One for the instru-mentalists

Jul 26, 2006
Middlesbrough, England
OK ladies and gentlemen, I'm an amateur guitarist and I've had one guitar lesson in my entire life.
I've recently hit a wall where I just lack enthusiasm in playing or learning anything new. It seems that no matter what I play it sounds rubbish and I just feel like giving up.

Soooooo before I do, have you guys ever hit that kind of plateau and what did you do to get past it?
Also how many hours a day do you guys practice? Not as the Iron maidens but when at home etc.

I really dont want to give up, but unless I can find some inspiration and some dedication I'm afraid I'll just let my family of guitars gather dust and the strings gather rust.
Take lessons. Also do you switch genres in your playing?

Get a drum machine and have it play rhythms in some weird style and practice your scales to a whole new beat.

I've actually found those trying time periods (and we all have em!) are times of growth in your playing and your mind. If you push through it you will come out a better player. It's like you have so much input, then your mind is full and can't process anything new so you plateu, but at this time you are actually absorbing all the input you've collected. Don't fret (pun intended) putting your guitar down for a day or two, it's normal. It is hard to play for fun when it feels like a chore just to make something sound good , I've experienced this so many times it's not even funny. Just don't resign yourself from it permanently. You'll start to get the itch again! :headbang:
I totally agree with Linda. Plateaus are a normal part of your journey. While they can be frustrating, it feels really really good when you break through. That feeling more than makes up for the frustration along the way. Of course, one can say that I've been stuck in a plateau now for a few years... lol At least if you ask the rest of my bandmates. :)
OK ladies and gentlemen, I'm an amateur guitarist and I've had one guitar lesson in my entire life.
I've recently hit a wall where I just lack enthusiasm in playing or learning anything new. It seems that no matter what I play it sounds rubbish and I just feel like giving up.

Soooooo before I do, have you guys ever hit that kind of plateau and what did you do to get past it?
Also how many hours a day do you guys practice? Not as the Iron maidens but when at home etc.

I really dont want to give up, but unless I can find some inspiration and some dedication I'm afraid I'll just let my family of guitars gather dust and the strings gather rust.

2) buy guitar sarah guitar riffology (also from
3) buy a good guitar (ie: no walmart starter guitar fender crap. if u did, we should punch you)
4) download power tab editor and tons of ac/dc sabbath songs to learn riffs
5) spend first 5 months practicing your scales, building your calluses, getting dexterity in your fingers. aka: the "boring" phase. Do this min 30 mins a night.
6) once your fingers are flying you can learn solos, start shredding, write songs, start a trixter tribute, impress your neighbors dog.


btw: if you want to learn metal/iron maiden guitar style go here :


2) buy guitar sarah guitar riffology (also from

3) buy a good guitar (ie: no walmart starter guitar fender crap. if u did, we should punch you)

4) download power tab editor and tons of ac/dc sabbath songs to learn riffs

5) spend first 5 months practicing your scales, building your calluses, getting dexterity in your fingers. aka: the "boring" phase. Do this min 30 mins a night.

6) once your fingers are flying you can learn solos, start shredding, write songs, start a trixter tribute, impress your neighbors dog.


btw: if you want to learn metal/iron maiden guitar style go here :


1) I'll take a look

2) see 1 :)

3) You cant punch me I have a Jackson Dinky and a BC-Rich Warlock NJ series (wiv Seymour duncs in it) in my collection.

4) I prefer guitar pro but I admit even the "real" instruments sound naff

5) the only thing I spend 30 mins a night doing is.......ahhh never mind hehehehe I have the callouses and reasonable dexterity I just cant put whats in my head onto the fret board. (and yes I have dunted my head off the fretboard several times......that didnt work either)
Scales......aint dat theory? *spits on scales* ;)

6) I posted some stuff me and my mates recorded on here, but again its all got so samey thingey and it lacks appeal right now.

But thanks for the input, I'll take it all onboard :)
i usually practice between 3-6 hours a day. that's not all chops tho - i love listening to new music and figuring out like the vocal line or something like that. lately odd satellite radio stations are the shit like the 40z and the international one. i also enjoy reading music and just the basic task of creating. sometimes when i get overwhelmed by how vast the possibilities are - i go back to something old school i enjoy and sink my teeth into it like back in the day.
btw i really liked that mp3 you all made a couple months ago - don't be so worried about being perfect and love the moment.
I used to sit and play guitar whilst watching TV.
Perhaps its time to start again.

I just need some sort of inspiration......I was tempted to find some music to learn, something a bit different from what I normally play. I thought about learning Local hero by Dire straits/Mark knopfler.

My lead playing is almost none existant though, I never bothered learning those bits of songs etc. I always set my limits at Rhythm.

s'pose I'll get through it.......I've been spending more time restoring the Mustang than playing guitar recently, perhaps thats why I feel the way I do.
1) I'll take a look

2) see 1 :)

3) You cant punch me I have a Jackson Dinky and a BC-Rich Warlock NJ series (wiv Seymour duncs in it) in my collection.

4) I prefer guitar pro but I admit even the "real" instruments sound naff

5) the only thing I spend 30 mins a night doing is.......ahhh never mind hehehehe I have the callouses and reasonable dexterity I just cant put whats in my head onto the fret board. (and yes I have dunted my head off the fretboard several times......that didnt work either)
Scales......aint dat theory? *spits on scales* ;)

6) I posted some stuff me and my mates recorded on here, but again its all got so samey thingey and it lacks appeal right now.

But thanks for the input, I'll take it all onboard :)

Learn 1 of the A Minor Pentatonic Scales and solo your butt off in it. Just find out what "key" the song is, and move the pattern on the fretboard accordingly. (also known as "soloing in the box").

If that above sounds Guyanese to you, there's many youtube/sites that can better explain it for you. I'd look for it for you, but i'm busy ebay shopping.

Well what if I can't really afford the "good guitar" right now? I've had the low end Fender Strat for about 8 months now and it works great for me.

I think the poster was referring to a strat copy, something like an Encore guitar, you can buy them for about £60 in the UK and for £100 they come with an Amp!

They buzz like hell and dont like staying in tune.

My very first guitar was a fender strat copy, I own two cheap guitars now, but both play excellently one was £25 brand new cos the toggle switch had broken (£3.00 for a new one) thats a legacy Gibson SG copy and it sounds good cos its a through neck rather than bolt on.
I also have a super start type guitar handbuilt locally in the UK its from a company called Wesley. Cost me £100 brand new and it sounds lovely.

I tend not to criticise guitars based on price......its all about what feel right for the person buying the guitars. I personally dont like Gibson Les pauls, they are too heavy and the tension on the strings is horrendous.
I played a 35th anniversary les paul custom and although the guitar was in the £2500 £3000 price range I just didnt feel comfortable with it.

As long as you are happy with your guitar then thats fine, however if its a fender entry level guitar then its probably not going to be up to the trials and tribulations of gigging. If its a jap or mexican strat then its going to be perfectly OK.

For example based on price my jackson should be crap, it cost me £189 brand new. Yes its an entry level jackson DKNY JS30 (iirc) but its still a jackson and Jackson put their name on it.