ON/T Spicy-Paris

I don't know about paris. She's just not that sexy. I mean, I know she's a millionairess of easy virtue, but she looks so DULL. Bored and boring. Sexless. And have you SEEN the sex video? She actually says "euw" when she sees his cock!

$6 for a burger is about £3.30. Over here they're having to really push people to buy MacDonalds and Burger King. £1 deals are everywhere....I reckon the UK equivalent of Paris is Abi Tittmus (google her...she's ridiculous). She should do the tv campaign to convince people how best to use their meat.
Of course I would you know I'm a slutt. But she is a bone rack. :loco:

thraxx - first an Anthrax groupie now Paris - you fucking little tramp :lol:
Arg_Hamster said:
Paris reminds me of those thai transvestites who fight kickboxing. And the clip of her eating a burger was probably the stupidest advertising ever.

So you watch Tranny kickboxing ????? okay:yuk:
Hey Ross, I'm calling you out!! You seem like a total fuckin' fag to me. Are you related to TD b/c you are just so fuckin' gay. BLAH BLAH all the time. Could ya just crawl under a rock and go away, please!!
thraxx said:
So you watch Tranny kickboxing ????? okay:yuk:

Yup, seen it. I can give you a t-shirt. It´s not disgusting, a bit weird that´s all. They still don´t look like women... look´s like boys with make up, reminds me of Poison.

Anyway, I guess what you mean is that any person that don´t see Paris as a sexual icon or have watched moveclips with transvetites is a homosexual?
Anthrax_Mosher said:
The commericial hasn't been pulled. I see it all the time. But fuck, man $6 for a hamburger. paris is worth about 6 dollars.

LOL. I've actually tried the burger. It was worth the 6 bucks, but I don't know if Paris is worth it.... But I do think she looks better in the commercial than she usually does. Took me a sec or two to figure out it was her.
LOL....Hilarious, I thought i was gonna see all these post's about how hot she is or how they'd pay $6 for a bite of her fur burger!!! This is great about everyone is dogging that obnoxious slut!! I never thought that chic was hot. Women should have B(.)(.)bs!!!! She's an anorexic toothpick with a rich daddy! Had she not been from money no one would give two shits about her!! :tickled: :Smokedev: