ooooo*** BOARD MIX TRADE IV ***ooooo

"the criminal Jews have committed atrocities against humanity, have violated every United Nations resolution on the book, have engaged in genocidal practises, and all the voiceless Palestinians can do in resistance is cry out 'SUP SLUTS'!"
Excellent. Your willingness to assist the Palestinian cause--coupled with your superior choices of groups and songs for my mix--lets me think there is hope for you yet, Xfer.

I will PM you the download address as soon as I get the mp3s up. I think I still have an administrator login at but it may have expired.
I guess azal didn't read that I made the mix before I found out who was getting it. He also seems to have missed the post about PMing me his address so I can send him said mix. who's the asshole now, asshole?
Okay, I just want to say that I never recieved my mix from the "Mix Trade II" I know this is way late, almost past the statute of limitations, but I thought now I would speak up. I don't recall who my mixer was. I just was reminded when I read that someone else did not recieve theirs. I was not in the last one, nor this one, just the first two.

Oh, and I don't recall if I thanked avi for his mix, which I thought was awesome, but never got a tracklist.

So thnx avi.

No thnx to whomever
i just realized i spoke out of turn- it's not up to me. so totally not up to me. i'm like the kid who gives the other kids permission to go home and drink Whiskey and play Vice City when the new substitute is looking for the classroom.

and i don't even like whiskey. not even Gentleman's Jack, right NovembersPaul?
Given that I wield considerable power by virtue of the fact that I'm French-Canadian, I hereby allow Russel to take FuSoYa's place in the Mix Trade.

I have spoken.