ooooo*** BOARD MIX TRADE IV ***ooooo

but i think my angel thread deserves some recognition just because it essentially is just posts from me and ominous luminous and now the real washington sniper. with the occasional person posting "why do i open this thread up?"

given the numbers we made that thread last baby!
Once again I made a 2 CD mix. I followed the theme except for one song that I consider a one for two (the damn song is 15 minutes long, give me a break). I decided for a simple design for the cover/inlay, I think it is fitting to the content:


I will be mailing it tomorrow, most likely, everything is printed and burned and should get to minx by the end of next week.
Bang is going to get a fair mix of black metal and final fantasy midi, among other things. I'm waiting for a few cds to come in the mail before I start getting it all together.
chupe666 said:
hey charubic, what kind of stuff do you listen to frequently so i know what not to include? (and if what you just mentioned is a good bar of measure, just say that)

I listen to lots o' black und death metal; I've been very interested in anything avant-garde lately (jazz, metal, classical, etc.) so that's probably a good direction to go.
Mix is done I'll send it out Monday I think. I need to buy some more cd cases.

Wisconsin Music Mix I
1. “Puritan”-Snooky
2. “Breathing Shallow”-Snooky
3. “You’re Forgiven”-You’re Pretty
4. “Nothing Lasts”-You’re Pretty
5. “Shine”-Plastic
6. “All That You Have”-Plastic
7. “Sugarfly”-Muzzy Luctin
8. “So Am I”-Muzzy Luctin
9. “Cell: The Changeling”-Inner Sanctum
10. “Mind Tree”-Inner Sanctum
11. “Kiss A The Cold”-Last Crack
12. “Men Behind the Sun”-Test Site
13. “Bloodied”-Profane
14. “Parting Ways”-Stone Misery
15. “Cobzweb”-Cobz Web
16. “Gardens of Stone”-Nightmares End