw him
<Tee> it was totally on one side
<sentient6> well I know some women that like the beard and it's many uses!
<Tee> of sleeping
<Tee> terrible
<r-penguin> haha
<karm> ahaha
<sentient6> I call iut my womb broom
<karm> hahaha
<r-penguin> haha
<Tee> ahaha
<Tee> would Jeff ever come to talk here?
<r-penguin> HAHAHHAHAHAH
<karm> will you be in gothenburg the very day you will play, or were you plannig to come
<Tee> as we're retarded....
<karm> and take the scenic route?
<sentient6> maybe...he doesn't have IRC though
<Tee> and a phone, I hear hahahhahaha
<sentient6> we come to germany first and then drive in the bus to Sweden ,so I think we get
there the day we play
<karm> alright
<karm> cd signing?
<Tee> always
<sentient6> oh yeah baby AE rocks!
<karm> heh
<r-penguin> THIS......IS.....CHAOS!!!!!!!
<r-penguin> man, AE kick so much ass live
<Tee> Solitude Aeturnus rule/ z
<sentient6> angela is great
<r-penguin> you better kick ass too, warrel!
<Tee> of course!
<karm> youd better play Sound of silence
<sentient6> don't worry RP ..we will rip
<sentient6> yes we will
<karm> sweeeeeeeeet
<Tee> great.
<sentient6> many surprises in our stlist
<sentient6> setlist
<karm> i cannot wait
<karm> if i now get in
<Tee> and Veil of Disguise
<r-penguin> VEIL OF DIGUISE!
<r-penguin> dude, start screaming more
<sentient6> not enough helium .....
<Tee> wrong substances these days
<r-penguin> do you still have you're old leather outfit?
<r-penguin> SERPENT KNIGHT!
<sentient6> hahahaha NO
<r-penguin> WUSS
* Guest52121 has joined #enemies_of_reality
<Tee> will there b a cover of Jag Panzer?
<sentient6> give me a break I was 15
* Looking up Guest52121 user info...
<sentient6> JP?
<Guest52121> wasnt warrel in here earlier?
<r-penguin> what's wrong with leather? Halford still has it!
<Tee> yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
<sentient6> Steve from Testament and Dragonlord will be with us
<Tee> no, this is Jim
<Guest52121> how long ago did he leave?
<karm> dunno
<r-penguin> ahahaha
<Tee> just when I arrived
<Tee> as always
<sentient6> hey jim what's up!!
<Tee> horrorz
<Guest52121> brb as groundxero
* Guest52121 has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
* r-penguin throws his panties at jim
<sentient6> are your panties plaid?
<r-penguin> duh!
<sentient6> that would look so retarded on a penguin
<sentient6> ROCK
<r-penguin> haha
<Tee> so,
<sentient6> so
<Tee> do you want those pictures, Jim?
<r-penguin> have you checked out Armageddon?
<sentient6> who the hell is jim?
<Tee> James
<Tee> I mean, maybe he wants the pics too
<sentient6> how who are you talking about...*subtle sarcasm ensues*
<Tee> he likes when he looks good in the pics
<Tee> nooooo
<Tee> aw
<Tee> Karmic?
* Guest12841 has joined #enemies_of_reality
* Looking up Guest12841 user info...
<Tee> I said, Karmic???
<karm> yeah?
<Guest12841> well that sucked. I couldn't log in under my name.
<Tee> will you go to the gig with Neverlady?
<karm> isnt she going to the stockholm gig?
<Tee> I mean, she doesn't know I'm asking you
<Tee> aren't you? zzz
<karm> nope
<Tee> where the hell are you?
<Guest12841> isnt nevermore supposed to be on tour right now?
<karm> im going to the gothenburg gig
<Tee> shit
<Tee> zzz
<Tee> well, I can't go with her
<r-penguin> DEAD EYES!!! SEE NO FUTURE!!!!!
<sentient6> not on tour until sept 19 in gothenburg
<r-penguin> dude, warrel, you should play this song
<sentient6> what song?
<karm> THIS song.
<r-penguin> <r-penguin> DEAD EYES!!! SEE NO FUTURE!!!!!
<Guest12841> 12what song is that?
<Tee> all together:
<Tee> blaaaah
<Guest12841> hmmm
<karm> blargh
<Guest12841> a bit bored are we people?
<Tee> no!!!
<Guest12841> wow, your defensive.
<Tee> we just don't know what this song is... some of us
<Guest12841> me too
<Tee> cry
<r-penguin> arch enemy...
<Tee> tragedy
<sentient6> hey guest..where are you?
<Guest12841> where am I? Kansas City
<r-penguin> hahaha
<sentient6> ahhhh the bottleneck zone!!!!
<Guest12841> yup. Looking forward to seeing you guys kick ass.
<Guest12841> in december.
<sentient6> that club is fun..but too small for Dimmu Borgir I think
<r-penguin> don't they blow fire on stage?
<Tee> how many ppl can it take?
<Guest12841> this will be my first time going there but my brother has been there several
times since he is the manager of a band.
<Guest12841> called Agent 5/9
<sentient6> I don't remember exactly Tee but I think only 300-400
<sentient6> I don't remember exactly Tee but I think only 300-400
<Tee> boo, and there were like 1000 in Graz last time. or something
* sentient6 has quit IRC (Client closed connection)
<Guest12841> aww
<karm> guuuh
<Tee> Smug
<Tee> lol
<Tee> now, Nogie...
<Nogie> yeah..?
<Guest12841> how white man?
<karm> UG
<Tee> how do you like it?
<Tee> here?
<Nogie> haha... hmmm its okay i guess? lol
<Guest12841> did we scare warrel off?
<karm> dunno
<Tee> no
<Tee> I think not
<karm> he was the last one talking
<Nogie> im kinda bummed i cant see them live
especially when they play with steve, grrrr
<karm> maybe he collapsed on his keyboard
<Guest12841> if he has aol then he probably got kicked off lol
<Guest12841> I CERTAINLY HOPE NOT. lol
<Tee> travel to Hearse, Noge, and then to Sweden
<Tee> he'll be thrilled I somehow know
<Guest12841> but then I heard some interesting stories about warrel being drunk so it could
of happened.
<Tee> that's not polite
<Tee> as he's not here
<Guest12841> its a joke.
* sentient6 has joined #enemies_of_reality
<Tee> so you could tell him that directly
<Tee> aah, no kidding?
<sentient6> I'm back
<Guest12841> what happened?
<sentient6> de-conned
<Nogie> no money for a ticket
spent everything in wacken :S
<Tee> wrong choice
<Guest12841> that sucks.
<Tee> hey, Hearse will find some for you. heh
<Nogie> lol, whats up with you and hearse really?
<Tee> nothing, dunno where he is these days
<Nogie> oh..
<sentient6> hey tee mistress masie says hello+
<Tee> heyyyyy, tell her hiiiiii
<sentient6> she thinks you are hot
<sentient6> i will
<Tee> that's a problem
<sentient6> hahaha
<Guest12841> heh, cool
<Tee> we can't be friends then
<sentient6> not that way!!
<Tee> hoho
<r-penguin> girls complimenting the hotness of other girls is NEVER a problem
<Tee> how am I hot then?
<Tee> she's not a girl.
<Tee> neither am I.
<r-penguin> woman
<Tee> bingo! a problem...
<Guest12841> I agree penguin
<Tee> I'm pretty cold, been told....
<Tee> boo
<sentient6> oh now we all know you have a soft side Tee
<Tee> and that is?
<Tee> I used to have one, but it's not for the public
<Guest12841> holy crap. I was listening to music really loud with
the headphones and i stretched and knocked the cord out and woke up my brother and dog.
<Tee> cool.
<Guest12841> it scared the shit outta them.
<Tee> how is Sadie, tell Masie I'm askin'
<sentient6> ok
<Tee> as in a question haha
<sentient6> you know about sadie?
<Tee> weeeell
<sentient6> hahaha
<Tee> I always have to guess, sorta, cuz ppl don't talk
<Tee> the way they should
<sentient6> MM and Sadie are really nice ppl....MM's son is a really cool metalhead in
<Guest12841> no idea what you guys are talking about.
* NvrSnore has joined #enemies_of_reality
* NvrSnore is now known as Nvrmr
<r-penguin> haha
<karm> hey
<Nvrmr> hey
<Tee> great!
<r-penguin> he didn't even bother with the -m
<sentient6> what up s8n?
<Tee> wtf?
<Nvrmr> satan haha
<Guest12841> satan? lol
<Nogie> haha warrel is l33t
<Nvrmr> not too much, about to display some of my band's skills in someone's garage hahaha
<sentient6> ?
<karm> barbecue?
<sentient6> ROCK!
* Nvrmr is now known as d6s6m6
<d6s6m6> \m/
<d6s6m6> not yet
<d6s6m6> Distorted Mind presents the 1st annual BozzFest 2003 in 4days 21hrs 54mins 28secs
<r-penguin> here it comes...
<r-penguin> aha!!
<d6s6m6> hahahaahah
<r-penguin> hahahaha
<karm> BozzFest
<sentient6> hey will
<d6s6m6> oh yeah
<Tee> fy, Oklahoma
<karm> coooool
<d6s6m6> greetings sentient6
<sentient6> no more will!!!!
<d6s6m6> haha
<Guest12841> who is playing at Bozzfest?
<sentient6> j/k
<d6s6m6> im playing at BozzFest
<d6s6m6> who might sentient6 be?
<karm> hmmm
<karm> its a thinker
<sentient6> ummmm..maybe your mom?
<d6s6m6> its possible lol
<Guest12841> ok... what is your band name?
<sentient6> hahaha
<d6s6m6> Distorted Mind
<r-penguin> DEATH COUNTY!
<Guest12841> cool. Thrash? Death? Black?
<karm> Bozz.
<d6s6m6> doom/death/thrash
<r-penguin> HAHAHA
<d6s6m6> lol
<sentient6> doom is good
<r-penguin> removed the black, eh?
<sentient6> doom is great
<karm> doom/death/thrash/bozz
<d6s6m6> indeed it is
<d6s6m6> bozz haha
<Tee> Iwon't even bother
<Tee> as in ivanhoe
<d6s6m6> lol
<sentient6> every moment of doom that is wasted makes god quite irate
<r-penguin> so it's on and on and's HEAVEN AND HELL!
<d6s6m6> god?
<sentient6> dog?
<d6s6m6> there we go haha
<r-penguin> bog blast all of you
<sentient6> woof
<karm> puppys!
<d6s6m6> w00f
<sentient6> what's god/s mama named?
<karm> MOM
<Tee> there it iiis
<r-penguin> mama god?
<Tee> universally
<d6s6m6> my god's mama? hmmmmm Marla lol
<sentient6> dog-ma
<d6s6m6> hahaah
<r-penguin> hahaha
<Tee> speaking
<karm> ahahahah!
<sentient6> hahaha
<Guest12841> martha stewert?
<Tee> Rosenberg...
<r-penguin> hahaha
<d6s6m6> indeed
<Tee> hoho
<Tee> I know
<d6s6m6> LOL
<d6s6m6> bizarre....
<Tee> what?
* d6s6m6 shrugs shoulders
<sentient6> are we having fun yet?
<d6s6m6> indeed we are
<Tee> kickass
<sentient6> groovy
<d6s6m6> so hows things going on the West Soyd?
<Guest12841> that is so 1997
<d6s6m6> lol
<sentient6> you mean the left coast?
<d6s6m6> indeed
<sentient6> too fucking hot
<Tee> at work or at home?
<d6s6m6> yeah, it's hot everywhere i understand... even in the dark northern forests of
<r-penguin> \m/\m/\m/\m/\m/\m/
<d6s6m6> lol
<karm> w00t
<sentient6> the hottest summer in years here in Seattle ..i hate it..I live here for a
reason..i like the rain!
<r-penguin> I live in southern canada though
<Nogie> it's not so hot here, surprisingly
<Guest12841> it was like 100+ for 2 weeks out here in kansas a couple of weeks ago. I
fucking hate it.
<r-penguin> RAIN!
<d6s6m6> New jersey r0x0rz j00 s0x0rz
<r-penguin> RAINMAKER
<d6s6m6> or something
* r-penguin puts on the new maiden
<d6s6m6> Rainman... yeaaah... definitely... yeaaah
<karm> someone is gonna send me pictures of drunken fury from friday. that i knew nothing of
<Tee> like I'm reading Troy's posts
<karm> whooo boy
<sentient6> eddie is kick ass in that video
<Guest12841> how often does it rain in seattle anyway?
<sentient6> usually 9 nmonths out of the year
<d6s6m6> hey Captain Dane, did you get my latest PM?
<sentient6> no
<r-penguin> i've wanted to move to seattle since I saw 'sleepless in seattle'
<Tee> that's a lie
<sentient6> hahaha
<Tee> don't be like me
<d6s6m6> ahh, should i send you what i put in a message over this bastard internet chat
<Tee> too sensitive and stuff.
<sentient6> we say that to keep out those pesky californians
<Guest12841> lead by arnold (pretty soon)
<r-penguin> ARNOLD!!
<r-penguin> CONAN!!!!!
<d6s6m6> lol
<Guest12841> lol
<sentient6> the Governator!!!
<r-penguin> hahahah
* d6s6m6 puts on anathema
* r-penguin sticks with maiden
<sentient6> holy shit Conan was so funny the other night when he did that Arnold shit
<Guest12841> Conan rules late night.
<Tee> Sent, are they of Masie's son's age?
<Tee> I prefer Jay
<r-penguin> I stick with Jimmy Kimmel
<d6s6m6> Jimmy Kimmel
<Tee> I live in Europe
<r-penguin> I prefer Jay too
<Guest12841> Warrel, arnold where they put a picture on a screen with a mouth moving?
<r-penguin> his chin looks so smooth
<sentient6> yup
<Guest12841> funny as hell.
<Tee> crescent moon
<Nogie> conan owns jay...
<r-penguin> conan the barbarian, yes
<d6s6m6> haha this is funny... my friend Dan is trying to download mIRC on his 56k and its
taking forever
<Guest12841> agreed
<d6s6m6> just to get here lol
<karm> littor?
<d6s6m6> nah
<d6s6m6> bill's at work
<karm> oh
<d6s6m6> Zob Rombie
<Guest12841> work sucks.
<karm> thought so
<Tee> does rodney dangerfield own chevy chase?
<d6s6m6> warrel, i must thank you again for the time in Cleveland
<Tee> stop doing that
<d6s6m6> lol
<r-penguin> RODNEY!
<d6s6m6> wha wha wha
<karm> RODNEY!!!!!
<sentient6> cleveland rocks ..and I don't mean in a Drew Carrey way
<Guest12841> has anyone ever seen the movie The Big Lebowski??
<Guest12841> I just watched that today. FUNNY AS HELL
<karm> but of course
<d6s6m6> yeah, only problem was the stores closed way too damn early
<r-penguin> lebowski!
<r-penguin> john goodman is one of my fave actors
<Guest12841> heh heh. You know what im talking about.
<Tee> we just saw The 2 Towers tonite boo
<Guest12841> John Goodman owns
<karm> boo?
<sentient6> 2 towers was not as good as the first one
<d6s6m6> i havent seen either :/
<r-penguin> dude, two towers had giant killer trees!
<Tee> half an hour before the end
* d6s6m6 avoids all incoming cd cases
<sentient6> return of the king will RULE... that's the best book
<Tee> I started being nervous
<Tee> didn't read them hoho
<Guest12841> I saw the first LOTR and to tell you the truth, I wasnt all that impressed but
I am going to watch it again pretty soon.
<r-penguin> i downloaded the books, I need to read them still
<Guest12841> Since it gets all the praise.
<Tee> I like real books,
* r-penguin will stick to blind guardian for now
<Tee> papers
<sentient6> the books are far beyond amazing...the movies are great but the books are better
<Guest12841> I'm currently reading the T2 series by S.M. Sterling
<d6s6m6> *****on a side note to karmic... LittToR is coming on******
<d6s6m6> woah
<d6s6m6> too many t's
<Tee> then just like The Thorn Birds
<r-penguin> to kill a mockingbird was on tv this weekend
* ZobRombie has joined #enemies_of_reality
<r-penguin> HAIL!
<sentient6> oh that's a great movie
* LiTToR has joined #enemies_of_reality
<r-penguin> haha
<d6s6m6> greetings @ Dan and BIll
<Guest12841> they made us read to kill a mockingbird in my sophmore english class.
<d6s6m6> both at the same time hahahaah
<LiTToR> lol
<LiTToR> yes
<ZobRombie> heh
<LiTToR> i am reading to kill a mockingbird now
<ZobRombie> salutations
<LiTToR> lol... well... summer reading book
* d6s6m6 bows
<LiTToR> that i haven't read yet
<r-penguin> i was the only person in class who liked it
<LiTToR> lol
<sentient6> good book
<d6s6m6> Warrel- did you get your computer fixed, or are you "borrowing" someone's?
<LiTToR> i haven't read enough to make a decision whether i like it yet
<ZobRombie> Will didnt we have to read that our freshman year? or part of it i think?
<d6s6m6> yea
<ZobRombie> that book bored me
<LiTToR> lol
<d6s6m6> the movie was good
<LiTToR> i wanna see the movie
<sentient6> my comp is still fucked sideways...
<LiTToR> so i don't have to read the book
<LiTToR> lol
<d6s6m6> the movie was good
<LiTToR> i wanna see the movie
<sentient6> my comp is still fucked sideways...
<LiTToR> so i don't have to read the book
<LiTToR> lol
<d6s6m6> damn
<r-penguin> oh man, in the movie, the rabid dog gets fucking ROCKED by the shotgun
<d6s6m6> ah well
<ZobRombie> haha
<LiTToR> haha
<r-penguin> it's fucking awesome
<sentient6> I'm gonna buy a new one when I get back from Europe
<ZobRombie> fucked sideways... haha
<d6s6m6> nice
<Guest12841> I just bought a new Sony computer since my last one was a complete fuckbucket
<d6s6m6> \m/ fuckbucket \m/
<ZobRombie> both of my computers are slower than dirt
<d6s6m6> warrel- think i could message you for a sec? ive been meaning to ask you something,
but havent been able to get it to ya lol
<LiTToR> i have a Sony Vaio laptop
<LiTToR> weeeee
<d6s6m6> wont take long
<Tee> bloddy hell with native speakers. bah
<d6s6m6> lol
<d6s6m6> sorry tee
<sentient6> hey there was a great band in Seattle called Cum Dumpster...that's better than
<LiTToR> lol
<d6s6m6> cum dumpster.... juney and dumpey?
<r-penguin> HAHAHA
<r-penguin> HAHAHA
<ZobRombie> Cum Dumpster, now thats one hell of a band name
<sentient6> who the hell are they???
<Guest12841> hey, I just made that name up. and you DESTROY it. lol
<d6s6m6> some odd ass people on the board... talk about dumpster sex or something
<sentient6> I KNOW they are from here
<d6s6m6> could be
<r-penguin> how's that odd?
<d6s6m6> lol
<r-penguin> have you ever even tried dumpster sex?
<d6s6m6> could be Jeff spying on us all
<ZobRombie> hahaha
<sentient6> I go to that bowling alley all the time
<sentient6> it's right by where I live
<d6s6m6> much of a bowler?
<Guest12841> bowling rules.
<sentient6> 210 high score
<d6s6m6> excellent
<r-penguin> my high score is 46
* sentient6 has quit IRC (Client closed connection)
<d6s6m6> up for a game when you hit philly?
<LiTToR> get this... for my History hw... i get to analyze Bush's speech last night... and
basically pick out all the idiotic points
<d6s6m6> nooooo
<ZobRombie> =-o
<LiTToR> haha
<Tee> of course,
<LiTToR> he hates you all
<LiTToR> suck it he said
<r-penguin> ajajajajaj
<LiTToR> lol
<d6s6m6> stick around lol
<Tee> talk about how you wiped your assed today
<r-penguin> pick out the idiocy in a bush speech???!?!!?!
<ZobRombie> uh...
<Tee> and the day before
<ZobRombie> lol
<d6s6m6> what went on before i stopped in?
<LiTToR> exactly
<Guest12841> wow. this board goes to shit when warrel leaves huh?
* sentient6 has joined #enemies_of_reality
<LiTToR> i wanna highlight the whole thing
<d6s6m6> welcoem back
<d6s6m6> welcome,r ather
<ZobRombie> wb
* r-penguin will paste the convo later
<r-penguin> or maybe karm will
<d6s6m6> up for a game when you hit philly?
<LiTToR> lol
<karm> i could
<r-penguin> yeah
<r-penguin> you been here the longest
<LiTToR> i bowled the other day and got a 150
<Tee> does ledmag ever come here?
<sentient6> oh yeah
* ZobRombie farts on his brother
<Tee> lol
<LiTToR> and i didn't even notice... i kept fuckin with the names on the screen
<Guest12841> lol
<LiTToR> that's more fun
<ZobRombie> that was fun
<LiTToR> hehe
<r-penguin> is jeff a fan of ledmag?
<r-penguin> ahahah
<Tee> lol
<LiTToR> and i didn't even notice... i kept fuckin with the names on the screen
<Guest12841> lol
<LiTToR> that's more fun
<ZobRombie> that was fun
<LiTToR> hehe
<r-penguin> is jeff a fan of ledmag?
<r-penguin> ahahah
<d6s6m6> LOL
<d6s6m6> i dont think jeff likes any of us
<Tee> he's wife is
<r-penguin> speak for yourself!
<r-penguin> ;D
<Tee> no he doesn't
<Guest12841> why?!?!?!?!
<Guest12841> lol
<d6s6m6> because we "post stupid shit"
<sentient6> hahaha
<d6s6m6> its what makes the world go 'round though
<Tee> no he doesn't
<r-penguin> pfft, he OBVIOUSLY doesn't mean my viking stuff
<LiTToR> you post stupid shit like the title thingy of this damn room
<Guest12841> not always. sometimes you say hi then go into stupid shit
<ZobRombie> i think the insane stuff on the board is great
<d6s6m6> lol
<ZobRombie> gives me alot of good laughs
<sentient6> yup
<d6s6m6> hey, dont knock LUCIFER'S DARK MUFFINS!!!
<r-penguin> haha
<LiTToR> lol
<ZobRombie> ESPECIALLY Lucifer's Dark Muffins!
<LiTToR> #1 fan right here
<LiTToR> i have the bootlegs
<sentient6> so you're into black chicks?
<LiTToR> from norway's forest
<d6s6m6> hahaahahaha
<LiTToR> rough recordings
<karm> hahaha
<r-penguin> iris is coming!
<Guest12841> Satan cooks things? I never would have guessed.
<r-penguin> !
<LiTToR> they're evil as all hell
<ZobRombie> haha
<d6s6m6> wuh oh
<d6s6m6> lol
* WDs_Mom has joined #enemies_of_reality
* Looking up WDs_Mom user info...
<Tee> hoh
<ZobRombie> ?
<sentient6> alright that's just not funny
<LiTToR> if you even THINK of being more evil than them, you're dead
<LiTToR> lol
<r-penguin> I don't think that's Iris
* Eye_Away has joined #enemies_of_reality
<r-penguin> yay!!!
<Guest12841> you pissed warrel off.
<sentient6> hahahaha
<WDs_Mom> So where did WD go?
<d6s6m6> greetings @ iris
<Eye_Away> hee peeps!
<Tee> wtf?
* Eye_Away is now known as ^Iris^
<Tee> oh
<Tee> hi
<sentient6> i'm right here mommy...can I suck your tit?
<^Iris^> hihi..
<d6s6m6> warrel, can i message you on this thing? i have a question ive been meaning to ask
<ZobRombie> ROTFL
<d6s6m6> LOL
<r-penguin> !!!!!!!
<r-penguin> INCEST!!!!!!!!!
<r-penguin> ROCK!
<Guest12841> ::Throws up::
<LiTToR> suck it baby
* ZobRombie falls on the floor laughing
<LiTToR> oh yeah
<LiTToR> lol
<WDs_Mom> I think you've sucked my tit many times
* r-penguin puts on Sodom
* Now talking in #enemies_of_reality
<karm> hi
<sentient6> hello karmic
<sentient6> latitude and longitude?
* r-penguin has joined #enemies_of_reality
<karm> sweden
<karm> gothenburg
<r-penguin> :O
<karm> first stop on the map
<sentient6> then I will see you very soon
<karm> hopefully

<karm> by the way
<karm> will you be signing cd's before the concert?
<sentient6> is the venue 18 and over only?
<karm> uh, yeah..
<sentient6> shit
<karm> still trying to figure out a way to get in
<r-penguin> grow a beard!
<sentient6> well maybe i can get you in
<karm> sweet!
<sentient6> buy a tuxedo!!!!
<karm> hahaha
<karm> i have no money
<r-penguin> hahaha
<karm> used on tickets
<karm> need to rob someone for t-shirt money
<r-penguin> I hope I can get to that nevermore show, it's in the same week as THE KING
<sentient6> well I won't know until I get there, but I've been able to sneak underage fans
into shows before...I am so fucking excited to finally play a show in Goteborg!!!
<karm> haha
<karm> a question
<karm> why didnt you tour with dimmu?
<sentient6> in the us we are
<karm> like you will in the usa tour
<sentient6> oh
<karm> in europe, that is
<sentient6> because we are both doing headline tours in europe at the same time
<karm> figures
<karm> theyre not coming to gothenburg
<sentient6> the new DB is killer
<karm> dammit
<karm> very
* Nogie has joined #enemies_of_reality
<Nogie> hello
<karm> have you seen the video?
<sentient6> no
<sentient6> I heard it was amazing
<r-penguin> whoa...they made a video?
<karm> its pretty cool
<karm> yeh
<r-penguin> it'll have fire and bitches!
<karm> i can send it if ya want
<sentient6> hahah
<r-penguin> and pentagrams!
<karm> starts off with a big one!
<sentient6> do I sense a mocking tone penguin?
<sentient6> hehehe
<r-penguin> why no, never
<karm> tho they went easy on the nakedness
<r-penguin> =(
<sentient6> cm sux ..they have not uploaded our video to their website yet
<karm> !!!!!!!!!
<r-penguin> hahaha, you ate worms!
<r-penguin> wormeater!
<karm> were you drunk in the video?
<karm> haha
<Nogie> did it taste good?

<karm> what with the "self-convincing" and all
<sentient6> well the woman that fed them to me was very attractive and I tried to get her to
keiss me with the worms in my mouth but she said her boyfriend would not tlike it..
<karm> hahahahah
<Nogie> lmao
<sentient6> that would have been hot
<r-penguin> hot worm kissing
<r-penguin> man....that just seems awesome
<r-penguin> does she have big jugs?!
<sentient6> she is really'll see when the vid comes out
<sentient6> HUGE
<sentient6> and they are real
* Retrieving #enemies_of_reality info...
<sentient6> I've never read that magazine RP
<r-penguin> hopefully CM will send the vid to canada
<sentient6> hahaha
<r-penguin> haaha
<sentient6> do you have uranium?
<karm> when will it air?
<r-penguin> nah
<r-penguin> we have LOUD
<sentient6> I think it's gonna be on uranium next week
<r-penguin> uranium is canadian television for the states, haha
<sentient6> ok
<sentient6> julia is a relly sweet person
<sentient6> really
<sentient6> can't type
<sentient6> broken arm
<sentient6> ouch
<r-penguin> listen to any cool music lately?
<sentient6> nogie you are very silent
<r-penguin> like the new zyklon?
<sentient6> fuck YES
<sentient6> it's awesome
<karm> only thing we got here, is superrock
<r-penguin> totally
<Nogie> i was just about to tell you you should come and play in israel

<sentient6> I would like to, the only problem is finding a promoter that will bring us there
<Nogie> bah

greece next month but no money

<sentient6> so karm...what is the club like that we're playing in gothenburg?
<karm> was there before, last time AE played there
<karm> its not so very big
<r-penguin> you guys are playing at a rap club in TO
<r-penguin> hahaha
<karm> but its roomy
<sentient6> I think all the IF guys will be there
<karm> has a bar on the other side of the place
<karm> the very reason they dont want to let me in.
<sentient6> I have so many friends there...I'm really looking forward to this show
<karm> they come for you!!
<karm> which do you know that are coming there?
* sentient6 has quit IRC (Client closed connection)
<karm> uhh
<r-penguin> BAM!
* Tee has joined #enemies_of_reality
<r-penguin> ahahha
<r-penguin> JUST missed him
<r-penguin> hahaha
<karm> lol
* sentient6 has joined #enemies_of_reality
<sentient6> hey tee!
<Tee> he wouldn't have anything nice to tell me anyway LOL
<r-penguin> hahahahhahahah
<Tee> Nogie, who are you after here?
<karm> have ya seen the two videos IF and Soilwork made?
<sentient6> hey I'm not mad at you!
<sentient6> not yet
<r-penguin> keep it that way
<Tee> good, neither am I at you haha
<karm> haha
<Tee> yet
<Tee> Nogie?
<karm> they dont have the charm they had before
<Tee> who? Soilwork?
<r-penguin> Soilwork never had charm
<karm> both
<karm> the were much better in the beginning
<Tee> aw
<sentient6> blasphemer!!!!!
<r-penguin> haha
<Tee> can I be Iris now?
<Nogie> what who where why? sorry, was reading stuff in UM
* Looking up Tee user info...
<sentient6> ummmm
<Tee> where are your nice manners? hmm
<karm> you know the soilwork guys?
<r-penguin> i thought you were searching for a promoter, nogie
<karm> heh
<Nogie> lol
<Tee> Nogie, are you a woman?
<Tee> I know LOL
<sentient6> will you be at the E-club Tee?
<r-penguin> WOW, Paracoccidioidomicosisproctitissarcomucosis - 02 -
Uruporfironogenodescarboxilandome Y Pustulandome.mp3
<r-penguin> I have to download that
<Tee> yeah, me and the husband
<Tee> emm
<sentient6> ok cool..can we have a beer together?
<sentient6> yes with the husband
<Tee> sure of course, we are the fans after all hehe
<sentient6> RP what's up with the rap club in Toronto?
* r-penguin shrugs
<karm> hahaha
<r-penguin> In flames was the first metal band to get there
<r-penguin> our promoter likes the place, it's pimpin
<sentient6> is it a big place?
<sentient6> the montreal show is sold out already
<r-penguin> it's decent, much bigger than the places you played before
<r-penguin> yikes, I should order a ticket
<sentient6> so it's bigger4 than the reverb room
<r-penguin> definitely
<sentient6> I like the reverb room..nice ppl working there
<Tee> bad continent
<r-penguin> I'm surprised you guy don't get the opera house, symphony x even got that place
<Tee> did they fall on stage?
<r-penguin> almost!
<sentient6> SX has a great guitarist
<Tee> almost is not good enough.
<Tee> where is the LoM to ask about the beard.....
<r-penguin> hahaha
<sentient6> hmmmm
<sentient6> I will not shave it off!!!
<r-penguin> he comes around later in the evening
<Tee> it's not good
<Tee> you should
<karm> nooooo
<sentient6> NO
<karm> hahaha
<Tee> you would look better
<r-penguin> He would NOT
<Tee> he would, the last time I saw him
<Tee> it was totally on one side
<sentient6> well I know some women that like the beard and it's many uses!
<Tee> of sleeping
<Tee> terrible
<r-penguin> haha
<karm> ahaha
<sentient6> I call iut my womb broom
<karm> hahaha
<r-penguin> haha
<Tee> ahaha
<Tee> would Jeff ever come to talk here?
<r-penguin> HAHAHHAHAHAH
<karm> will you be in gothenburg the very day you will play, or were you plannig to come
<Tee> as we're retarded....
<karm> and take the scenic route?
<sentient6> maybe...he doesn't have IRC though
<Tee> and a phone, I hear hahahhahaha
<sentient6> we come to germany first and then drive in the bus to Sweden ,so I think we get
there the day we play
<karm> alright
<karm> cd signing?
<Tee> always
<sentient6> oh yeah baby AE rocks!
<karm> heh
<r-penguin> THIS......IS.....CHAOS!!!!!!!
<r-penguin> man, AE kick so much ass live
<Tee> Solitude Aeturnus rule/ z
<sentient6> angela is great
<r-penguin> you better kick ass too, warrel!
<Tee> of course!
<karm> youd better play Sound of silence
<sentient6> don't worry RP ..we will rip
<sentient6> yes we will
<karm> sweeeeeeeeet
<Tee> great.
<sentient6> many surprises in our stlist
<sentient6> setlist
<karm> i cannot wait
<karm> if i now get in
<Tee> and Veil of Disguise
<r-penguin> VEIL OF DIGUISE!
<r-penguin> dude, start screaming more
<sentient6> not enough helium .....
<Tee> wrong substances these days
<r-penguin> do you still have you're old leather outfit?
<r-penguin> SERPENT KNIGHT!
<sentient6> hahahaha NO
<r-penguin> WUSS
* Guest52121 has joined #enemies_of_reality
<Tee> will there b a cover of Jag Panzer?
<sentient6> give me a break I was 15
* Looking up Guest52121 user info...
<sentient6> JP?
<Guest52121> wasnt warrel in here earlier?
<r-penguin> what's wrong with leather? Halford still has it!
<Tee> yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
<sentient6> Steve from Testament and Dragonlord will be with us
<Tee> no, this is Jim
<Guest52121> how long ago did he leave?
<karm> dunno
<r-penguin> ahahaha
<Tee> just when I arrived
<Tee> as always
<sentient6> hey jim what's up!!
<Tee> horrorz
<Guest52121> brb as groundxero
* Guest52121 has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
* r-penguin throws his panties at jim
<sentient6> are your panties plaid?
<r-penguin> duh!
<sentient6> that would look so retarded on a penguin
<sentient6> ROCK
<r-penguin> haha
<Tee> so,
<sentient6> so
<Tee> do you want those pictures, Jim?
<r-penguin> have you checked out Armageddon?
<sentient6> who the hell is jim?
<Tee> James
<Tee> I mean, maybe he wants the pics too
<sentient6> how who are you talking about...*subtle sarcasm ensues*
<Tee> he likes when he looks good in the pics
<Tee> nooooo
<Tee> aw
<Tee> Karmic?
* Guest12841 has joined #enemies_of_reality
* Looking up Guest12841 user info...
<Tee> I said, Karmic???
<karm> yeah?
<Guest12841> well that sucked. I couldn't log in under my name.
<Tee> will you go to the gig with Neverlady?
<karm> isnt she going to the stockholm gig?
<Tee> I mean, she doesn't know I'm asking you

<Tee> aren't you? zzz
<karm> nope
<Tee> where the hell are you?
<Guest12841> isnt nevermore supposed to be on tour right now?
<karm> im going to the gothenburg gig
<Tee> shit
<Tee> zzz
<Tee> well, I can't go with her
<r-penguin> DEAD EYES!!! SEE NO FUTURE!!!!!
<sentient6> not on tour until sept 19 in gothenburg
<r-penguin> dude, warrel, you should play this song

<sentient6> what song?
<karm> THIS song.
<r-penguin> <r-penguin> DEAD EYES!!! SEE NO FUTURE!!!!!
<Guest12841> 12what song is that?
<Tee> all together:
<Tee> blaaaah
<Guest12841> hmmm
<karm> blargh
<Guest12841> a bit bored are we people?
<Tee> no!!!
<Guest12841> wow, your defensive.
<Tee> we just don't know what this song is... some of us
<Guest12841> me too

<Tee> cry
<r-penguin> arch enemy...
<Tee> tragedy
<sentient6> hey guest..where are you?
<Guest12841> where am I? Kansas City
<r-penguin> hahaha
<sentient6> ahhhh the bottleneck zone!!!!
<Guest12841> yup. Looking forward to seeing you guys kick ass.
<Guest12841> in december.
<sentient6> that club is fun..but too small for Dimmu Borgir I think
<r-penguin> don't they blow fire on stage?
<Tee> how many ppl can it take?
<Guest12841> this will be my first time going there but my brother has been there several
times since he is the manager of a band.
<Guest12841> called Agent 5/9
<sentient6> I don't remember exactly Tee but I think only 300-400
<sentient6> I don't remember exactly Tee but I think only 300-400
<Tee> boo, and there were like 1000 in Graz last time. or something
* sentient6 has quit IRC (Client closed connection)
<Guest12841> aww
<karm> guuuh
<Tee> Smug
<Tee> lol
<Tee> now, Nogie...
<Nogie> yeah..?
<Guest12841> how white man?
<karm> UG
<Tee> how do you like it?
<Tee> here?
<Nogie> haha... hmmm its okay i guess? lol
<Guest12841> did we scare warrel off?
<karm> dunno
<Tee> no
<Tee> I think not
<karm> he was the last one talking
<Nogie> im kinda bummed i cant see them live

<karm> maybe he collapsed on his keyboard
<Guest12841> if he has aol then he probably got kicked off lol
<Guest12841> I CERTAINLY HOPE NOT. lol
<Tee> travel to Hearse, Noge, and then to Sweden
<Tee> he'll be thrilled I somehow know
<Guest12841> but then I heard some interesting stories about warrel being drunk so it could
of happened.
<Tee> that's not polite
<Tee> as he's not here
<Guest12841> its a joke.
* sentient6 has joined #enemies_of_reality
<Tee> so you could tell him that directly
<Tee> aah, no kidding?

<sentient6> I'm back
<Guest12841> what happened?
<sentient6> de-conned
<Nogie> no money for a ticket

<Tee> wrong choice
<Guest12841> that sucks.
<Tee> hey, Hearse will find some for you. heh
<Nogie> lol, whats up with you and hearse really?
<Tee> nothing, dunno where he is these days
<Nogie> oh..
<sentient6> hey tee mistress masie says hello+
<Tee> heyyyyy, tell her hiiiiii

<sentient6> she thinks you are hot
<sentient6> i will
<Tee> that's a problem
<sentient6> hahaha
<Guest12841> heh, cool
<Tee> we can't be friends then
<sentient6> not that way!!
<Tee> hoho
<r-penguin> girls complimenting the hotness of other girls is NEVER a problem
<Tee> how am I hot then?
<Tee> she's not a girl.
<Tee> neither am I.
<r-penguin> woman
<Tee> bingo! a problem...
<Guest12841> I agree penguin
<Tee> I'm pretty cold, been told....
<Tee> boo
<sentient6> oh now we all know you have a soft side Tee
<Tee> and that is?
<Tee> I used to have one, but it's not for the public

<Guest12841> holy crap. I was listening to music really loud with
the headphones and i stretched and knocked the cord out and woke up my brother and dog.
<Tee> cool.
<Guest12841> it scared the shit outta them.
<Tee> how is Sadie, tell Masie I'm askin'
<sentient6> ok
<Tee> as in a question haha
<sentient6> you know about sadie?
<Tee> weeeell
<sentient6> hahaha
<Tee> I always have to guess, sorta, cuz ppl don't talk
<Tee> the way they should

<sentient6> MM and Sadie are really nice ppl....MM's son is a really cool metalhead in
<Guest12841> no idea what you guys are talking about.
* NvrSnore has joined #enemies_of_reality
* NvrSnore is now known as Nvrmr
<r-penguin> haha
<karm> hey
<Nvrmr> hey
<Tee> great!

<r-penguin> he didn't even bother with the -m
<sentient6> what up s8n?
<Tee> wtf?
<Nvrmr> satan haha
<Guest12841> satan? lol
<Nogie> haha warrel is l33t
<Nvrmr> not too much, about to display some of my band's skills in someone's garage hahaha
<sentient6> ?
<karm> barbecue?
<sentient6> ROCK!
* Nvrmr is now known as d6s6m6
<d6s6m6> \m/
<d6s6m6> not yet
<d6s6m6> Distorted Mind presents the 1st annual BozzFest 2003 in 4days 21hrs 54mins 28secs
<r-penguin> here it comes...
<r-penguin> aha!!
<d6s6m6> hahahaahah
<r-penguin> hahahaha
<karm> BozzFest
<sentient6> hey will
<d6s6m6> oh yeah
<Tee> fy, Oklahoma
<karm> coooool
<d6s6m6> greetings sentient6
<sentient6> no more will!!!!
<d6s6m6> haha
<Guest12841> who is playing at Bozzfest?
<sentient6> j/k
<d6s6m6> im playing at BozzFest
<d6s6m6> who might sentient6 be?
<karm> hmmm
<karm> its a thinker
<sentient6> ummmm..maybe your mom?
<d6s6m6> its possible lol
<Guest12841> ok... what is your band name?
<sentient6> hahaha
<d6s6m6> Distorted Mind
<r-penguin> DEATH COUNTY!
<Guest12841> cool. Thrash? Death? Black?

<karm> Bozz.
<d6s6m6> doom/death/thrash
<r-penguin> HAHAHA
<d6s6m6> lol
<sentient6> doom is good
<r-penguin> removed the black, eh?
<sentient6> doom is great
<karm> doom/death/thrash/bozz
<d6s6m6> indeed it is
<d6s6m6> bozz haha
<Tee> Iwon't even bother
<Tee> as in ivanhoe
<d6s6m6> lol
<sentient6> every moment of doom that is wasted makes god quite irate
<r-penguin> so it's on and on and's HEAVEN AND HELL!
<d6s6m6> god?
<sentient6> dog?
<d6s6m6> there we go haha
<r-penguin> bog blast all of you
<sentient6> woof
<karm> puppys!
<d6s6m6> w00f
<sentient6> what's god/s mama named?
<karm> MOM
<Tee> there it iiis
<r-penguin> mama god?
<Tee> universally
<d6s6m6> my god's mama? hmmmmm Marla lol
<sentient6> dog-ma
<d6s6m6> hahaah
<r-penguin> hahaha
<Tee> speaking
<karm> ahahahah!
<sentient6> hahaha
<Guest12841> martha stewert?
<Tee> Rosenberg...
<r-penguin> hahaha

<d6s6m6> indeed
<Tee> hoho
<Tee> I know
<d6s6m6> LOL
<d6s6m6> bizarre....

<Tee> what?
* d6s6m6 shrugs shoulders
<sentient6> are we having fun yet?
<d6s6m6> indeed we are
<Tee> kickass
<sentient6> groovy
<d6s6m6> so hows things going on the West Soyd?
<Guest12841> that is so 1997
<d6s6m6> lol
<sentient6> you mean the left coast?
<d6s6m6> indeed
<sentient6> too fucking hot
<Tee> at work or at home?
<d6s6m6> yeah, it's hot everywhere i understand... even in the dark northern forests of
<r-penguin> \m/\m/\m/\m/\m/\m/
<d6s6m6> lol
<karm> w00t
<sentient6> the hottest summer in years here in Seattle ..i hate it..I live here for a
reason..i like the rain!
<r-penguin> I live in southern canada though

<Nogie> it's not so hot here, surprisingly
<Guest12841> it was like 100+ for 2 weeks out here in kansas a couple of weeks ago. I
fucking hate it.
<r-penguin> RAIN!
<d6s6m6> New jersey r0x0rz j00 s0x0rz
<r-penguin> RAINMAKER
<d6s6m6> or something
* r-penguin puts on the new maiden
<d6s6m6> Rainman... yeaaah... definitely... yeaaah
<karm> someone is gonna send me pictures of drunken fury from friday. that i knew nothing of
<Tee> like I'm reading Troy's posts
<karm> whooo boy
<sentient6> eddie is kick ass in that video
<Guest12841> how often does it rain in seattle anyway?
<sentient6> usually 9 nmonths out of the year
<d6s6m6> hey Captain Dane, did you get my latest PM?
<sentient6> no
<r-penguin> i've wanted to move to seattle since I saw 'sleepless in seattle'
<Tee> that's a lie
<sentient6> hahaha

<Tee> don't be like me
<d6s6m6> ahh, should i send you what i put in a message over this bastard internet chat
<Tee> too sensitive and stuff.
<sentient6> we say that to keep out those pesky californians
<Guest12841> lead by arnold (pretty soon)
<r-penguin> ARNOLD!!
<r-penguin> CONAN!!!!!
<d6s6m6> lol
<Guest12841> lol
<sentient6> the Governator!!!
<r-penguin> hahahah
* d6s6m6 puts on anathema
* r-penguin sticks with maiden
<sentient6> holy shit Conan was so funny the other night when he did that Arnold shit
<Guest12841> Conan rules late night.
<Tee> Sent, are they of Masie's son's age?
<Tee> I prefer Jay
<r-penguin> I stick with Jimmy Kimmel
<d6s6m6> Jimmy Kimmel

<Tee> I live in Europe
<r-penguin> I prefer Jay too

<Guest12841> Warrel, arnold where they put a picture on a screen with a mouth moving?
<r-penguin> his chin looks so smooth
<sentient6> yup
<Guest12841> funny as hell.
<Tee> crescent moon
<Nogie> conan owns jay...
<r-penguin> conan the barbarian, yes
<d6s6m6> haha this is funny... my friend Dan is trying to download mIRC on his 56k and its
taking forever
<Guest12841> agreed
<d6s6m6> just to get here lol
<karm> littor?
<d6s6m6> nah
<d6s6m6> bill's at work
<karm> oh
<d6s6m6> Zob Rombie
<Guest12841> work sucks.
<karm> thought so
<Tee> does rodney dangerfield own chevy chase?
<d6s6m6> warrel, i must thank you again for the time in Cleveland
<Tee> stop doing that
<d6s6m6> lol
<r-penguin> RODNEY!
<d6s6m6> wha wha wha
<karm> RODNEY!!!!!
<sentient6> cleveland rocks ..and I don't mean in a Drew Carrey way
<Guest12841> has anyone ever seen the movie The Big Lebowski??
<Guest12841> I just watched that today. FUNNY AS HELL
<karm> but of course
<d6s6m6> yeah, only problem was the stores closed way too damn early
<r-penguin> lebowski!
<r-penguin> john goodman is one of my fave actors
<Guest12841> heh heh. You know what im talking about.
<Tee> we just saw The 2 Towers tonite boo
<Guest12841> John Goodman owns
<karm> boo?
<sentient6> 2 towers was not as good as the first one
<d6s6m6> i havent seen either :/
<r-penguin> dude, two towers had giant killer trees!
<Tee> half an hour before the end
* d6s6m6 avoids all incoming cd cases
<sentient6> return of the king will RULE... that's the best book
<Tee> I started being nervous
<Tee> didn't read them hoho

<Guest12841> I saw the first LOTR and to tell you the truth, I wasnt all that impressed but
I am going to watch it again pretty soon.
<r-penguin> i downloaded the books, I need to read them still
<Guest12841> Since it gets all the praise.
<Tee> I like real books,
* r-penguin will stick to blind guardian for now
<Tee> papers
<sentient6> the books are far beyond amazing...the movies are great but the books are better
<Guest12841> I'm currently reading the T2 series by S.M. Sterling
<d6s6m6> *****on a side note to karmic... LittToR is coming on******
<d6s6m6> woah
<d6s6m6> too many t's
<Tee> then just like The Thorn Birds
<r-penguin> to kill a mockingbird was on tv this weekend
* ZobRombie has joined #enemies_of_reality
<r-penguin> HAIL!
<sentient6> oh that's a great movie
* LiTToR has joined #enemies_of_reality
<r-penguin> haha
<d6s6m6> greetings @ Dan and BIll
<Guest12841> they made us read to kill a mockingbird in my sophmore english class.
<d6s6m6> both at the same time hahahaah
<LiTToR> lol
<LiTToR> yes
<ZobRombie> heh
<LiTToR> i am reading to kill a mockingbird now
<ZobRombie> salutations
<LiTToR> lol... well... summer reading book
* d6s6m6 bows
<LiTToR> that i haven't read yet
<r-penguin> i was the only person in class who liked it

<LiTToR> lol
<sentient6> good book
<d6s6m6> Warrel- did you get your computer fixed, or are you "borrowing" someone's?
<LiTToR> i haven't read enough to make a decision whether i like it yet
<ZobRombie> Will didnt we have to read that our freshman year? or part of it i think?
<d6s6m6> yea
<ZobRombie> that book bored me
<LiTToR> lol
<d6s6m6> the movie was good
<LiTToR> i wanna see the movie
<sentient6> my comp is still fucked sideways...
<LiTToR> so i don't have to read the book
<LiTToR> lol
<d6s6m6> the movie was good
<LiTToR> i wanna see the movie
<sentient6> my comp is still fucked sideways...
<LiTToR> so i don't have to read the book
<LiTToR> lol
<d6s6m6> damn
<r-penguin> oh man, in the movie, the rabid dog gets fucking ROCKED by the shotgun
<d6s6m6> ah well
<ZobRombie> haha
<LiTToR> haha
<r-penguin> it's fucking awesome
<sentient6> I'm gonna buy a new one when I get back from Europe
<ZobRombie> fucked sideways... haha
<d6s6m6> nice
<Guest12841> I just bought a new Sony computer since my last one was a complete fuckbucket
<d6s6m6> \m/ fuckbucket \m/
<ZobRombie> both of my computers are slower than dirt
<d6s6m6> warrel- think i could message you for a sec? ive been meaning to ask you something,
but havent been able to get it to ya lol
<LiTToR> i have a Sony Vaio laptop
<LiTToR> weeeee
<d6s6m6> wont take long
<Tee> bloddy hell with native speakers. bah
<d6s6m6> lol
<d6s6m6> sorry tee
<sentient6> hey there was a great band in Seattle called Cum Dumpster...that's better than
<LiTToR> lol
<d6s6m6> cum dumpster.... juney and dumpey?
<r-penguin> HAHAHA
<r-penguin> HAHAHA
<ZobRombie> Cum Dumpster, now thats one hell of a band name
<sentient6> who the hell are they???
<Guest12841> hey, I just made that name up. and you DESTROY it. lol
<d6s6m6> some odd ass people on the board... talk about dumpster sex or something
<sentient6> I KNOW they are from here
<d6s6m6> could be
<r-penguin> how's that odd?
<d6s6m6> lol
<r-penguin> have you ever even tried dumpster sex?
<d6s6m6> could be Jeff spying on us all
<ZobRombie> hahaha
<sentient6> I go to that bowling alley all the time
<sentient6> it's right by where I live
<d6s6m6> much of a bowler?
<Guest12841> bowling rules.
<sentient6> 210 high score
<d6s6m6> excellent
<r-penguin> my high score is 46
* sentient6 has quit IRC (Client closed connection)
<d6s6m6> up for a game when you hit philly?


<LiTToR> get this... for my History hw... i get to analyze Bush's speech last night... and
basically pick out all the idiotic points
<d6s6m6> nooooo
<ZobRombie> =-o
<LiTToR> haha
<Tee> of course,
<LiTToR> he hates you all
<LiTToR> suck it he said
<r-penguin> ajajajajaj
<LiTToR> lol
<d6s6m6> stick around lol
<Tee> talk about how you wiped your assed today
<r-penguin> pick out the idiocy in a bush speech???!?!!?!
<ZobRombie> uh...
<Tee> and the day before
<ZobRombie> lol
<d6s6m6> what went on before i stopped in?
<LiTToR> exactly
<Guest12841> wow. this board goes to shit when warrel leaves huh?
* sentient6 has joined #enemies_of_reality
<LiTToR> i wanna highlight the whole thing
<d6s6m6> welcoem back
<d6s6m6> welcome,r ather
<ZobRombie> wb
* r-penguin will paste the convo later
<r-penguin> or maybe karm will
<d6s6m6> up for a game when you hit philly?

<LiTToR> lol
<karm> i could
<r-penguin> yeah
<r-penguin> you been here the longest
<LiTToR> i bowled the other day and got a 150
<Tee> does ledmag ever come here?
<sentient6> oh yeah
* ZobRombie farts on his brother
<Tee> lol
<LiTToR> and i didn't even notice... i kept fuckin with the names on the screen
<Guest12841> lol
<LiTToR> that's more fun
<ZobRombie> that was fun
<LiTToR> hehe
<r-penguin> is jeff a fan of ledmag?
<r-penguin> ahahah
<Tee> lol
<LiTToR> and i didn't even notice... i kept fuckin with the names on the screen
<Guest12841> lol
<LiTToR> that's more fun
<ZobRombie> that was fun
<LiTToR> hehe
<r-penguin> is jeff a fan of ledmag?
<r-penguin> ahahah
<d6s6m6> LOL
<d6s6m6> i dont think jeff likes any of us
<Tee> he's wife is
<r-penguin> speak for yourself!
<r-penguin> ;D
<Tee> no he doesn't
<Guest12841> why?!?!?!?!

<Guest12841> lol
<d6s6m6> because we "post stupid shit"

<sentient6> hahaha
<d6s6m6> its what makes the world go 'round though
<Tee> no he doesn't
<r-penguin> pfft, he OBVIOUSLY doesn't mean my viking stuff
<LiTToR> you post stupid shit like the title thingy of this damn room
<Guest12841> not always. sometimes you say hi then go into stupid shit
<ZobRombie> i think the insane stuff on the board is great
<d6s6m6> lol
<ZobRombie> gives me alot of good laughs
<sentient6> yup
<d6s6m6> hey, dont knock LUCIFER'S DARK MUFFINS!!!
<r-penguin> haha
<LiTToR> lol
<ZobRombie> ESPECIALLY Lucifer's Dark Muffins!
<LiTToR> #1 fan right here
<LiTToR> i have the bootlegs
<sentient6> so you're into black chicks?
<LiTToR> from norway's forest
<d6s6m6> hahaahahaha
<LiTToR> rough recordings
<karm> hahaha
<r-penguin> iris is coming!
<Guest12841> Satan cooks things? I never would have guessed.
<r-penguin> !
<LiTToR> they're evil as all hell
<ZobRombie> haha
<d6s6m6> wuh oh
<d6s6m6> lol
* WDs_Mom has joined #enemies_of_reality

* Looking up WDs_Mom user info...
<Tee> hoh
<ZobRombie> ?
<sentient6> alright that's just not funny
<LiTToR> if you even THINK of being more evil than them, you're dead
<LiTToR> lol
<r-penguin> I don't think that's Iris
* Eye_Away has joined #enemies_of_reality
<r-penguin> yay!!!
<Guest12841> you pissed warrel off.
<sentient6> hahahaha
<WDs_Mom> So where did WD go?
<d6s6m6> greetings @ iris
<Eye_Away> hee peeps!
<Tee> wtf?
* Eye_Away is now known as ^Iris^
<Tee> oh
<Tee> hi
<sentient6> i'm right here mommy...can I suck your tit?
<^Iris^> hihi..
<d6s6m6> warrel, can i message you on this thing? i have a question ive been meaning to ask
<ZobRombie> ROTFL
<d6s6m6> LOL
<r-penguin> !!!!!!!
<r-penguin> INCEST!!!!!!!!!
<r-penguin> ROCK!
<Guest12841> ::Throws up::
<LiTToR> suck it baby
* ZobRombie falls on the floor laughing
<LiTToR> oh yeah
<LiTToR> lol
<WDs_Mom> I think you've sucked my tit many times
* r-penguin puts on Sodom