One song


Dec 6, 2001
In a Zone
As many of you here know, my metal interests tend to be pretty old school, and when I'm not frequenting this board, it's because I'm probably on the Anthrax board. Well, it's time that I expand my horizons...

What I'd like to do is compile a CD (or two or three) of songs from UM bands, as recommended by you guys.

Pick one of your favorite UM bands, and then pick one of their songs that you would recommend. What is one song by that band that would turn a non-fan into a believer? It could be your favorite song, a song that turned you on to them in the first place, or simply a song that is representative of their musical catalog.

I realize that some bands are highly represented, but ultimately, I only want to include one song from each artist, so while I'm certainly open to hearing a few opinions about what the best Opeth song is (for example), if you frequent a few different boards, I'd appreciate it if you perhaps picked a band that hasn't already been mentioned.

In the end, I'll probably also solicit opinions from some of the individual boards themselves, but I thought I'd start with the opinions of the people I know from here.

Thanks in advance! :headbang:
Amon Amarth - Ride for Vengance

The song that got me into them...and it still is one of my all time favorite songs.
I suppose I'll be the first Opeth voice then: it's not my favourite song, but I believe it's got a lot of people into Opeth - try 'The Drapery Falls'.
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i find it really hard to pick just one song among the ones of a band i like; i'm happy rusty went with opeth, so i don't have to think about the song to suggest you for one hour.

anathema - leave no trace

edit: on a (late) second thought, i feel like recommending you "looking outside inside"; both those songs are from their latest album.
I'd also very much agree with Borknagar's The Genuine Pulse. Not their best, but it's a great all rounded intro to them.

As for my choice, um, Death Is The Hunter by The Crown. Heavily chugging verses leading into beautiful and powerful choruses, and ended by one of the best-sounding solos i've ever heard.
ehh... do the "departed" forums count? If they do, then Dissection - Where Dead Angels Lie

The Black League board isn't here anymore, but I'll still recommend a song: We Die Alone.

(edit: I just realized the topic said "one song" not "four songs" so edited a bit, only two now. :D )
I shall add another song by the black league-Avalon
that song rocks my socks
(you said one song recommendation per post hehe)