Oops, He Did It Again!!!!!!!


Feb 15, 2007
CHILDREN OF BODOM's official fan site Scythes Of Bodom has checked in with the following update:

"In the middle of Children Of Bodom's current North American tour with Lamb of God, Alexi's well-known tendency to break bones has struck again. In his latest twitter update, K-Man reports that the Wildchild has broken his arm after falling from his top bunk. Apparently Alexi is still able to perform but he's having to take strong painkillers and to wear a sling when he's not playing. Rock 'n' roll or what! Let's hope the break heals quickly."

Stay tuned for an update on Laiho's condition.
So today was better. Git. work was good but the singing thing is still tough for him.
ungefähr 10 Stunden ago from web

2:58 PM Apr 30th "Alexi had a very hard time with the show last night let's see how today goes. It's not the git. so much as the singing that hurts so bad."

7:54 PM Apr 29th "Still can play but has to wear a sling the rest of the time plus a lot of dope."

"So Alexi fell out of his top bunk 2 days ago. Saw a Dr. today and found out he broke his arm. Shit! Well let's see what happens"
5:55 PM Apr 28th from Tweetie

from: http://twitter.com/KManCOBHC
Thanks for this thread, I never check the tour threads as it's always about how people will see them at that and that date.

Have a cake:

Thanks! From the vid I guess it's the left arm, as he leaves it lying most of the time and doesn't even use if when his guitar tech hands him the guitars. Fuck, if it's right it's the same as last time so I hope he heals ok. Also I'm glad to see the vid confirms it about Henkka's new bass. I'd just like a closer pic to the fretboard to check if the inlay is really COBHC in big in the middle of the fretboard.
"I've gotta tell you something. Three nights ago, I fucking fell down from my bunk on the fucking tour bus, and I broke my fucking shoulder, so I've got a fucking broken bone right now. I fucking apologize — I can't fucking move, I can't fucking sing; I'm fucking just standing here like a fucking idiot, so fucking try to bear with me, alright?!"
